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Everything posted by cheezperson

  1. First team: 6/10 for being at least better than the average wifi team. It'll get you wins most of the time, but it won't win you a tourney anytime soon. Second team: 4/10 for my manakete bias.
  2. How many times have we all gone over this? Ballisticians and Manaketes are USELESS in wifi!
  3. Why don't we just analyze specific teams that work well on wifi?
  4. I honestly can't remember what I was thinking at that point.
  5. lol sorry about leaving the irc! Had no choice in that one. ggs Meteor and congrats! That last scout with the Bishop was pretty lucky!
  6. 5:30 eastern = 2:30 pacific. I have a tournament at 12:00, and I don't know how long my match will go. If I'm late, I'm sorry.
  7. My point is that ballista aren't very useful on wifi. They can be ORKO'd by most every unit, have terrible movement, and take a spot on a team that could go to a much better unit.
  8. Yeah, but max-forged Pachyderm doesn't make ballista useful.
  9. I actually can't do 5:30 eastern on Saturday. I'm skipping the first round, but I still might not be back.
  10. oops, i kinda mis-phrased that. I meant that a ballista team would have to be a support team in order to beat decent teams.
  11. idk, I've just always wanted to use one of these :P It's gonna take more than skill to beat anyone with a ballista team. I'd say you need a support team.
  12. And that's why ballisticians suck on wifi. The end.
  13. That's one less AR we all have to worry about! One down, over 9000 to go...
  14. I'm not that into RP'ing, but the site below has a boardgame-based RP similar to FE. It's kinda interesting. www.flowroleplay.proboards.com
  15. IMO, if you have 1 ballistician, you've got a ballistician team.
  16. I haven't heard from him in a while.
  17. I've never seen a decent ballistician team. What makes yours so great?
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