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Everything posted by cheezperson

  1. We don't know yet, but I'm pretty sure the second death was the work of the serial killer.
  2. This sunrise better be worth the wait
  3. Well whoever this mayor is, they either want WOMC alive, or they voted early.
  4. I'm going to vote for WeaponsOfMassConstruction for now, just to make things a little more interesting. My vote changes to break a tie.
  5. Oh my gosh, "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne for sure. It was so boring!! Almost nothing happens in it, it's mostly the main character's feelings and whatnot. However, I really didn't care about the main character at all since there was no real reason for connecting with her (unless having a kid with someone else when you're married is your kinda thing). I could go on, but I won't.
  6. The roles in this'll be terrific. Cheezperson
  7. Well, I guess I may as well... Cheezperson
  8. It wasn't his worrying that makes him suspicious to me, it's the fact that he's voting for someone that's been part of the mafia twice in a row, not a good candidate to vote for on day 1 in my opinion. The only thing holding me back from voting for Core is the fact that he has also been mafia twice in a row. Just outta curiosity, why were you thinking of voting for me, Core?
  9. Sweet! Free popcorn and entertainment = a great round of mafia! @ Reinfleche: When he said he was the best ever, I think he was referencing Russell from Survivor... you probably have no idea who that is but w/e
  10. There's still 4 games to be played...
  11. Hey Spoon, can I have some of that popcorn?
  12. This one was fun to watch. Not knowing what roles there were and adding the rolefinder into the mix was an interesting change.
  13. Cheezperson will give it another go. lol nice name King Russell
  14. uh, this may be the wrong place to put this, but to those of you got freaked out because I always seem to be online, it's because I have internet on my phone and I set the mafia page as my homepage... I've since changed it, but I wasn't lurking 24/7
  15. My final post: lol who would target me on the first night?
  16. I used to use it, but it's not too active and the people who still go there are crazy-good at it.
  17. I was cheering for Boston Rob, but... ya know... As long as Jerri doesn't win I'll be happy.
  18. Changing vote to fayt zelpher for bandwagoning. EDITED because I made an error.
  19. Well someone's gotta break this 4-way tie, so I'm just gonna assign each person with votes a number and use an random number generator. EDIT vote changed
  20. Well what's more dangerous: a passive role or an active role? I think that's the first thing we need to decide on.
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