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About Percivalé

  • Birthday 03/04/1993


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    if there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the

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    other with a rock would that be [redacted] up or what

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  1. TBH I just got home from work and I'm falling asleep at the keyboard so I don't think I can post the full response to eury & the response to aster I was planning on, sorry. if I'm awake before phase end i will but I might not be awake before then ##Unvote: @Aster ##Vote: @beeboat this is 5 votes for beeboat the 6th vote is hammer dont vote unless you want day to end
  2. also I already said I was willing to consolidate on beeboat lol
  3. eury are you trying to convince me to vote DF on the basis that his play is anti-town or that you think he's scum?
  4. I'm probably not going to be around for phase end (posting because I'm on lunch break @ work currently), I'll likely be asleep, but I'll have a chance to respond to your questions eury b4 I sleep. wanted to say though, RE: grace slot, my intention behind that statement was to explain why I hadn't cased grace over her play like some other ppl were doing. I'd rather not speculate about why she subbed (that's usually against the rules anyway) & I don't think criticizing her is productive. RE: aster, I did talk about her d2 content in my post but can elaborate further if that's what you're asking for. also need to read her response to me. what about my case on her surprised you? I'm curious at your wording here
  5. I only mentioned I wasn't too bothered by cam's vote on you, I'm not sure how I feel about him personally
  6. oh yeah I'll consolidate on bee if he's the elim today, my post before last was kinda meant to imply that I would but I didn't say it directly
  7. I think aster is more likely to flip scum than DF, I've been reading DF town & the marth unvote at end of d1 read like new player town afraid of being wrong . sry for the twitterposts BTW this is the most reliable way I can post content
  8. yeah I gotta say it's pretty bad beeboat's first posts coming in were gamespec oneliners. what do you guys think about aster? no one mentioned her at all after I voted her
  9. just that it aligns with his playstyle but this is a meta argument so you don't have to take any stock in it
  10. weapons has been falling under the radar a little bit but the wordless cam vote strikes me as something he'd do as town
  11. RE: grace slot, I wasn't worried about her play seeming less motivated because she doesn't enjoy playing mafia too much recently. wouldn't be surprised if the slot is scum though
  12. I've had to read back multiple times and start taking notes because I'm not retaining information very well ##Vote: @Aster my aforementioned theory was aster is scum, have been keeping in mind she's new to mafia but her posts especially recently feel like scum expressing town sentiment for town points which I think new scum can be prone to doing. (theory 1.1 is that she's scum with an inactive partner who hasn't been around to coach her/give her much advice.) do I believe she's marth's scumbuddy is another beast but I will note this early interaction between them which would be way easy enough to fake as scumbuddies. I noticed she addressed her passive play because that was another thing on my radar, I think the explanation for it is fine (being used to amogus wherein playing passively is the meta) but in that case she's playing to what she thinks is expected of her as town either way. for that reason the passiveness itself is probably NAI but I'm always going to eye people who delay voting anybody (especially when they openly have scumreads on ppl but don't vote them, afaik that doesn't really apply here though). the reluctance always reads like scum worried about taking chances, sticking out, committing to their reads etc. additionally if aster has played enough amongus in the past to be accustomed to a certain playstyle then it's not impossible she knows how to fake town play as scum this post aside from playstyle context is kinda empty, waffles on some guys (shinori and bart), mostly piggy backs off of the opinions of other people. the piggyback thing is something aster's been doing a lot. I would like to see more reads/opinions from her that aren't directly echoed off other players. I think the meatiest content from her has been the paragraph in this post speculating j00's martyr target. (theory 1.2 is that aster is scum with bart but neither have flipped so this one's whatever. but I noted two instances aster's said "bart did something that made me kinda sus but on the other hand it's probably nothing.") a few ppl brought up DF's vote on me & my long answer to that is that the vote didn't bother me because I assumed it was RVS+getting a feel for how the game works & the reason he stated later for the vote was fine cam boron vote doesn't bother me too much but that might change depending. boron's question was kinda weird but right now I don't think she's scum. the shinori vote by bart at end of d1 was bad though and if he ends up being the elim today I'll consolidate I'm going to re-read jamie/DF/elie/eury after I sleep, aside from my personal bias (eury playing to her town meta) I haven't been following them very well lol. if beeboy doesn't post today grace slot maybe probably should be vigged or something
  13. hmmmm I've got a theory but it's later than I thought it was and I dunno if I have time to get into it tonight but I promise I will before the day ends
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