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Everything posted by Aryabug

  1. Haii there, isn't your avvie cute. Nagisa is one of my favorites too (and yeah Nino too)

    1. Cschollen1


      All I see when I look at that avatar is blurriness through my own tears.

    2. Aryabug
  2. Mmmm, heyyyy Also hi to you too, Sol ^-^~~
  3. Oiii I want scholarships too D": Anyway you're doing really great ZM ^-^~ You can do eeetttt
  4. At first I thought it was Conall wearing Akki's sig
  5. NOU O.O Math to me is like horror to Akki
  6. I have Naughxie and he saves me from hunger His brain can reproduce itself
  7. Testing how I look with wide open big eyes O.O Guuu not vamp Don't let Naughxie make you think so I'm simply a bug that eats brain (and blood that goes with the brain)
  8. And it fits his description, also it's super cute and he asks why I bite him
  9. I can never be less amazed at your avvie
  10. o.o Sure sure OTL //pat pat Heyyy :"D
  11. Ohh heyyy Kitty how're you doing :3 Can you leave his body for me to take the blood? o.o
  12. Vol is also a Libra :3 And Mewyeon has the same DoB as yours :"D
  13. Such a selfless kind of blood O.O But no, I want blood of NAUGHXIE GODDESS OF THE NIGHT
  14. '~' Well, being hungry is bad too... '~'
  15. What's the matter screaming out our name all of a sudden o.o
  16. Hai, I'm Arya, nice to meet you :"D ^-^~

  17. I'm learning lurking technique o.o also hey everyone and the killed Kim :3
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