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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Getting a haircut(and changing my eye color) sounds pretty good right about now, actually...XD But my island finally started getting its epic finned shadow streak back. Kinda don't wanna waste it.

    My turnips here are going for eighty bells. Anyone got a bit higher than 103? I missed my chance yesterday.

    Edit: Anybody got a town I can take Katie to?

    Taken care of.

  2. So, I bought 410 turnips for 103 bells (Ten of those are going to be used to get flies and ants). Anybody got a price higher than that today? My Re-Tail's calling for 83 bells.

    Edit: Anyone got a pair of sunglasses as well? Katrina says that's my lucky item. I'd rather not be screwed with bad luck. XD

  3. I just came back from Club Tortimer, and I had a very pleasant experience. Played a few minigames with some nice ladies, and even got a nice bit of fishing and bug-catching done. One of the ladies even gave me a wetsuit she'd bought after I mentioned saving up for one for a friend(It was pink, and my friend adores pink). I'd heard so many scare stories, but this was a pleasant surprise.

  4. You only came to mind because you was most vocal about your opinion on this matter. Take my previous comment as a compliment, because learning is good.

    Also, regarding Villager and WF Trainer:

    I don't like the idea of them being there - especially if it meant that the team spent less time on other characters I may or may not prefer. Regardless, I think I'll be happy with the final roster since Marth is almost a certainty, at least.

    Who the fuck is Villager anyway?

    The character you play as in Animal Crossing. That's all I know.

  5. Sooo...anyone else see the E3 trailer for Lords of Shadow 2? Anyone else excited? 'Cuz I'm excited.

    One of the biggest things I'm curious about is the Belmont that's rumored to show in the modern age. Will it be someone like Julius? That'd be cool. I'd love to see other Belmonts throughout history as well. Heck, I'd actually like it if some Belmonts were like bosses in the flashbacks throughout Gabriel's history. I also can't wait to see more of Alucard's sword. I'm curious to know if it will take equal parts the broken stake of the original Combat Cross and parts of Dark Pain. It'd be neat, I think.

    I'm also curious to see more of Gabriel's power as Dracul(which he refers to himself as). I hope he has more up his sleeve aside from Mist, that sword, and his claws. It'd be cool if we could have epic battles against titans whilst in his dragon form, too.

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