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    Path of Radiance

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  1. Hi, I just finished a run where my final team consisted of units with paired endigs and decided to share how everyone performed if anyone finds it interesting. I also wanted to include Meg and Zihark and had to make room for them so Boyd and Mist were left out. The game was played on hard mode. Micaiah Wins: 60 Blessed weapon: Purge Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Speedwings, Seraph Robe Rating:7/10 Micaiah performed pretty much as usual (chip damage and thani kills in part 1 and after that mostly healing duty). Her speed was somewhat lagging before part 4 (15 at 20/5 with speedwing..) but she went on a roll in 4-p and gained speed 9 times in a row!! and was even faster than Sothe at that point. She didn't reach SS in light before the dragon chapter and I had no arms scrolls left so I gave her a siege tome instead (maybe best option for her anyway). Sothe Wins: 84 Blessed weapon: Baselard Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Max transfer bonuses in everything execpt hp/luck. Rating: 8/10 Very helpful in part 1 but he got kinda screwed with his speed (only 25 at 20/17 before forced promotion) and had problems doubling from part 3 onwards. I tried to use him more than I normally do in endgame and I guess he was kinda useful by killing spirits in the final chapters (he had enough speed at that point to double them). Meg Wins: 129 Blessed weapon: Forged Silver Axe (21 mt) Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Energy Drop, Dragoshield Rating: 7/10 I gave her statboosters and bonus exp when she joined and tried to use/feed kills to her as much as possible in part 1. I got her to level 18 by the end of part 1 at wich point I promoted her with a master seal. She catched up to others in levels with help of paragon in 3-6. I got lucky with her strenght from early on and her defence was also higher than avarage. Bad speed base/cap (especially tier 2) and movement were however still problems with her. Zihark Wins: 144 Blessed weapon: Vague Katti Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: hp,str,skl,spd,def transfers, Ashera Icon Rating: 9/10 Zihark performed well from start to finish. He didnĀ“t get screwed in any of his stats and ended up capping (with little help from bonus-exp) everything important fairly early on. Recovering mentally from the horrors of war might prove to be extra hard for him considering the amount of laguz he killed together with Meg. Jill Wins: 158 Blessed weapon: Urvan Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: hp,str,skl,spd,def transfers, Secret Book, Boots Rating: 10/10 Jill got of with a good start thanks to transfers and good early level ups. She was definetly one of my best units in the chapters she took part in. Haar Wins: 196 Blessed weapon: Forged Silver Axe (21 Mt) Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: str, skl, spd, def transfers, Ashera Icon Rating: 10/10 Haar was even slightly better than usual thanks to his speed keeping up/no doubling issues. Elincia Wins: 64 Blessed weapon: Amiti Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: str,mag,skl,spd,def,res transfers, Seraph Robe, Spirit Dusts (X2) Rating: 9/10 Her combat was good straight away due to transfers and improved to awesome quickly. Also useful as a healer of course. Geoffrey Wins: 71 Blessed weapon: Wishblade Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: str,skl,spd,def transfers, Speedwings Rating: 8/10 He lead his team in CRK-chapters and after returnig underleveled catched up (Master Crown + gave him back his Paragon) with the rest of the squad by killing Feral Ones (gave him my last speedwings before endgame since he was getting a little bit skrewed on his spd). Makalov Wins: 84 Blessed weapon: Forged Silver Axe (20 Mt) Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Energy drop, Talisman Rating: 5/10 Makalov had a rough start (he didn't gain anything besides hp and mag in his first three level ups) and his strenght and resistance remained bad forever (he was weaker as a level 14 Gold Knight than level 1 Titania at the end of 4-4..). He had however maxed his speed, defence and luck at that point so I managed to get his strenght eventually to 30 with help of bonus exp and an Energy Drop. Astrid Wins: 110 Blessed weapon: Double Bow Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Energy drop, Dragoshield, Speedwings Rating: 7/10 Astrid was pretty hard to train early on due to her bad bases but she improved steadily with help of statboosters and blossom after she joined Ikes team. In the endgame she peformed best out of the three paladins thanks to Double Bow and 35 speed cap. Ike Wins: 124 Blessed weapon: Ragnell Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: hp,str,skl,spd,def,res transfers, Ashera Icon Rating: 10/10 Ike was Ike. Soren Wins: 96 Blessed weapon: Rexcalibur Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: str,mag,skl,spd,def,res transfers Rating: 8/10 Soren had problems (even with transfers due to bad cap) doubling anything as a Sage and his durability was also an issue. I promoted him with a Master Crown before the bridge-chapter wich made him much more potent in combat with added utility as a front line medic. Naesala Wins: 55 Statboosters given/transfer bonuses: Dragoshield Rating: 9/10 He was very useful from the point he joined (especially in the desert chapter - with nullify you don't have to be careful with his placement there). He got to the same level of awesomeness as the rest of the royals once he reached SS Strike in 4E-1. He didn't gain much besides strenght but thats what you want most for him anyway. I also gave him a leftover Dragoshield before endgame which he didn't really need.. (as a Laguz he at least got a better rate out of it). Leanne Wins: 0 Statboosters given: Seraph Robe (turned out not to be a waste on her since it saved her life from an area of effect attack) Rating: 9/10 Sweet angel.
  2. I managed to get 10 characters to level 20 (I didnt do any boss abuse or anything like that) on my normal mode transfers run. I later did a re-run on easy mode where I got 20 characters.. so if you don't know wheter your copy of the game has the glitch fixed you might want to test that first.. Some tips: When a character you plan to transfer joins give him/her some (maybe 1-3) rigged bonus exp level ups (more to lower level or harder to cap units). It takes 85 bonus exp points to level up level 1 tier 1 unit to level 2 and 444 points to level up a tier 2 level 19 unit to level 20 so dont sit on your bonus exp. Try to finish maps with your characters close to a level up to make rigged level ups cheaper. Save your stat boosters to the end so you can be sure who needs them. Use weaker weapons on your stronger characters so that they dont 1RKO the enemies (or have them unequip their weapon depending on the situation). Have bands equipped in a way that they boost stats that are less likely to cap (str/skl/spd/def are for most units the only meaningful ones when it comes to transfers + hp for the ones you plan to use a robe on or have a reasonable chance to max hp without it.. i dont remember if there are others than Boyd and Ike that can do it thought..) In my opinion some good choices for transfers (str,skl,spd,def): Ike (+hp,+res) Jill (+hp) Sothe (give him all your ashera icons and try to get perfect/close to perfect level ups - blossom helps and the cost is not that bad so dont remove it) Nephenee Zihark (maybe +hp also) Mia Tanith Oscar Titania (-def) Marcia Boyd (+hp) Haar (you have to rig all his level ups or use stat boosters.. he also works fine without transfers but still good choice if you use him a lot in RD) Geoffrey (not that useful in RD but low investment cost/close to a free slot thanks to high join level + paragon)
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