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Posts posted by NoCashOtaku

  1. Thinking of cooking some popcorn... *Hears people using butter*

    Who uses butter? I'll use this instead:
    [spoiler=The special ingredient is...]



    [EDIT] I don't hate butter. I use them for cookies. Which may have all the sugar in them replaced in salt. Specifically for April Bakas.

  2. This makes me feel bad about the size of my anime folder. ;_;

    (Ok, I screwed up the quote thingy somehow)



    Which thus earns me my nickname.

    So I found the sao "movie".

    I feel queasy after watching it.

    The harem characters took a shit on Suguha for digging her stepbrother, after fondling her for a while. Oh and they spent like 45 minutes fawnig over Kirito while in a swimming pool, while Kirito...well actually, I guess he was tolerable in this, in the sense that he himself was essentially making a testimony for a trial.

    Yeah, pretty much. In a very mathematical equation, it leads to this:

    SAO Arc 1: 90% Action / 10% (Ugh!) Romance

    Arc 2/Anything else before Season 2 (Extra Edition): 10% Action / 90% Romance/Ecchi/... that stuff.

    Season 2/Arc 3: Mostly detective stuff. But better then arc 2/extra edition. LOTS better.

    Oh, and anyone here(except Hoshi no Sora) watch Shiki?

    [EDIT] I hate 10 gb broadband limits. And library lag. (Needs cash for higher broadband limits... and maybe some DvDs...)

  3. Caster(Sage)

    I dunno, from any series of Fate, Caster (Medea in F/SN or F/HA, or Gilles de Rais (Fate/Zero)) seems more sorcerer then sage (does Medea seem like the type of person to heal someone after Idunno... killing someone? And Gilles... don't even get me started on the sadist).

    Maybe I will try to make a team of Baka to Test. With...

    Akihisa - Baka Myrmidion

    Yuuji - Tactician

    Hideyoshi - Myrmidion

    Kouta (The pervert!) - Assassin

    Mizuki - I dunno, either knight or hero

    Minami - Lord (I wish!) ... Probably Grandmaster (Just for the armor looks -_-)

    Shouko - Swordsmaster

    FFF Inquisition (x3) (I wish.. but there is no weapon called "Scythe" in the game, and there is also no masks in the avatar's choices).

    Maybe I'll finish this team later.

  4. Rally skills? Well, this is a first. They don't really serve any help in battle, though.

    True. Not bad for teams though. For solos, I guess giving more Accuracy/Dodge would be helpful (thus giving Anathema and Hit Rate + 20). (When I played FE12, he NEVER ended up getting hit-- mainly thanks to his speed stat though. Luna and Sol is just... there.




    EDIT: Dangit, I can't seem to remember gender-specific skills. (Stuck in an infinite soft-reset loop) I guess Anathema would replace Rally Speed in any case.

  5. Made a whole bunch of random MUs:

    No$Otaku the sorcerer (Limit Break, Sol, Armsthrift, Galeforce, something) with an Aversa's Night.
    Baka Neko (Based on the Website!) the Trickster (Limit Break, Leathality, Rally Spectrum, Armsthrift, Ignis) with a stick named "Pain Brush". (Geddit?)
    My Unit (That's the actual name!) the Grandmaster (Ignis, Armsthrift, Vengence, Aegis, Pavise).
    My Lunatic (I tried to make her look like a psycho) was also a sorcerer).
    Vio!et (l is replaced with ! to stop the FE language complainer) the ??? - Dunno what to make her - first Luna+ run... which is a pain thanks to the RNG god's hatred.

  6. Random kid, here and all, nice to meet you!

    Online name: NoCashOtaku (or No$Otaku works too).
    Real name: Tim
    DoB: August 8th 1999.
    Favourite FE Game: Awakening
    Favourite Game (other than FE): Bravely Default (or The World Ends With You)
    Favourite FE Character: Katarina (FE12)
    Least Favourite game: --
    Sports: --
    Online friends: --
    Favourite music: Anime tunes and the like.
    Favourite artist/band: ClariS
    Favourite song: Click
    Country: Canada
    MSN/Yahoo/AIM: N/A
    Hobbies: Con-going, watching anime, gaming
    Good Skill: MAG
    Bad Skill: Luck (See Below)
    Anything else? : [/b] Hated by the RNG god (Anna) , probably because I accidently deleted her husband's save file. Hated so much to get a depressing enemy skill set for the first boss...


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