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Everything posted by irock708

  1. Um... I don't know...? D:

    I just got a random add from someone on MSN and I don't know who it is .___.

    And I figured it was you because you were the last person I had a conversation with who's a dude, lol.

  2. Did you add me on MSN? :o

  3. Oh, if this is overall game-time instead of just the in-game timer, then the game I put the most hours into would definitely have to be the first Metal Gear Solid, lol. I've beaten it over twenty times since I was eight (turning eighteen in November, yay), and I've been recently getting into the habit of playing on Hard. Gonna do Extreme after one more playthrough on Hard.
  4. Over one hundred in three Pokemon games rofl: Crystal, Ruby, and Diamond. lolololol.
  5. Why don't you have it yet? D:

  6. Do you has Brawl? :o

  7. I mean, it's relatively close to DC, and traveling to a different state definitely doesn't take up as much time compared to going from CA to say NV or AZ, lol.

    But... it's boring. :|

    Plus most of the people here are total douchebags. <_< They're either douchebags, posers, or preps. Only a handful of people here are actually nice :/

  8. I used to be a Californian, but now I live in Maryland. <___< (I lived in LA area. Yay gangsters!)
  9. Just out of curiosity. Raise your hand if you live in the Southern California area?
  10. But Californian weather is relatively warm in the fall/winter compared to over here, lulz. I learned that the hard way.

  11. lol, I'm not surprised. Reason why I prefer dude friends over chick friends on any given day: some chicks are so ditzy/out-of-the-loop in the video game world, it sucks. My best chick friends are tomboy video game nerds like me, which is why I can stand them a lot better than most other chicks, hah.
  12. Dude, Maryland sucks.

    Last week, it was cold everyday. Then on the weekend, it started to get HOT. :|

    I like Californian weather a lot better.

    (Sorry for extremely late reply @____@)

  13. Actually, it really depends on what kind of online community you're talking about. While SF itself is a dudefest, other places on the internet aren't exactly the same. One of my favorite examples is dA: there are so many freaking chicks on that site (as proven with all the drawn yaoi in that place), I get surprised when I actually find a dude on there who isn't a photographer or struggling artist. Judging from my own experiences, MySpace and FaceBook seem to also attract a ton of chicks. I only have over 100 friends there (compared to people who have over 700 wtf), but more than half of my friends list are composed of girls. Final example: This old forum that I was on was a forum for A Series of Unfortunate Events (lol, middle school obsession) and 90% of the active members alone were chicks. There were only three or four guys who checked the forum on a daily basis. Also, SF is a vidya game forum and I hate to point out this stereotype but most chicks aren't hardcore about video games. :/ Because chicks suck. That's why dudes generally make better friends (for me at least, lol) Most chicks also don't go traversing through the internet looking up forums to join for their obsession. Hell, some chicks haven't even heard of forums. My point? Chicks suck. Dudes rule. Why are you guys complaining?
  14. Lol, ok!

    Lol, if they're super pro (which I am assuming they are), I'd rather not. My self-esteem likes to drop dead whenever I get a vicious beating Adam and Rehab do this subconsciously whenever I play them. Which is, like, never now 8D

  15. A Wii and Brawl. Do you has? :o

  16. No one is online. I want to play Brawl with actual people instead of relying on computers. Who must rise to the occasion? (Please play me, I'm so bored.)
  17. The fucking practice stage theme music on Brawl because no one is going online to fucking play with me
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