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Posts posted by irock708

  1. Post your favorites. Or your favorite actors/actresses. Or directors. Or whatevers.

    Anything related to film goes here.

    My favorite movies list is quite long, so I won't be posting it on here. However, I will say that I watch EVERYTHING. Action, comedy, drama, romance, animated, kids' films (I still love Disney and Disney/Pixar productions (except Cars)), foreign films, horror, suspense. Yep, I like it all.

    My favorite directors are Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Michele Gondry, and Charlie Chaplin. Actors are Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Robin Williams, and Hugh Jackman. And Natalie Portman is the only woman I can call my favorite actress.

    Wow, I'm such a nerd.

  2. Aw, yeah, I also like movie soundtracks of certain movies. It reallly depends, though. Like some musical scores bore me. Although certain tracks will always get me (yay Pirates theme and Harry Potter theme).

    I love the soundtracks to indie films. They are usually pretty damn awesome.

  3. What kind of music do you all listen to?

    I listen to mostly rock, although I do tread into the waters of pop, classical, SOME rap, very little R&B, and yeahhhh. Of course, I also listen to video game music.

    I mostly have rock on my iPod, though. I also like showtunes. Like, musicals and such.

    My favorite genres are alternative and indie rock.

    Some of my favorite bands are Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Daft Punk, Death Cab for Cutie, Decemberists, Endless Sporadic, Interpol, Jack's Mannequin, Mindless Self Indulgence, My Chemical Romance, Postal Service, Quietdrive, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Relient K, Shins, Silversun Pickups, System of a Down, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, and underOATH.

    Your turn.

  4. I heard a lot of people say that Apollo Justice sucked. But I bought it and I actually liked it a whole lot.

    The sense of nostalgia that the game gave me for the first PW game was great. I found the new gameplay elements to be awesome, and even the story was immediately engaging. Plus, I liked Trucy a lot more than I ever liked Maya. And Apollo is a total noob. Plus, I liked Phoenix better in this game than I did compared to the previous three games.

    I'm not a bad PW fan, I just liked AJ. D:

    I also liked the first Kingdom Hearts better compared to the second one. I don't see why everyone fusses about the second one too much. ._.

    It was long, the beginning dragged, they changed up SO MUCH of the first game, and they added way too many things. I liked the first one better overall because the gameplay was set in stone, the story was engaging, and the game was just long enough so that I wanted to finish it, but not too long where I felt like it was a chore.

  5. For me, it would have to be Solid Snake. HANDS DOWN. He's just part eighteen billion of what makes the MGS series so awesome for me.

    But I also really like Master Chief (Halo), Kratos (God of War), Otacon (MGS), Commander Kahn (Elite Beat Agents), Lars Umlaut (Guitar Hero), Zidane (Final Fantasy IX), Godot (Phoenix Wright), and Vivi (Final Fantasy IX).

    I'm sure I have more, though, but those are the ones that stand out the most for me.

  6. I love the music from Phoenix Wright, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts.

    I have all the soundtracks of the PW games, even the Orchestra covers. As for MGS, I've been playing it since I was eight or nine and I just love hearing the music for the game. Halo's theme got me, but when I heard Mjolnir Mix, it was instant love. Without Nobuo Uematsu, I would DIE playing Final Fantasy. It just isn't the same without him. And Kingdom Hearts has a nice soundtrack. Yoko Shimomura does a good job composing original pieces, along with creating cover versions of certain songs (i.e. This is Halloween, One-Winged Angel, etc.).

    Yes, I'm a bit of a music nerd. And a video game nerd.


  7. Poor you, I HATE living near Houston, the only reason I ever choose to go there is to watch the Astros get destroyed.

    As for me I am planning on fixing my recently screwed up life and trying to get it back to the way it was 3 months ago, funny seeing how the forest went back 3 months......

    With what army, though? I'm not Churchill!

  8. I have a lot of plans for the summer. In fact, I have so many plans that I think I'm going to implode with how much crap I plan on doing.

    1. Try to read all the books on my books list of over 30 (including the two books I have to read for AP Literature)

    2. Try to watch all the movies on my movies list of over 30

    3. Try to play all the games on my games list of over 10

    4. Try to watch all the shows on my shows list which is composed of four shows with about 4-5 seasons each. I'm on the fourth season for one of them, though, so I'm working on it.

    5. Volunteer at some store for community service hours

    6. Have friends invade my house/invade friends' houses

    7. Be a loner during Otakon and play games online with a really good friend of mine.

    8. Probably taking a summer class at the local college

    9. Hopefully get in a free film school thing

    10. Go to Florida in August

    11. Probably go to New York in July

    Yep, that's pretty much it.

    Start another Holocaust.

    ^ I lol'ed.

  9. Yeah, I like emulators and my favorite emulator is probably MAME (probably because I play that one online the most with a friend of mine).

    I'd love to have more people to play MAME with.

    I play Marvel Vs. Capcom a lot and I recently got a ROM for Tekken 3. I also have a couple of Pac-Man games (original and Miss), Marvel Vs. X-men, Darkstalkers (Vampire Nights is what the English version is called, though), Pocket Fighter (Super Fighter Gem Mini Mix in North America), Alien Vs. Predator, and a whoooole bunch of other ones that I can't remember right now.

  10. Dear irock708,

    Time for a Waha rant. I am Waha Kife. You may only refer to me as Waha Kife. If you call me anything but Waha Kife, you will be seriously punished. I mean seriously. This is not an empty threat. Also, don't quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kife. Waha Kife. You better not leave or I will haunt you IRL. Seriously, not kidding. Anyway, enjoy your stay. You better...

    With these tough economic times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? Just cuz. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shut up, you ask too many questions.

    There are many dicks on this forum. Not the kinds that would be appealing to females. Many were weeded out by the travel back in time. Oh yeah, the forum is actually 3 months older than it appears. That's cuz of a bug that caused the site to have amnesia. I think. The forums reopened up in early January 2008, although it was open like 2 months before that. Somebody had server payment issues.

    The admins... well... most of them are cool. They can be illogical at times, even our site admin Jyosua. He ignores you a lot so you shouldn't be asking him for help. In fact, all the admins have so many messages that they may overlook a message from you. You should try messaging a well respected user instead, because they have nothing better to do than to help you. Like *cough* me.

    I've been here longer than 1 year, so respect mah senioritay. I never really did much. Oh yeah, I helped kick start a Fire Emblem fangame based on users on this site. I disappeared for 2 months and people assumed I was dead. I wonder when the fangame will be done, those workers like to take their time. Don't even give me that "But Knife, I have no time at all for the game." I don't care. You can at least find 15 minutes a day to work on it. And it's summer. You should be racking up 105 minutes of work in one week. That's enough time to write 4 chapters. We're not writing a fucking Harry Potter book. The main problem is that you procrastinate then say "I didn't have enough time" when you don't make the deadline. The you I'm referring to should be very clear to the reader.

    Now I must end this rant, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me Knife. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will be cut.


    Waha Kife

    Sir Waha Knife.

    I do believe you win at life. : D

    Yay, that rhymed.

    Edit: ew, smilie.

  11. Yep, I'm new.

    Whatever, I was bored.

    Metal Rabbit convinced me to join, I'm sure you all know him.

    Name's Nat, and I haven't been on a forum in about a year. The forum life is good stuff.

    Yeah, this is boring. Sorry.

    (Oh, and I'm a chick, just to get that out of the way.)

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