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Everything posted by Xyr

  1. Is correct. Is currently on the moon, and the word "sol" is on his name; obviously probably interested in space.
  2. Pretty annoyed (to say the least) with myself today. But whatever, tomorrow's another day. Is your overall experience with SF good, average, so and so, or bad? Or something else?
  3. Sol: tactician, prbly black mage/time mage combo Sin: vanguard, likely dark paladin with either a touch of blue magic or parivir(samurai) ability set as a complement. Sylv: second melee, either assassin/spellblade combo. Shezz: offense/defense combo, summoner. Tris: ranged melee, hunter, with possible subset of ninja skills. don't know many others around here. Still like FE as much as you first did? if not, what changed?
  4. Favorite strategy to combat mage-types in games? Do elves count? I'll like to shoot a bow like Legolas. If it has to be monster, may be a Griffon.
  5. The best mage in the whole game world, casting black, white, and blue magic, with a ton of summoning and a bit of elemental magic. a touch of time magic would be great, too. If you were a melee class, what kind of class would you be?
  6. @: a short, glorious life, instead of long, quiet one. might not be giving it enough thought though. Do you have a favorite SF member? if so, what's one thing you really like about that member? (no names necessary, unless you wish to share).
  7. A question you would like to ask any one? @whoever asked: I would pick Sol as mod/admin. Or sinpichu, if he would make a badge out that avi he is using right now..
  8. Is two season's away. what. that's...unfair. i want a fate badge.
  9. May know if Madoka is an FE character.
  10. None of his rotating badge characters seem to be as charismatic as the one in his avi.
  11. Kindly serves all the badge needs of the SF community. Touhu.
  12. I have 8 shows starting this season, going for another 4 or more today. Nothing impressive yet, mostly average shows, but one or two I might be able to stick with. Does any one know how many seasons of Durarara have shown up since the first? that's the only one I watched and I"m not sure if I should catch up with rest of them to watch the new one, are they as good as the first?
  13. plans to stick around for some time
  14. has been active for as long as i can remember.
  15. Xyr


    Hey Nyanza, welcome to the forest! Your English is just fine; I don't see anything wrong. Enjoy your time here and have fun!
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