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Everything posted by neolyn

  1. Thanks , the first method worked ,was not easy since at the begining of chapter 2 there is the map and just after text appear and the bug.
  2. Hi, I'm playing Genealogy of Ayra but the game crash/freeze in the intro of chapter 2 . Since players can finish this hack and since i did not find any report about my bug , i'm totaly clueless about what to do . Can you help me please ?
  3. At least the number of time we have to choose is limited. not like in mass effect where you make choices during all the freaking games which have repercutions into the next and in the end your final choice is not influenced by any of them.
  4. Sorry but when i see this kind of people it s difficult to be calm. won t happen again. : )
  5. i hate when idiots ask for help and get mad when the answer is not to their liking. Here is a fact and not a judgement or a troll: if you were stuck in this paralogue: - you are not strategy oriented and need to think more about what you do in the game - as i said before you did bad parring - did not train you team enough or the three at the same times. ( still not judging. only observation of the facts) no one here judged you. but after insulting someone who helped you to improve i wouuld say that you are un ass .(yes, judging you here)
  6. Since I only play classic I fogot that in casual you can make a save on the fight. Hence we can train with it and switch to Classic ... I have been trying to pass chapter 3 all day and i only thought of the casual mode's utility now... *Ashamed* Off topic : Good walthrough that you made :) . THe water tile and chapter 1 ? Genius, simply genius. I was so focus on the ennemies that i didn't see i could walk on water. Perfect for leveling up Robin. and the only thing to watch out is if the top mage has luna+.
  7. Well since you need to use money for a spotpass unit which is average . There is no way for you to deny that your team sucks. Either you made bad paring and got really bad children or you didn't train your units. ps: Yeah i Said "TRAIN" not "GRIND"
  8. Lucinaxrobin give us a very very good Morgan but chrom will need a good wife. Aversa x RObin gives the best magic-oriented morgan.
  9. Pair-up and rescue have both positive and negative mechanics. That is why I'm in for both with slight changes
  10. Making a circle around tiki is a good idea but ennemies keep accumulating. and they can focus of one of you unit and once it's dead direct target tiki. I prefer sending my unit where ennemies appear ( west, east south ) and kill as many as i can, and defeat the one i couldn'tin the next turn. Since the ennemy generally go straight to Tiki i can block a little the mouvement of the new vague while i kill the rest of the one before. Left and right of the south path i let at least one or two unit for interception of flying ennemies we can't kill since they were to far for attacks.
  11. What's the point of doing L+ casual ? L+ is the ultimate challenge of the game. Since it's so frustrating mode i don't think people will do L+CAS then L+CLA unless they are masochist.
  12. The best way would be to remove the S rank and create a special chapter for all the mother. A special chapter where it's only her and the male unit with the most love point with her.
  13. I belive Awakening is the fire emblem where strategy is the most underdeveloped. I mean in most chapter we only need to kill all ennemys to complete it. Hence the pair up system is really good here but it won't be very interesting in previous opus. Strategy is really needed at the begining of lunatic and all lunatic + that is all. So if the next FE is like Awakening pair up will be great but it will need some changes. Why not limit the second unit actions to only support with skills ? no bonus stats or attack ? Like that we could bring back shove with some changes too, we could nullify negatives stats the unit saved generally bring and "desactivte" his skills but could allow him to attack with the "savior" unit. Like that it would bring a new feel of strategy . "What should I do ? Pair up and hold my grounds because i am sure they can survive like that a little or should i shove and retreat ?" It will not be brainless pair up "strategy" anymore. So I thought about pair up and when i thought about what awakening's mechanics we should keep I realize that the game didn't actually bring anything else. I mean with awakening we lost more than we gain. We lost meteo effect like rain or fog, we lost a lot of objectives . In fact we lost a LOT. A thing we should bring back in the next is sacred blood from Fe4 . Not as f*** as it was but it will add more reflection when we need to make a couple. The magic triangle back with one triangle for anima magic (fire>wind>thunder>fire) and put it in the normal triangle magic Anima>light>dark>anima. Weight for weapons back too. but more balanced (Dark tome with 18 WGT seriously ?). I don't know who but someone in this topic talked about an increase range of support. I'm in for it but only if it works like this: character is next to his support => full S support bonus Character is one case away =>A support bonus character is two cases away =>B support bonus Character is three cases away =>C support Bonus or something like that. A come back of "defend your castle".With this we will have to thnink not only about unit in front line. For thoose who remember a good exemple is the last chapter of FE4 when we attack the wife of the bad ghuy with the Thorhammer. nearly all of my units was there fort attack and I got owned by wyvern rider coming from the sea and directly attacking the unit i left defending the castle. And because I am a freaking sadist, here again like someone said previsously, the capture unit's mechanics and miss whith healing staff ( but only in hard mode un superior difficulty, not in easy and normal). I realize after all this that i drifted a little off topic. and i'm sorry for that : / EDIT: The highlight of a specific ennemy while we can see the highlight of all the ennemy already exist.
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