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Julius Nepos

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Everything posted by Julius Nepos

  1. Woah, I have to remember who I am. I am Hattusili I, the Great King of Hatti. That makes me part of the bourgeoisie. That means I can never be a communist. My mind is blown once again. Call that the wonders of HHH.
  2. Yes, comrade! The revolution starts here! HHH will be the origin of the socialist paradise! The worldwide revolution will soon follow!
  3. Your deep fried oreos are drenched in the slavery of the corporate machine! Never must we let the bourgeoisie have power again, comrades! We must now break free from the slavery that has held the working man captive and overthrow this corporate monster!
  4. Join me, HHH comrades, in the glorious revolution! The bourgeoisie shall be overthrown by the power of the proletariat! The socialist paradise awaits!
  5. Today HHH breaks loose from the shackles of capitalism and establishes the dictatorship of the proletariat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs
  6. Random thoughts: I really like the Russian anthem.
  7. Oh my God. It is true. A new world opens before me.
  8. But if birds are dinosaurs and oil is made from dinosaurs, is oil made from birds?
  9. Going to HHH is always an adventure. First you're Wrys, then you're Green Link.
  10. I get that, but what are we changing exactly?
  11. I'm still not really sure what we're talking about though. I just wanted to help if needed.
  12. I'll be Green if you need someone. But what are we talking about?
  13. Hello, hi, hey, I'm here now and it isn't even Tuesday.
  14. Awakening and Shadow Dragon are some of the less popular (I believe) mostly for completely opposite reasons: Awakening is too far from the core of FE gameplay and Shadow Dragon isn't far from the core of FE gameplay enough (i.e. it's a bit bland compared to other titles). But there are plenty of people who love the games despite their flaws (myself included). Anyways, I hope you have fun. Shadow Dragon is the game that got me into Fire Emblem.
  15. Hello there! I hope you enjoy your time spent here. Don't worry about Lunatic, it's hard when you first play it (oh, the amount of times I had to restart the prologue), but you'll figure it out soon enough. I have to ask: do you intend to play older FE games too? I can certainly recommend them, though they're a bit different than Awakening.
  16. I imagine dark magic sucks the light and with it the life out of your body or something like that.
  17. I will tell you something interesting then. Today I found out something about myself: I once quadruple posted.
  18. People will soon brand you a traitor and lynch you.
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