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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Take ten minutes to tell it and then explain it. The proper way to listen to music is...
  2. Because home is a place where you never get harmed and your friends Chip, Penny, and Used Napkin live there and they don't leave so why should you? Did anyone catch that reference?
  3. No Youtube poop in my good Christian Minecraft server.
  4. Win 50 thousand. WYR be a cowboy or an alien hunter?
  5. #SassyGayFriendConfirmed If this is included, I hope it extends beyond Byleth. Like, Claude and (insert other male option here). If that makes sense.
  6. My birthday. I get more gifts for Christmas and I can more easily get stuff like video games because Christmas sales. WYR have a life supply of your favorite candy or get free food at your favorite fast food place for life?
  7. I suffer existential crisis all the time what you talkin about Willis. WYR lose an arm or a leg?
  8. I'll just go straight to the story here with minimal introduction. Introducing the cast: Dcat: Yours truly. Quill: Friend of mine who I've known my whole life, but those evil adulting obligations have caused a drift apart. Talus: Quill's little brother, a coworker of mine. Deku: Quill's coworker who I have not met prior to this. Frizzle: A surprise, unlikely new friend I met along the way. Orbee: A bright eyed young cat girl. Wonder Woman: An old acquaintance in a new place. Wizard: A giver of information that I didn't seek, but definitely needed. Broncho: The server at the "tavern". Mighty Mom: Deku's mom. Dinosaur: A "seasoned" cosplayer. In case it's not obvious, real names omitted for titles. Once Upon A Time In A Faraway Land Advertisments for an event called Cozmiccon began to appear on local social media about a month ago. This poster is cut off but I couldn't find a full one. Now around these parts, any event that isn't about farming, ranching, coal mining, or anything typical of a small midwest town is a big deal. Quill has gotten to go to Denver Comic Cons before and cosplay, which makes me insanely jealous. Denver, however, is FOUR HOURS AWAY. Just to set the scene here. Now at first, I was still not sold. I dislike crowds, I dislike going out to many events. But as the Cozmiccon drew closer, I began to change my mind. Welcome to McDerps What Can I Make For You Around the same time the Cozmiccon was announced, I began a job at McDonalds. Just something to help pay the bills (I am also on SSI for disability) while I aim for computer classes in an online trade school to get a career in computer tech repair. They have me in the back rolling breakfast burritos for three hours in the morning, three days a week. This is where Talus comes in. I had known he worked there before. I'd tell him how I missed hanging with Quill and how it really needed to happen again. Now if you're wondering why he's called Talus...take a seat. On my third day at work, Talus was running the drive thru within clear earshot of my burrito station. He would occasionally chant a little tune. After a few times, you could say the recognization hit me like a ton of rocks. I wait for him to be free, and go "Omg is that the Stone Talus theme?!" He confirms it, and says usually he finds himself singing the Molduga theme instead. A duet of sorts follows for the rest of my shift. We are the only two in that staff room/kitchen who know these songs but who cares. I mention the Cozmiccon and ask if he will be there, he says maybe depending on if he's working or not. One day he asks me if I'm excited for the new Animal Crossing. I tell him I haven't played Animal Crossing in ages and it's not something I want to play nowadays since you have to play it every day and who has time for that with adult obligations. Talus smiles and shrugs. "Well you don't have to play it EVERY day..." My response is "Yeah you don't, but you get punished ingame otherwise" which produces an understanding chuckle. Unrelated but funny so it's getting mentioned. Another coworker is running the shake machine and it refuses to shut off so she's there with an overflowing cup frantically asking for a manager. A manager gets it to stop. I joke about endless shakes. Talus mops up the mess. Gotta Catch Em All I have a route I use for Pokemon Go, it takes me past four gyms and plenty of pokestops. On the winding walking path between one of the pokestops and two gyms right next to each other, an elderly couple is walking a small dog and also not directly on the path itself because morning sprinklers. It gets too hot in the afternoon so to avoid the risk of my phone overheating I either go mornings or evenings. The man notices I am following with my phone out, and might have heard the Pokemon Go music. He turns to me and asks if I am "catching em all". I nearly flip out. Nobody has ever passed me while I play this also playing it! His wife is the one who plays, and she is even on the same team, Instinct. I friend her. She compliments me on the glaceon she saw of mine in a gym and asks if I am going to Cozmiccon, she is going. I tell her I think a friend of mine (Quill) is doing something there or hosting something. I send Go gifts back and forth to "MzFrizzleAZ" for the week leading to the Cozmiccon and will continue to do so. I hope I meet up with her for a raid battle sometime. 48 Hours Remain I have Quill's phone number stored. Last night I shot her a text to ask when she will be at Cozmiccon and what she'll be doing. She is running a presentation on cosplay with her coworker. She is going as BotW Link. Now I have a set time to show up. Now it is the last day before the con... TO BE CONTINUED... (I am disappointed in you people for not saying anything, but I figure you were waiting for the rest of the story? Well, stay tuned, it's going in the next post)
  9. "Where are these roaches coming from?" "Idk" "I'm calling an exterminator" "WAIT I still have my lunch out don't get bug killer on it"
  10. Would work if there were two "I"s in his name to begin with but there are three.
  11. One of my favorite villains now. #HopeImNotInterrupting #IThinkAFlyBitMe #SnarkSnark #ClawsAndLasers #DcatNeedsToCoolItWithTheHashtags Did you go for a walk? I've noticed the same hip is sore after each Pokemon Go run lately... NINJAD As many as they want provided they don't have alcohol in them, but brain freeze is a thing. Did the makers of legos intentionally design them to hurt horribly if stepped on?
  12. I did see that post about Kevin, actually. Oh and I found a link to it elsewhere that works: https://twentytwowords.com/one-teacher-documents-17-absurd-things-his-dumbest-student-did/ The only "vibes" Caspar is giving me is that a certain snarky cranky claws boy from Xenoblade is now a hipster and it's hilarious. He used claw gauntlets before it was cool. He's one of the villains, I think you might know him if I say he appears in Smash as a stage hazard and spirit. So why did Noahthered name the stupid kid Kevin, if Kevin from Home Alone was nowhere near that stupid, and smart enough to troll burglars?
  13. Because you're weird. Is Gilligan's Island no longer "uncharted"? Side note: I googled. @Espurrhoodie it was an entire ice cream shop and the woman owned a rival one. And yes, FLORIDUH.
  14. Lilina I guess? Poor Roy though. WYR have pizza for breakfast or pancakes for dinner?
  15. I'm sorry but I can't get over the word choice there. Castrate? Noooo. Poor Celica. Or...meh, forget about it. Is there any stupid thing in public a Florida resident has NOT done?
  16. They lived somewhere where the drinking water was warm, but before then they lived where it was cold, and they missed how it was before they moved. The rest, as they say, is history. Is it true that a woman in Florida peed in a container of ice cream and put it back in the store freezer?
  17. Stub my toes. WYR become a black belt in any style of martial arts or become an expert on any form of science?
  18. Like you just did. The proper way to walk a dog is...
  19. Racist jokes? Why is my mom always so negative?
  20. The neighbors call the police to break up the brawl. A naked crackhead is on the roof of a church. WHN?
  21. Guitar. WYR eat nothing but bologna sandwiches for a month or eat a vegan diet for a month?
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