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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I hope he's wearing a cup though lol...he could accidentally sit on the saddle wrong and...say goodbye to his manhood. It'd be kinda like that Awkward Zombie comic where Link jumps off the roof onto Epona and gets the saddle horn shoved right there.
  2. Tiki is a divine dragon, but Nowi's breath looks like ice...
  3. Now the question is: why is he wearing tight pants? This.
  4. Simple question: what do you think the elk antlered dragon has as a breath element? The manaketes in Awakening appeared to be ice dragons, or at least Nowi was, I havent gotten Tiki or Nah yet. This is supported in the comic where Gaius tells her not to freeze his candy tree and she does it anyway. Elk seem to be symbols of nature/foresty things, so I'd say maybe wind or earth. The last time we saw an earth manakete it was the evil Medeus so that would be a nice change...
  5. Wait what? *looks at his artwork* ...Cannot unsee o_o
  6. LOL! Bear onesies! Someday they'll look back on that and be super embarrassed...
  7. Fivel looked around. Two more humans, both males, only one looked more upper class than the other. When the blue haired one introduced himself, his curiosity got the better of him. "Shadow, huh? Is that a nickname, or did your parents really name you that?" He shrugged. "Well, I did meet a fire manakete named Ember once..." When Edward and Blodwyn began talking about money, he smiled slightly. "You humans and your gold...it's fascinating. We taguels use it on occasion of course, but we mostly barter. Trading a box of vegetables for vulneraries, stuff like that."
  8. Camilla is definitively lust...but I find it a bit odd that the king is both greed and gluttony. What's wrong with just greed? But yeah, like others have said. It's a bit of an overused trope, and it's too early to tell.
  9. At least Camilla is dressed decently in that Nohr family life comic...
  10. Yep, the birthmark is still where it's supposed to be, that's not a problem. If I ever fangame WoC, it would be with FEXP instead of a romhack, so I'm not worried about color count. You get a cookie for knowing who I used...I mean Glass' hair is kinda obvious, but the others...wow.
  11. All I can say is...sounds like a wierd fetish kinda....
  12. Neither of them were flailing huge dicks around. They had pants on. *applause*
  13. Hinoka has a cool design. Even if they did kinda copy Sully with the hair style. Sounds like an artwork thing to me. Ingame she'd be in a better pose.
  14. I just knew somebody was going to elude to that -_- For the record, I wouldn't be happy with oversexualized men either. I mean once my video games start looking like hentai, that's when I draw the line.
  15. This. Picture it being the other way around and there's a guy with a massive bulge between his legs and not wearing much functional armor/clothing. Wouldn't you feel uncomfortable? inb4 somebody brings up the shirtless Ike avatar controversy
  16. That might be hard to make a fighter like pose if he's a wyvern mounted unit... I might ref the wyvern rider with axe in the animations in the rom hacking section...
  17. Woah woah stop the mail. What Zelda fan doesn't own Hyrule Historia? xD
  18. Moved the top and bottom of his head up and down one row of pixels. Amazing what just two pixel rows of difference can do...also fixed the eyebrow facing away. And, I thinned the weapon handles so they don't look like big logs, shortened the axe handle too because lances are longer.
  19. I'd hope to see a female fighter/warrior/berserker before a male pegasus knight tbh...
  20. Fivel stiffened a bit at the mention of Plegia. Back in the day, they had allowed some cult to run amok and operate within their borders. The taguel didn't know much about the cult other than they were called the Grimleal and that they acted like bandits at times. And while Plegia had never really bugged the taguel tribes, their soldiers weren't as friendly when they passed through as Ylissean ones. The green haired human had been taking a nap. Fivel hoped he wouldn't be overly lazy, everyone needed to pull their own weight. The other one seemed more reliable, she had announced that she was a pegasus knight and that was interesting. And their employer seemed to be easy to get along with. "I have never been to Plegia either." The taguel commented. Then he smiled when Pleiada offered breakfast. "That's nice of you, thanks!" He then proceeded to order a croissant and a cup of carrot juice. "I brought a little bit of food...but it's better to save it for later if I can eat here."
  21. Spyro. What? Snake was originally a sony character and he's in...and there have been some Spyro games on nintendo consoles.
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