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Posts posted by nemid

  1. ... Why do witches have 25 caps on skill/speed and 30 caps on mag/def/res? you would expect them to have 30 mag/skl/spd and something like 25 def and 26 res. Like they are now, they're just shittier dark druids with light magic, which archsages can also use.

    Plus it would make Leila a lot more useable.

    Also, about the whole T3 thing, make a T3 Dark/Light magic user.

  2. There's no other way to say it; Guy just baffles me. No matter how I nerf DEF growth and buff SPD, he just doesn't gain any goddamn speed. That's like, that's his NICHE. And he won't fill the niche, he just wants to be a stubborn generic knight.

    Damnit Guy, we have Jaffar for that!

    ... Actually, my guy maxed out defence so, yeah...

  3. She's recruited in chapter 19. The issue happens in chapter 22, the one where you are defending Nils for 11 turns and are getting your ass handed to you by all of the enemies in the world, especially those aura monks.

  4. Being a bro;

    Fighter animations appear to not have proper 2-3 range animations? (if someone could confirm for 1-range animations that'd be cool)

    Did you fix APOWNER? Because if you didn't, that's cool. I am A PWNER!!

    As far as I know, fighters don't have 1 range animation either. Does this maybe have something to do with Erk's animation maybe?

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