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Everything posted by Alacalibur

  1. Actually, It should be noted that it only works with a certain version of the ZSNES.
  2. *Claps* Good job with this, but aren't all laguz Transform bars the same Sans Chapter start?
  3. She isn't unusable, all though her start is rough. First off, she starts with a D in thunder, which means Auto-Elthunder. She also has a decent STR stat that allows no AS loss. comparing her to Soren, their stats are only 5-10%difference. Now I am not Saying she is the best. I am saying she is alot better than people think.
  4. Her MAG is not crappy. You said it was similar to her STR growth, well, anything similar to a 45% growth is good.
  5. Favorite FE is FE10, where he uses Mist ALL teh TIME!!!!
  6. It looks awesome here. I wish I could hack this good, But I fail at it. Meh. <_<.
  7. out of boredom, i want to try Some spriting. All I am doing is Recoloring... I messed up with the hair there... Again, I suck at this... Any pointers? Out of lack of better programs, I use Microsoft paint ( <_< ) and can't do much. Any tips?
  8. THe chin looks a little unnatural.
  9. The right Eye is sort of overlapping his hair, and, uhh... The eyes stand out too much. I mean, it looks like you put green rocks on a canvas painting.
  10. Get a job for money *Shot* Umm, Do you have comptible programs? I am not familiar with GC/Wii Roms,I have only ever used VBA, Do you have any Viruses? Is your computer Recent enough to run the programs?
  11. You must've been cursed, what with her Raep RES growth.
  12. Happy birthday!

  13. It was a crack at the Irony of his death quote at that moment.
  14. Alacalibur

    Best Cereal

    C-T-C i--o-r n-a-u n-s-n a-t-c m--h o n
  15. First off, I am not saying lategame is everything. I am saying that Titania's Excellent earlygame is offset by a mediocre lategame. The qualities of the best unit in the is that they game starts good and stays good, Unlike Titania who is a bit rocky come endgame.
  16. Am I the only one that thinks Titania is WAY to high? Her lategame fails. 48.220.558.7524.423.519.5518.615.55Hp-Ok STR-There is much better Mag-uneeded Skl-High enough to help with axes Spd-Can you say Doubled by Ashnard? Lck-Ok Def-Broken glass cannon, Res-average. Seriously, unless you use her alot early on, her luster begins to dull out. She is NOT the best character in the game.
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