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Posts posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. I like Micaiah as both a unit and a character, and I think that she has been misunderstood. It happens when a main character shares the spotlight with another more popular main character (Eliwood getting the shaft by fans, Eirika, Celica, and I suspect Celice too although I'm not sure). People say she's a Mary Sue but Mary Sues don't get their spotlight taken away, on the contrary they get more of it. As a unit she's useful and she can become a front liner if you want her to be one in nm/em and even hm (I've done it) but she's always going to be a convenient staff user that hardly anyone else outshines if you ask me. 

  2. Lute and Arthur vs Saleh?  I'd say he's the equivalent of Pent/Niime at least on Eirika's route. It's so easy to get him to warp rank. As for Syrene being outclassed by Cormag/Tana, it doesn't matter. Those two are outclassed by Vanessa but they can still work well together. There are plenty of deployment slots and fliers are very useful especially for the lategame maps. If you don't want to slow down for Cormag, on Eirika's route, Syrene works good enough as the third flier. She also has good weapon ranks, and you don't need to slow down for her to be useful like you do for the trainees, or Marissa, or L'Arachel, or Dozla. 

  3. FE4- All of the maps, too much backtracking with nothing to do for several turns. There's also only outdoor maps too, so not much diversity.
    Radiant Dawn- Chapter 2-1 can get annoying but I don't like Chapters 3-P, 3-7, and 3-E. 3-P can drag on, 3-7 feels underwhelming right after 3-6 (one of my favorites), and 3-E also drags on too much.
    Conquest The chapter with the Foxes or the wind chapter because of the late-turn reinforcements paired with the wind can get annoying. I did an ironman run once and this map cause a lot of damage lol.
    Fates- all first 6 chapters, before the split.

  4. 3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Aren't those equipped on the enemy, though? And I doubt they could survive even a Bowgun.

    The only weapons that Heather would have issue stealing are the steel heavies, off the top of my head.

    Disarm on Heather works better on that chapter if you want the two physic staves.

  5. On 2/26/2017 at 6:15 PM, Radiant head said:

    i'm trying to remember if there's anything worth stealing in part 3?  i guess the storm swords are all i can think of.

    you could save money by getting weapons i guess, but it's not like you have braves or bolting like in part 4.  

    Other than the stat boosters the two physic staves in 3-7 are pretty nice.

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