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Posts posted by Wildshot

  1. Wait, is slamming washer machine lids on them a real issue? My best friend has big breasts and I don't think she's ever mentioned that happening...

    I'm pretty sure that that was a joke. That shouldn't even be possible unless said girl is wearing neither shirt nor bra and is just letting her... er, embonpoint hang over the washer.

  2. True you have a point, I forgot about the Axe fighter armour in Awakening. Plus we haven't seen the lower half of the body so maybe it will be more covering?? I like the cute look on her, it makes her look like the 'Cute but deadly' type.

    Her eyes just look so limpid and creepy. The fact that she's really a bloodthirsty gold digger makes things even worse.

  3. Precisely. Certain preferences are distasteful and warrant judgment. To demonstrate this, let's start with an extreme case and work our way back:

    The consumption of animated child pornography is deeply distasteful (and, depending on jurisdiction, criminal); surely you'd have no objection to me judging a consumer of animated child pornography for being a creep. Animated child sexualization isn't quite as bad, but still creepy. And animated questionably-aged sexualization is less bad still, but also a curious preference.

    So where do we draw the line? If we grant that judging the consumption of animated child pornography as creepy is acceptable, why not also conclude that consuming animated child sexualization is creepy, or that playing a game like Hyperdimension Neptunia is creepy? They're different degrees of the same activity: admiring the bodies of underage / questionably-aged girls.

    Same approach works for If's face-rubbing. Is it creepy to fantasize about having a harem of lovers, bringing them up to your room, and rubbing their faces for your own personal enjoyment? Of course. No one would bat an eye if you called this preference a creepy one. If's system is a lesser degree of the same activity.

    I can see no un-creepy reason for enjoying the face-rubbing mechanic (beyond ironic enjoyment), so judging those who're looking forward to the inclusion as creeps seems perfectly justified.

    It should go without saying that creepy behavior in the context of a fictional escape (like gaming) is still creepy behavior. Enjoying animated child pornography is an apt, albeit extreme, example. Or consider that new "Yahndere Simulator" where the otaku fantasy of having an obsessed, attractive stalker is fulfilled. That game is incredibly off-putting despite being fictional.

    Probably best not to make assumptions. People often do judge gamers who enjoy games featuring ultra violence, sometimes with good reason. It's hard to imagine why a game like Manhunt would appeal to a mentally stable individual.

    ...Interesting. I've an odd request: would you consider making a GameFAQs account, if only for a few days? There's a couple of people that I want you to debate with on some of this stuff. (I assume that you're anti-lolicon.)

  4. ^ This.

    She seems like a really original character; I hope they write her well. I like that they mentioned how she used her looks for manipulation. IS probably took notes on Miriel and Sumia's Summer Scramble conversation and decided to make a character who was legitimately using her womanly wiles to use men for her own goals.

    It sets off a nice contrast with that male armor knight who is scary and a little ugly, but has a good, kind spirit.


    (Ah, Benoit. I tend to dislike Knights, but you've become one of my greatest reasons to enjoy Nohr.)

    Charolette's Personality, reminded me of similar to Noire's Personality tbh.


    I can't wait for Leon and/or Camilla to call Charlotte out on her actions.

    Initially, I thought she was going to be Troubadour but I'm ok with a Fighter.

    Some part of me would derive primal satisfaction from hearing Camilla threaten Charlotte with death.

    She seems entertaining with her 'bitch in sheep's clothing' thing she has going. It sounds better than a typical ladette personality you'd expect from a female fighter.

    Bonus points if her attempts to seduce men always fail.

    I will bet solid cash that Benoit sees through her crud 24/7 and secretly finds ways to make it fail so others don't fall into her trap.

  5. I honestly don't mind returning characters, they can be fun every once in a while. This annoys me because they've been pushing Akaneia way too much lately. This is a series with multiple worlds/settings, and that's part of what makes it great as a whole. Either you give attention to all of them through cameos, or you don't do those. That's how I see it anyway.

    That being said, there were musical cameos from Elibe and Judgral in the trailers, so maybe it's too early to talk.

    In any case, at this point I'd be surprised if Owain wasn't in, since these seem to be based on the four winners of the children popularity contest, and all three other are featured in some way already. So yes, Odin, although his class is different. We'll see.

    Chrom, Gaius, Tharja, and Cordelia confirmed?

  6. 12 hours ago I was thinking: "You know, I can rest easy knowing IS will not waste resources on a mode where you bring your unsuspecting comrades into your room and rub them in the face as if they were animals."

    At this point nothing is impossible.

    I will be impressed if you actually had those exact thoughts at that time.

    Blame the so-called "true fans" for not buying enough pre-Awakening FE games, there a reason why IS decided to cater to a broader audience instead of just old-schooler. Nearly 2 millions sold, fans voted with their wallet on the direction of the series. Awakening fandom like waifus and they will get waifus stuffs.

    P.S the husbando as the well.

    Sounds like Endgame.

    This is not a good thing.

    Don't let it rub you the wrong way


    I know what you mean. The ones that are really getting to me are the "This should have been Hoshido only" comments. Why do people like me, who want a new experience and play new classes after 13 games of the exact same thing, get this weaboo stigma thrown in our faces?

    Androgynous characters? Better be Hoshido only! Thats the weaboo version.

    Face rubbing? Better be Hoshido only!

    It pisses me off

    I haven't even heard this crud on GameFAQs. Where've you been getting this?

    Finally the years of playing TokiMemo will pay off.

    But so long as this is a side thing, or treated like in the series mentioned above, it should be fine. Though luring people to your room to touch them IS a bit creepy.

    On that note the fact the feature doesn't seem to be gender locked is intriguing. Now if that carries over to actual supports is a different story. A story that could send tumblr and other horde-minded sites into a frenzy considering the bait they were just tossed.

    That's one of the biggest beefs that I have with this. Why are you specifically calling somebody into your room to do this? Also, why stroke the face of somebody you're not... romantically involved with?

    I, for one, will punch your lights out if you touch my face, and I didn't give you permission to do so.

    Because of this, I know I'm inherently biased against it. I don't like being touched/touching others unless I know you very, VERY well, and this is one of those things that transfer over to anything (whether it be cringy moments in movies or forced-touching in a video game). However, if this is how other people bond. . .so be it. I'll probably ignore this feature.

    Seriously, this is another thing. I can see Elise or Sakura being into this sort of thing, but... Rinka? Harold? Gunter? How many of these characters, realistically speaking, are going to want you stroking their faces?

    When this was first revealed, I was thinking "Yeah, this sounds so adorable and fun!" Now... I'm considerably less optimistic. My hope is that they'll pull some schtick that makes it that you can only do this with somebody you've S-Ranked... or, barring that, that you lose the ability to do this once you've S-Ranked (save to the person who you S-Ranked).

  7. Sophia was pretty much a prophetess. She was very shy and spoke with a lot of ellipses. But she was far from childish.

    And Niime was wise, but holy shit her supports with Hugh.

    I'm guessing that she was a straight-up tsundere when she was younger... and somehow, enough of it lasted for her to be able to be one towards her own grandson.

  8. Hopefully some of the characters call her on her shit, like Leon, he looks like someone that can see through her BS.

    Alongside Leon, I'm guessing that Knight with the Face of a Thug Guy, being around her a lot and seeming like one of those deceptively thoughtful types, will be able to see through her facade like it's not even there.

    It does beg the question: Why would they accept such a horrible person ?

    Their king killed a man and stole his baby.


    They either have low standards or just don't know.

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