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Misses Elise-chan!

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Everything posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. My gf is Shrek, he'd never do anything to tear my friends and family apart.
  2. Fellow users, this is a question of utmost importance. Leave your thoughts on why you chose who you chose. Got anymore mages? Tell me and I'll add it.
  3. I was changing it, I know it doesn't equal that amount.
  4. I hate my american measurements, I dont understand metric height tho.I guess Im around 50kg and 168cm
  5. So guys, do you feel like sharing your height and weight? I'm 5-6ft, 110 lb.
  6. You have been living a sheltered life for as long as you could remember. You want to be free, you want new experiences. The world outside is your birthright, you dream to see the oceans and deserts. Lands made of sand, bodies of salty water that stretch for thousands of miles, places only your ancestors have seen. You're tired of being confined to one area, you want to spread your wings and see the world. You fight to give people the chance to see the world outside the walls. You're an inventor. You put your heart into everything you create, you make use of every piece available. You strive to help people, you do this by using your massive intellect. Your inventions have helped millions of people across the world. You've cured aging, mad cow disease, and all STDs known to man. You've even developed mechanical arms that work better than real, organic ones. But your greatest invention is the semi-automatic toaster. Ever since the accident, you always change your profile pic just to get an official Rabbattack horoscope and have sworn to never indirectly harm an animal by purchasing meat again, instead you byt them live and butcher them yourself.
  7. yoyooyoy wassup ma bruthas

  8. You like to celebrate holidays, your favorite is pumpkin day. Pumpkins turn you on, you love pumpkins. You fight for the rights of all pumpkins everywhere. You always speak the truth, ever since the accident you just cant bring yourself to lie again,
  9. No sarcasm. I really tried to. Sully is the ultimate waifu dont say that Lucina woth her boring ass personality and Cordelia the bedwetter is better than Sully
  10. I tried to get on one of his videos by using his profile pic, didn't work. You're lucky, I wish I could have succeeded like you.
  11. So this is the spammer Rey was talking about? Did you see his video about you? He made a video just for you, it's about him murdering your waifu.
  12. Ever since the accident you swore to never reveal your true face. You are always wearing something to cover your body, the most common piece people see you in is the bule armor. You are a defender of peace, but you do this without violence or weaponry. Ever since the other accident you swore to protect those you love without causing pain to others. Monocules turn you and the ladies on. Complex things like morality and politics are boring to you. You respect the dead and like smoking because it calms you down.
  13. You love to spread pain and fear among all who cross your path. Blood means victory, the bones are your trophy. You lve war because it allows you get away with murder. Whether it be an innocent or enemy, you love to hear their screams and pleas. You never show mercy.
  14. You are a very caring person, but not towards the living. You feel sad for those who are dead, as you believe that there is no after life. You act very mature. You occasionally attend funerals that involve people you dont know, this helps you relax. Ever since the accident, you've swore to never have children. You aren't going to have sex until after marriage.
  15. You're very mature for your age, though you try to hide it. You like dark and eerie things, you usually add cute to the mix. Bugs, blood, and death is satisfying to you. You like to joke and play around with others. You are shy towards older people, but you get along fine with younger people, especially kids.
  16. You are very bright, you always have good intentions. Although you may be physically weak and lack the skills, you love helping others. Ever since the accident, you have been having trouble living in the city, you are now taking a break in the old country side. You swore to get stronger for oni-chan, but you won't be doing it with the aid of weaponry, ever since the accident...
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