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Misses Elise-chan!

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Posts posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. The smirking Marth in your avatar belies the way you feel inside. He represents the "outer" you-- confident, sly, and charming. His inside, however, is not as pretty. The tiara is a manifestation of your desires. It is always sitting on your temple, yet it is out of your reach. Lucina represents the "real" you, who desperately wants out. Yes, the "real" you only wants everyone to know the true meaning of Christmas.

    Marth is my inflated ego.
  2. Seems like yours is meant to be based on who you like. Mine was just meant to be a terrible tier list. Not ripping on yours, just making sure there aren't any misunderstandings.

    Did no one notice I left out Kellam, or did people just not comment on it because they're tired of that joke?

    I forgot Kellam even existed.
  3. Issac's avatar defines him as a socially awkward otaku. Loves video games and anime. The tired expression shows that he never goes out and stays up all night.

    juste is best belmont, i mean look at that marvelous hair

    richter is trash

    You're a mysterious fighter. When given a task, you almost never fail, but whenever you do, you don't give up and see it all the way through. The character only being viewed from the backside represents your mysterious backround, only a select few people know about you, but even those people don't know the true you.

    When I see it, Marth catches my eye first. His expression makes you look like... kind of a smart alec, to be honest. Like you'd be the kind of person to know most things and that you'd be eager to correct those who don't.

    Not in a bad way. This is just the impression that I get from it; it could vary from person to person.

    You are an innocent and kind person. Open to new experiences you always think with an open mind. You don't find complex things like ethics, morality, and politics interesting. You like fun things. The horn represents your childish side. You are very playful and fun to be around.

    None of these things I said are probably true.

  4. Only if she pulls it right over her eyes. Besides, the brim of her hat can protect here eyes from the glare of the sun, allowing her to read the spell that she needs to recite to attack enemies.


    You're right, but the pointy top is still something bad(at least annoying in my opinion), I can't think of a reason though. You also used the word I was looking for hut couldn't remember, how dare you.

    Where did that vid on boob plates go...

    Please do share.
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