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Everything posted by ColdHeartAndASummerDream

  1. Um,if you didn't care,why did you answer the poll? It's not like you're forced to answer,y'know. ;P
  2. So,this is a quick poll,I jsut want to know what you guys think. I myself,would prefer end-game relationships/mid-game,if we have a second gen,but I also think that your characters should be able to romance most characters,not all,but most. :) You can expand upon what you chose if you like,have a good day!
  3. Welcome to the forest! I'm shy IRL so I open up on the internet,I've only been here a few days but I feel SO welcomed! I sincerly hope you enjoy your stay.
  4. Me. Because I'm so unlucky fate would prpbably prefer me alive and paralaysed. Most likely to Romance an animal?
  5. Hi,I am "new" here,so something fun to do is the "most likely to..." game,it's played like this. Poster A: Most likely to combust in flames whilst underwater... Then the person below answers,and writes a new "most likely to..." Poster B:StarScry. Most likely to strip in public.. And so on,you can choose anything for the most likely to... question! I'll start. Who is most likely to eat themselves?
  6. Arm chopped off by Clover,cause of death:blood loss.
  7. Hello,I love music,gaming,anything fictive also catches my eye,or ear,or nose guess. I love looking at art,but I can't draw. At all. I've played FE 10-13 and I'm going to delve deeper eventually... I've been a long time lurker and...well... I don't really have any projects except a book I'm writing,except that's not in English. I am planning to translate it sometime,but I'm only on page eleven. If someone would need help with writing,I could help,except I don't know coding,doesn't mean I don't wanna learn. I do have a gender,but I'd rather have you guys wondering. :P If anybody reads this I guess. Oh,and I'm a quick learner if it's something I enjoy. So,um,yeah. Fire Emblem is always going to be one of my favorite games,played Radiant Dawn when I had this giant metal-thingy on my leg. For surgical reasons,and it really helped,it's what got me into FE. Lots of love,StarScry.
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