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Nayr Farros

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Posts posted by Nayr Farros

  1. On 11/8/2022 at 9:39 AM, Togall said:

    So i made a few more again and will continue. Really thank you, tried to make the tekun angrier and for siegfried it means i'm trying various designs and i have two main for now but don't know if they're good so here's the batch for today.

    Aceace1.png.047141a57b751146f8dc7d1b3afc1acb.png ArthurArthur.png.f6287269caad9b29059c658cb114a84d.png Ciacia.png.7f1f279afa75d07447492e63d421bfca.png Tamikotamiko.png.d8ed76fc0ac546b544072f85e557fda8.png

    Itsukeitsuke.png.67f0886787817b57e9e7024e80c4f855.png Kevin the OGkevin.png.2d971405d411c8e47b93b798f5f42621.png Liam the white knightliam.png.3b17b3d24dc4e2de6a56c6921159a5e9.png 

    Logan logan.png.8dfa54364e6b365e35f554b2f7cfe1d5.png Ranarana.png.6bb704c3bc80a501632ff84dca5a2626.png Shuuda my personnal favorite of the Game shuudawcap.png.106b3ba39d65fbbb44b41ffe18299038.png 

    And noah which I redesign completely sorry noah's Fansnoah.png.c96182625a1d15b5c05771e534a98fb4.png


    And the other version of siegfried1386683652_siegold.png.ff38b2f3961ccd5d82225ed5d3e30f1f.png as well as young siegfried of the first version 418493035_sieg(1).png.5aaa8f0d6257c0009712f568c8747ea6.png

    Okay so in later years I've taken to only occasionally looking in at what's going on, but when I saw your interpretation of Lyam I had to break my silence and say that I actually made his first sprite off of the Beta version of Kyle from FE8 so your use of the final version as your base is ironic and fun.

    Overall your splicing skills aren't bad, but are very simple. You should try being experimental and doing more custom work. One of the mistakes I made in the beginning was relying on splices and by the time I got comfortable doing full customs I was ready to get out of the game and move on with life. Over-relying on the same parts also bit me in the ass because for awhile angle and expressions in my sprites looked very similar and I took a lot of heckling for it.

    Your color palettes should match in saturation and contrast, I think. Several of them are too light in the hair and armor and kinda fade together to look flat. Your outline should always be your darkest color too, but don't get too crazy using it inside of the image. 

    I apologize if anything sounds harsh or blunt. It's just I've been there and I don't want anyone repeating my mistakes.

  2. Well, this last month has been... interesting, to say the least.

    But I've been occasionally working on Alan.


    I decided to take the hair back to my original work, using some of the critique from before as reference. No offense to ECut however.

    No real progress on Lance, however. Haven't felt motivated to do him or much of any spriting.

  3. Alistair-D-age-org_zpsaa680aea.gif

    Alistair from Dragon Age Origins.

    Nice, but he's wayyy too tanned. That's like Zevran's skin color.

    Also I notice he's wearing the Grey Warden armor from Dragon Age II. Not a big deal, but he never actually wears that armor in either game without modding. Outside of Origins, he just wears Cailan's Armor, a copy of the Armor of Hirol's Defense, and in Dragon Age II, Chevalier's Armor.

  4. I think this is (still) my favorite sprite set out of all you've posted * A *

    Merc should have sprited Zenigata. The set is incomplete without him. :p

  5. Just sent a tweet to Trent Oster (guy in charge of Enhanced Edition) regarding this. I wonder if he'll bother to reply.

    Well he can't really do anything about it. Both Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights 2 are owned by Bioware. And the guys at Bioware have lauded the effort the man put into the mod.

    Also Bioware completely allows modding of their PC games(they even let people host them on their social network). So the guy didn't do anything wrong by making a NWN2 mod.

  6. Not a sprite, but worth showing off IMO.


    Anybody who plays Dragon Age Origins should know what this is. A character I made and then uploaded to my profile on Bioware's social network.

    Why am I bothering to post this on an Fire Emblem forum? That's probably what you're thinking right now. But the character is a realistic depiction of my Nayr/Lyam personal sprite(not intended in this playthrough of DAO, but it turned out that way). So I figure some people might get a kick out of it.

    A full body shot is available here http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm298/10nayr/character20profile_zps5745caac.png

  7. Now you decide pop up, Char? lol

    In any case, my hands are tied with eCut's edit of the hair. That level of spriting is waaaay over my head aside from small edits.

    If you want to do your own ref edit on the old hair, or pass along your Alan for me to reference, feel free.

  8. True, the next Lance will have a completely different pose so any critiques to that relic wont help. I just felt like showing it off since I found it in an old folder.

    The sentiment is appreciated though.

  9. white is fine

    and I just personally thought the red in his hair was too saturated and the armor was too dark(your border color was a bit darker as well).

    Right now, it doesn't look red at all. It's like Sharon Osbourne's hair dye. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sharon_Osbourne_2,_2012.jpg :p

    And on an HSV board(its easier to adjust colors than when using RGB), the saturation and visibility of my outline were only two away from the normal FE6 color. Plenty of people darken FE8 outlines slightly, don't see why you cant with FE6/7 too(especially when it's not that noticable)

    Looking at your sheet, looks like you just de-saturated a lot of characters palettes, rather than try to find creative ways to improve the colors while still having them be what they should. Or you could just switch to FE8 color palettes. They have the best look to them after all.

  10. I don't understand why you're going with a grape juice(or red wine) color for the hair and orange(almost looks like Marcus' FE7 armor color) for the armor when he's a Red knight and a red head. But w/e. I won't dig my heels in over five points on an HSV table. Enjoy it! :p

    As for the compilation sheet color. Is white available(black border for visisbility if need be)?

  11. k, I'll format it later.

    Less than 20 minutes till my soap opera comes on(sort of a guilty pleasure), and I'll get it done sometime after.

    Also if anybody might be willing to do the chibi(my chibis are dreadful), it'd be a big help.

  12. Pardon the double post...


    How's that?

    The colors on the compilation seemed a little off. Hair looked purple and armor didn't really look red. So I made some small adjustments and went halfsies.

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