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Nayr Farros

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Posts posted by Nayr Farros

  1. k, i'll take a look when I finish outlining the armor from Lance's OA.

    Edit; You know, this is actually the second time I've attempted to remake Lance based on his OA.

    A year.. maybe two ago(when the old FEUniverse was still around) I made this as part of a contest.


    Let's hope it turns out better this time around. :p

  2. Send me a ref of what kind of colors you want and I'll see if I can make adjustments.

    As it is, the sprite uses saturated forms of colors taken from the OA.

    I'm easy to reach on Skype too if you have one. My screen name is greynayr23.

  3. Thank you eCut! You are a goddess among spriters. :p


    Made some adjustments to eCut's ref edit on the hair and I think it looks really nice now.(As good as the original Alan's was bad.)

    So, anything else people would like to point out before I move on to formatting/chibi'ing?

  4. *too long*

    I disagree somewhat. The bangs are the only part of the hair I don't particularly like(it's one of Sue's identifying features, so it should stay the same or similar enough to recognize).

    The Face: TBH, doesn't look much like Sue to me either(but eCut said this is "her take" on Sue, so it's meant to have some liberties.)

    As for the body, you're probably right about the tribal pattern, but the rest of the robe looks just fine.

    But overall, it's still a very nice looking sprite.

  5. @KoT: Okay, good to know. Since you're implementing Hasha stuff, I figured I should check about Lance, because he uses his FE6 game likeness, rather than his official art.

    @Amelia: Once I get eCut's ref edit, the hair will be getting a significant overhaul. As for the nose, Vamp called it out for being round(he has a thing about round tips). But I just followed what it looked like in the artwork, more or less. I might play around with it some to see what I can do tho.

  6. It looks pretty good. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

    This'd be nice for FE6A too, if you were thinking of submitting it.

    Well that was the plan, more or less.(Char had an Alan I suggested to Kitty, but he seems to be AWOL and I think he lost it during a HD failure. So I decided to make my own) And if it does turn out well, I'll probably do Lance too(provided Kitty doesn't mind it looking like his official art)

    Yaaaaay, you're finally making big improvements.

    Well I admittedly took a few shortcuts on this one. I scaled a crop of the armor(what would show up on a sprite) on the official artwork to same width as original Alan's armor, then traced/colored over it, and shaded it in. For the head, I spliced the faceline and jawline from Artur(an FE7 shaded edit I have) and Wil(they were the best matches for the shape) and customed the brows/eyes/nose/mouth, and slapped on Sain's ear.

    For the hair, I picked pieces that would fit together to best recreate the look of the OA's hair, then edited it all together. Which is why its the weakest part of the sprite. And something I aim to fix.

    Once I get that fixed, I think it'll be safe to move ahead to formatting.

  7. @Eclipse: I have different sets of red in the hair and armor. Six colors total. And to be creative, I mixed colors from the sets in the eyes.

    @Hamlet: It was darker originally, but it kept showing up more than the outline itself, so I had to dull it a bit.

  8. Is today opposite day or am I being punk'd?

    I make a sprite everybody likes(even my trolls), and I'M the one seeing a major problem with it. That problem being the hair.

    Update btw, since I have a link on my clipboard.


    Fixed the neck issues(I think), it's shorter and more shadow is added.

    I also slightly tweaked the eyes(irises looked square), and added a little more depth to the left pauldron.

  9. Don't want to lower the head anymore because the jaw will be cut off by the metal collar. Think I have an alternative way of fixing that though.

    Also eCut, if you're not too busy, could you do a ref edit for the hair for me to use? You do hair nicely on your sprites and right now Alan's hair is a messy splice of Ephraim, Roland, Raven, Matthew, Lloyd, and Jerme.

  10. Noted. I should have made the neck thinner in the first place, my bad. On the near side it only looks that way because his head is turning(his neck on that side began one pixel after the outline on his chin ends.)

    As for the shadows thing. I'll try adding some more of tone #3 around the near side of the collar.

  11. Yeah as everyone knows, eCut locked my old one due to an excessive influx of drama and bullshit.

    To prevent that happening again, first I'll say that I have several people blocked/ignored now(wish I'd noticed this board had that sooner) so they will not be able to speak to me as their posts are invisible on my side.

    For anybody else, I'll be blunt. If you don't have anything nice or truly constructive to say, don't say anything. And if you try to mix snark or lulz into the cnc, I'll listen to it even less than I normally do. My tolerance for it is near zero at this point.

    Now let's get started. I made this just this afternoon and parts of it turned out very well to my eye, and some parts(like the hair, nose, and maybe the eyes) still need some tweaks.


    As is obvious, I made this based on Alan's official art.

    I've also got some other things I want to do later, so updates may not be right away or frequent.

  12. I notice you don't antialias much at the point where the hairline connects to the skin. There are plenty of decent references around the forum you can use to straighten that out.

    Also it's advisable to stick to either FE7 or FE8 colors while working. Mixing kinda looks tacky. One good way to do it is to pick a palette for development and make all pieces use it while working. Then just swap the colors with w/e you want when you're done.

    I think that's about all I can say for these sprites as they're mostly simple splices and nothing really complex.

    Good luck in your future spriting efforts.

  13. Well this is a little embarassing. Because of a mixup, the Percival sprite I posted was actually an old version. I had a more tweaked variant, already sheeted and formatted. Lol.


    Has face edits to improve the shape and look more like the official artwork.

    Hair was also worked down to three colors and tweaked.

    So if you want to use it, feel free. If not, I understand.

  14. Wow, these are horrible. Try to clean up your sprites, have clear skin. The angles are horrible. The hair on the red guy is growing out of his eye. Some heads are too small. if you're trying to insert these into a rom, they have to have 15 different colors on the sprite and 1 unique background color. You need lots of practice.

    Perhaps you should be less blunt and vague, Gabe? It's not very clear and only discourages.


    Gabe is right about a lot of things. And unfortunately, I think those particular characters would take less work to restart from scratch than to fix.

    But general tips would be to maybe look up references of the poses you're going for if possible. Measure the sprite to others to make sure you have the alignments and proportions accurate.

    Keep the skin as clean shaded and clear as possible(plenty of other people's works on these forums can appropriately display what I mean because it's a little hard to explain with words alone)

    Choose your colors wisely. Use good contrast and remember that the outline is supposed to be the darkest color in the 15 color palette and not be broken anywhere. A good way to do it when you're new is to break down the colors into sectors - 5 for the skin, 3 for the hair, 3 for one part of the outfit, and 3 for the other part of the outfit, 1 for the outline, and 1 for the background.

    And don't go over 96x80 resolution and fit them into the gray portion of this hackbox, otherwise it doesn't display properly if you use it for a hack. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm298/10nayr/hackbox_zpsd5f55a0b.png

    I hope that was clear and descriptive enough. I look forward to seeing what you can do.

  15. I'll give Seph some credit for his post. It's clear and well explained, even if I disagree with it.

    The part I don't get is why Hector and Dawson are so obstinate in their goals. If Dawson could help straighten Lycia out, he could offer his knowledge to Hector, and I don't see why Hector wouldn't listen to that advice(even the best rulers have advisors). If Dawson were honest about his intentions, seeing that Lycia's situation gets fixed would be more important than who wears the proverbial crown.

    It's like Dawson just decided in one moment that "Hector's not doing as good a job as I like, so I'll just kill him and take over without even bothering to parley." And Hector's like "Another rebellion.... Guess I'll go put it down instead of seeing if there's anything I can do to make a truce because traitors deserve only a swift execution." For people who are supposed to be in a gray area, they see things very black and white.

    @Cynthia: Ludvek, just like Dawson, could see that his nations problems could be resolved without resorting to violence or usurping thrones. But he never bothered to try. He instantly jumped to rebellion and his actions during(attacking villages, using Lucia as a hostage to try and exploit Elincia's good nature into going his way) belied his intentions. Violence should always be a last resort. But for them, it's the only resort because at the end of the day, it's more powerlust than anything.

  16. But Hector isn't some cackling evil lordling oppressing his subjects. He perpetuates the system in which that is possible, yes, but Dawson's reforms come at far too high a price for Hector to accept.

    Democracy is just as seceptable to it.

    Look at Iraq. Sadaam Hussein was Iraq's 5th president, not a king or an emperor. He was elected into office every time by vote over a span of 24 years. But he was still a tyrant and a bad leader in many ways.

    Look at Libya. Muammar Gaddafi took power from King Idris without a drop of blood spilt and started a democratic system which he called "popular revolution". But it didn't even last five years before he dissolved it and became a bloody dictator.

    And Dawson seems more along the lines of those two than George Washington or something.

  17. "Bah I'm bored, Imma go take a nap. Oh no, bandits, time to fight them. Oh, better be a better marquess now."

    Yeah, that really does a lot to show Hector growing as a character, what in a fangame where practically every returning character is given something of growth. Eliwood finds the resolve he needs to protect his wife and homeland after grieving the death mother. Pent puts aside his research in order to help bring stability to an unstable Etruria. Karel's transition from an arrogant swordsman to a simple protector is shown at length. Zealot's manages to keep his idealism even after seeing what happens when his fellow soldiers jump off the slippery slope.

    And your idea is somehow Hector killing bandits makes him realize he needs to get his act together? As opposed to being confronted head-on by some of his very angry subordinates? He finds out the hard way that is constituents are NOT happy with how he does his job. He's not being selfish. He's being incompetent. He's out of his element. And moreover, he winds up REALIZING that, and strives to better himself.

    Hector wandering off and killing bandits? That's no different from the Hector we knew in FE7, and does little, if anything, to show his transition from a brash and aggressive lordling into a stalwart leader.

    But, keep throwing stones, I suppose.

    You're either still deliberately twisting things or you're very misinformed.

    My tale idea had nothing to do with Hector becoming a better leader. He was taking a respite from the job, because it's stressful(even Obama takes time to rest from being President) and it goes wrong. Nothing about it suggested that he was a bad leader or needed to become a better one, he was just stressed.

  18. Yes.

    Because you can totally have democratic elections in a feudal system.

    Absolutely. That's exactly why whenever people want democracy, all they have to do is ask for it.

    As it is portrayed, Dawson apparently didn't even bother to talk to Hector or even make suggestions as to how he could remedy some of Ostia's problems. He just took up arms and marched to war against a man who would have listened to what he had to say.

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