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About Pinken

  • Birthday 08/09/1990


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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Thracia 776

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  1. Too bad I believe God, should he exist, is malevolent. :o
  2. Not sure of my opinion on post count, but I still think it's a largely useless factoid. I personally see usergroups and don't really think differently about those with a higher (or lower, although that's not possible) rank. It does nothing to tell me anything about the quality of their posts. As for rep systems, at least here I think it would either be abused by people who vote just for popularity or by people who just rep well-known users. I'm trying to look at this from an objective standpoint and I don't really see an upside to its implementation here personally. Sure, you can mod abuse, but if basically every single rep given out is out of popularity, I don't see why it should even be implemented. I may have a history of being at odds with the staff's opinion, but I'm just sharing my personal thoughts here and I'm trying my best to remove any subjective biases I may have. I'm not really sure of what to suggest here though, other than looking over a user's posts to determine if they're a helpful poster or not. The reason this is different from looking at a rep is that rep is a combination of subjective opinions and a mini popularity contest. All it would say to me is "a lot of people like what this guy says, but that doesn't necessarily mean his posts are quality or helpful simply from his high rep". In the end, to best determine a poster's helpfulness, the most accurate method for every individual to tell is to look over the posts. I'm not really sure how you would implement that as a system. I probably haven't said much of anything constructive, so I'll quit rambling, but rep is the system I feel most ill at ease with personally.
  3. Correct. There is no way to recharge a GB cartridge battery (at least not very safely, anyway.) You will need a CR2032 or CR2025 most likely to replace it. The difference is that the 32 lasts longer. The battery type the cartridge requires is printed on the circuit board above the battery, so always check to make sure before buying one what kind you need. Once you get the battery, you'll just have to solder the tabs back in their original place and you should be done.
  4. I'm extremely flexible; before I even started training my flexibility I could cross my legs around my neck without using my arms in a fully upright seated position. I shave my armpits (for hygienic reasons, among other things.) I can rotate both my feet around 180 degrees without major discomfort. I'm odd. : o
  5. Rice Cakes were actually first made in Australia. Sudoku's invention was actually credited to an American. As an adult, you have 94 less bones than you were born with. We see with our brains, not our eyes. The eyes are just the "lenses" our brain uses. I thought I'd throw in three extras for free.
  6. I don't have to hide in the box anymore, right?

  7. This. If my suggestion (and I assure you, if I honestly wanted to pick a fight I would have done so in a much more effective way) would have been taken as seriously in the tickets as it has been here, I have little hope for its success. I'd like to be treated as a civilized poster, not some monster come to destroy your forums. Thank you.
  8. I was not bashing the system, and you're certainly quick to assume things. I was merely suggesting a minor change which could be helpful.
  9. ...I understand perfectly. What YOU don't seem to understand, and I dislike having to be so aggressive in my posts, is that with this system potentially important topics HAVE THE POSSIBILITY of being ignored by staff. No matter how trivial a complaint it may be, making it so we can see the tickets only ensures better support, mainly because the staff will be more apt to work on worthy complaints. There's no reason to ignore a possibility just because it could be trivial. It is important nonetheless. This would also ensure that the staff get to have a direct conversation with the querent while also preventing outside interference unless deemed appropriate.
  10. How is making it so people can see it and not respond in that particular "ticket" creating ANY possibility for derailing discussion in that ticket? The point is that regular users will be able to see the opinions of others and the staff's response, if any, to it. It's time for people to stop the "miniblacken vs regular users" shit and look at this objectively.
  11. Especially if it's things you don't like. Make the tickets read-only for members and the pretty obvious trust issues people have with you will go away because you can't sweep something under the rug without people knowing. It won't hurt anyone by making it visible.
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