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Status Updates posted by Laylea

  1. Silly, tomato-y, and blind, then. Not that tomatoes have eyes in the first place, but.

  2. Indeed, though you are a different kind of tomato, your silly levels remain. Still not TheEnd, though. Not even relatively.

  3. IIRC (and I do), you're a silly, non-TheEnd-y tomato.

  4. A stalker is an absolute. Similarly, a fate in which you're not actually silly is a fate that I will not recognize.

    Not for very looooong when you rolled around

  5. TheEnd never truly became or stayed anything because he disliked absolutes. An absolute you have become.

    Recognize it.

    I was talking about old old old old FESS, silly.

    A rose by any other name is still a rose. I have never been one for names, just thorns.

  6. TheEnd became a lurker. Lurker, you are not. Thus, TheEnd not. Perhaps a fate you must recognize.

    My statement was not referring to here, yet rings true for both locations.

  7. Exactly. Thus, not a lurker. Thus, not a TheEnd. Who knows a TheEnd anymore? What do you mean, "Tiena," that is a silly girl's name.

    The elimination of postcounts made it futile to reach 100.

  8. Sophism. While TheEnd did enjoy the Imperial March, the "dark side" would never hail a saint

    Indeed, I know what species of silly tomato you are. A lurker remains unknown, a stalker not.

  9. So you agree with me.

    He's not a stalker, though, he's apparently a saint. Do you recite your Hail Vincents and Anima Vincentis every morning and evening?

  10. The nile is not simply a river in Egypt

    You had a Stalker-to-be named Lurker, but never a Lurker named Stalker; thus you are not actually TheEnd, perhaps someone else.

  11. help this place is lame

  12. No longer a lurker, but instead a forward stalker. You've become strange and perhaps fated to not actually be TheEnd.

  13. I'm gonna cook me up some... bbqt

  14. You light up my life.. *_*

  15. A different species of tomato is still a tomato.

  16. All points lead to it.

  17. How does it change the point that you're silly.

  18. I thought Vincent had a fanboy hard-on for certain characters, including Tiena. ... Are you admitting something. Serenes Forest changed you.

  19. Cross-dressing doesn't suit you, imo.

  20. Crystal Eli

  21. Popo... <3

  22. Nice profile, I noticed you're an egg that's pretty cool just letting you know.

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