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    I'm the only friend that makes you cry

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  1. Please for the love of god, don't start a colour debate. We just cracked the dress, we REALLY don't need another one of these things... Regardless, I think we should have army colours. It worked in RD, it'll work here.
  2. You know, if you wanted to go for longest lifespan, go for Tiki. Anyways, I would rather be Tiki (Longest Lifespan, also love her character in game), Lethe, since I frickin love the Laguz, or FemRobin, since she always ends up as the most powerful character at the end of every playthrough, can get galeforce, and because I go with the theory that since Robin's pretty much the fell dragon, she has a longer lifespan like a manakete. Uhh... May I just add that I'm a guy, and I just noticed that all the chars I listed are female... I'm gonna go reevaluate my sexuality...
  3. Just mentioned during the direct. They didn't give us much to go off of, but anyone spot any differences to FE:A? I mean gameplay wise btw. Like how FE:A gave us Pair Up.
  4. Hey, for those wanting to read the X/Y manga, I found this: http://www.mangachapter.me/38361/pocket-monsters-special-xy/1.html?book=Pok%C3%A9mon+Adventures+XY
  5. Shiny Rattata - Killed Shiny Magikarp - Evolved into Red Gyarados, so not that special anymore :( Shiny Eevee - Oh man, the DexNav is a wish come true...
  6. Normal Casual - A complete, utter joke. Normal Classic - Still very easy. Hard Casual - Decently easy. Hard Classic - The normal difficulty of this game. Lunatic Casual - Decently difficult. Lunatic Classic - If you care about all of your units surviving, the biggest difficulty spike I've ever seen, although it get's much easier past chapter 3. Lunatic + (both modes) - You. Will. Die.
  7. By grinded like a madman, I meant that I had tried to get everyone even level-wise, which in turn resulted in a lot of grinding. But seriously, the drop in difficulty is astonishing. I only started grinding at chapter 16, and I could beat all chappies beforehand easily. (Started grinding there in preparation of Tiki's paralogue.) The only mission I had trouble with really was Grima, and that was a cakewalk after I realised that I needed to use a x4 weapon (four chances for Chrom to hit with Exalted Falchion).
  8. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS! Lunatic, COMPLETED! Although I'm happy/sad to report that the rest of the game after chapter 3 was a cakewalk. After chapter 3, I only has to reset 3 times. Granted, I didn't do the radiant hero and I grinded like a madman, but hey, what can you do.
  9. Eh, sort of. They give you +9 support points. They're not to useful, but I thought that on Lunatic at least, easier supports would help a lot.Man that quote looks weird... how the hell did I do that. Okay... I just beat chapter 3, and I have one question: Just where did the challenge go? I mean, I know people like calling 3 the hardest chap in the game, but the drop in difficulty is startling.
  10. Ah, damn. So I guess I'll have to restart... I really wanted to keep going on with this run because of the seed of trust, but I guess it'll be easier to just restart.
  11. Stats Chrom Level 1, Experience 63 HP20/STR7/MAG1/SKILL8/SPEED8/LCK5/DEF7/RES1 Inventory: Falchion/Rapier (35)/Seed of Trust (Lucky sparklez) MaMU Level 1, Experience 15 HP19/STR6/MAG5/SKILL4/SPD6/LCK8/DEF6/RES4 Inventory: Thunder (43) Lissa Level 2, Experience 2 HP18/STR2/MAG5/SKILL4/SPD4/LCK9/DEF3/RES4 Inventory: Heal (24) Frederick Level 5, Experience 39 HP32/STR16/MAG2/SKILL14/SPD12/LCK6/DEF15/RES4 Inventory: Silver Lance (19)/Bronze Sword (29)/Iron Sword (39)/Iron Lance (40)/Vulnerary (3, and yes I ran out of elixir) Virion Level 2, Experience 0 HP19/STR6/MAG0/SKILL11 (+2)/SPD5/LCK7/DEF6/RES1 Inventory: Iron Bow (40) Sully Level 2, Experience 50 HP20/STR7/MAG1/SKILL8/SPD8/LCK6/DEF7/RES2 Inventory: Bronze Lance (41) Vaike Level 3, Experience 0 HP24 (+5)/STR9/MAG0/SKILL8/SPD8/LCK4/DEF5/RES0 Inventory: Iron Axe Stahl Level 2, Experience 0 HP22/STR9/MAG0/SKILL7/SPD6/LCK8/DEF8/RES1 Inventory: Bronze Sword Miriel Level 1, Experience 0 HP18/STR0/MAG6 (+8)/SKILL5/SPD7/LCK6/DEF3/RES4 Inventory: Fire (45) Nothing extra in convoy.
  12. That's what I've been trying to do. One problem though: Hammer.
  13. Lunatic. I can clear the bottom area easily, but the top is what's stuffing me up.
  14. Hey, question: How in the HELL do you beat chapter 3? I mean, I've read some of the strategies that people have put on here, and they're not really working out for me.
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