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Everything posted by Chigai

  1. Interesting... I'll have a shot at it. Class: Thief / Male Manakete (Mamkute if you prefer?) Condition: NPC thief pilfering goods from the current enemies. Joins on chat with the main Lord or perhaps another character. Lord: You there! What business do you have with these men? You don't bear their usual armor. Me: Gah! Er... I-I'm not even with these men. To be honest, I'm just stealing some goods from them. They pay their men a lot in these ranks! Lord: ... Right... Listen, if you join us, perhaps we could pay you for stealing their gold. Me: Hm... That really does sound like a good deal... I need the gold, too, so... I'll come if you want... Lord: Of course we'd like to have you. The way you're stealing these men's goods with nary a glance from them shows you can be a real help. Me: Alright... T-thanks... I'll just go back to what I'm doing. I'll meet back up with you later if we survive. *leaves* Lord: Hmm... "If we survive"? _______________________ Level: 6 Stats HP: 34 Str: 8 Skl: 11 Spd: 14 Luck: 12 Def: 4 Res: 6 Sword Weapon Level; C Growths HP: 45% Strength: 35% Skill: 40% Spd: 95% Luck: 20% Def: 20% Res: 40% ____________________ Might be a bit OP, but that's alright. ._.
  2. Yes, I believe this map will be a huge help on detailing locations in the roleplay, if need arises. Good job on it. Just a suggestion, maybe someone could make a little chart of the classroom? Maybe some materials inside, a seating chart of the desks? Just an idea of mine.
  3. The boy strolled up towards the north hall. He carried a map, studying it carefully and trying to remember his campus. Des tried to get his attention, though Lemming was far too interested in this map and memorizing it. He eventually folded his map upon reaching the north hall, and slid it into a pouch inside his trainee armor. He sighed and shivered at the thought of having to do some actual training, but perhaps Des could could comfort him; but wait, he would have to remain in the academy stables. After remembering this, he turned towards the stables. "Alright Des... I'm going to leave you in here. Wait for me in this stall," Lemming said comfortingly to his wyvern, then closing the stall gate. After leaving the stalls, he wished he could take Des with him, though he could hold out for a few hours. After making it to the north hall, he sat down in a desk in the middle row, not so much as glancing towards the red haired woman. Now seated, he opened up his textbook and prepared for his first class...
  4. I didn't realize it until now, but Lemming would be a perfect tank. Whoa.
  5. Craving Fire Emblem based puns.

  6. A boy tries to blend into the formation, with his wyvern close behind, making him not so stealthy. The rest of the bunch look towards him, expecting him to introduce himself as well. "Er..." he began to stutter, " I'm... Lemming. This here is my father's wyvern, Des". He scratched a certain spot behind Des's ear, causing Des to nuzzle against him. "Anyways, I hope I can befriend you all, if you'll have me," he said with a rather cheery disposition despite his disinterest in becoming a wyvern knight.
  7. Soon after they walked inside, a red haired boy showed up, him and his father riding a black wyvern adorned with orange eyes and markings, covered with scratches and dents on its armor. The guards almost immediately recognized the older man riding upon the wyvern. "General Idris," one of the guards began to question, "has your son finally come of age?" Idris nodded, and said gleefully, "Yes. I plan to put him into the same path that I went through, just as I said when I retired from my service". Lemming sighed, dismounting the wyvern. "Now, Lemming, you don't have to be so disappointed about this. You'll enjoy this, I'm sure," his father said, causing Lemming to sigh once again. "If you don't mind, Idris, you'll have some paperwork to do for his enrollment", one of the guards said, "so just take your son inside and take your first left. There will be some people to help you inside the office". "Alright. Lemming, let's go," he replied, taking the reluctant child inside.
  8. Er, I don't know if you okay'ed my character. Sorry to bother you. ;w;
  9. Ooh, alrighty. Thanks. I'll ask if I don't understand something, or I'll just check the Fire Emblem Wiki... Anyways. Name Lemming Age 14 Gender Male Appearance Crimson hair, with bangs swept equally to both sides. Youthful aquamarine eyes, that are always filled with either a spark of courage or disinclination. His skin is tanned from years of maintaining wyverns. He's one of the taller riders at the academy, and seems to almost be finished with puberty. Personality Lemming is ever hesitant to do any of the work given to him at the academy, and is known by many of the other students of the academy to be one of the laziest knights in Tellius. Backstory Lemming was born in a town near a capital city in Tellius, where many great wyvern riders were born. His early life was considered average. Lemming had two parents, retired from the military after ten years of service. His mother served as a cleric, healing soldiers in the midst of battle, and Lemming's father was renowned for courageous work in the wyvern knight forces. His father had intended that his first-born child would ride his old wyvern from the start, as many other fathers in their city did with their children. When Lemming became of age, he was taken to the academy in hopes that he may succeed his father's legacy. Lemming did not want this, though, as he had wanted a peaceful life outside of the military. After many arguments with his parents over this, he lost, and was reluctantly forced to fight with his father's wyvern, Desmond (or Des), and quickly gained a reputation for being lazy and reluctant. Steed A male wyvern, named Des, with black scales and orange eyes. He and Lemming don't seem to be too close, but there's still a spark of trust between the two. Stats HP: *** LCK: * SKL: ** SPD: *** STR: *** DEF: * MAG: * RES: ** Inventory Iron Lance Javelin Vulnerary Pure Water __________ Alright, that took, like, forever. Oh, and this is my first roleplay on this website, so if you can give a few pointers, I can really shine (maybe).
  10. This sounds really fun... I haven't played the Tellius series, though. Would I still be eligible to join? I've got some character ideas in the making, just in case I am eligible.
  11. My special plans may as well be to start on FE4. I've been holding it off for a long while now, and I think I'd like it. You know, kind of like all of the others I've played.
  12. Profile pictures are hard to make, or even think of. Ugh.

  13. Well... Er... Thanks for welcoming me! I think I'll have a great time here. Just... greeeeaaaat....
  14. Online name: Chigai Birthday: July 23rd (yay) Favourite FE Game: Between Sacred Stones, Binding Blade, and Awakening. Favourite Game (other than FE): I've played so much Fire Emblem, I've forgotten Favourite FE Character: It's either Colm from FE8 or male Morgan from FE13. Least Favourite game: I like most of the things I play, as I choose carefully. Sports: I hate sports. That's the end of the story. Country: America. Hobbies: Fire Emblem. Drawing. That's it. Good Point: Amazing grammatical skills. Bad Point: Will probably be too shy to post on other forums.
  15. I just joined. Woohoo. ._.

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