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Posts posted by Arden

  1. Well, I think Nohr received a lot more attention than Hoshido a few months back, not to mention Nohr still has the more intriguing storyline, remember? For people like me who play primarily for the story, that's a gigantic plus.

    That's true. Of course, whether or not the story is up to standard is a different story (I assume it will be good). But I can't say I'm fond of having carbon copies and a ruler clearly intended to be less sympathetic (from what we've seen), but there's still a large portion of the game not shown, so I'll reserve judgement and wait to see how both games compare to another.

    It really feels like they are trying to promote hoshido far more and it was inevitable one side would get less attention shame it had to be the good side

    Hoshido definitely seems more diverse in terms of character design and (shame I have to use this term) "waifus". I'll inevitably get both, but I really want both games to be loved and excellent and not one being clearly superior in most regards.

  2. Ugh, Inigo is Marx's subordinate... I heard that was a possibility, but I wasn't sure. I wish it had been someone else. The Hoshido siblings' underlings are all new characters, but three of Nohr's characters are taken up by the Awakening kids... I guess I should be happy it's only three.

    I feel you. It makes me feel like Nohr is a lower priority because they just reuse assets from Awakening, but one of the sides was bound to get jiffed.

  3. Come on people, we can clearly see they are not the same person.

    Perhaps she is his lost sister.

    I've seen this kind of idea with EF4 with the lost twin sisters (Aideen and Brigid I think they're named or something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong with the names.)

    Yeah, you're basically correct with the names. I don't think this is the maid at all and is a subordinate of Takumi, so yeah it's not the same person.

  4. I don't give a damn about looks to be honest. If a character looks awesome, but has a horrible personality (Tharja) or sucks as a unit (Ymir), then I'm not going to give them much of a try. If they look goofy or ugly, that's fine. If they look sexy and charming, that's fine.

    I don't understand people who put Charlotte and Camilla's design down. If people like Vaike and Largo can survive lethal weapons hitting exposed skin, who gives a **** about the aforementioned two having (significantly less upper body skin showing by the way) being revealing. Enough with double standards. Fire Emblem has had wonky designs before, and have had horrible personalities before. Lifis and Tharja have very questionable traits, but they are either ignored (Lifis) or have a fanbase large enough to not care (Tharja).

  5. Like everybody else said, it's the blatant copy and pasting that throws people off as opposed to being used as inspiration. Having the exact same personality with little to no differences is lame. Even the Cain and Abel expies have different personalities. Sain and Kyle are vastly different personality-wise, for example.

    And the worse part is that the Awakening kids look almost identical. If they are the present kids, that's fine by me. If not, wtf lol. I don't want an archetype of characters where it's literally the same looks minus the clothing and the same personality. I honestly don't mind Awakening being mentioned in Nohr, and I would have issue if it's a copy and paste of another character like if not!Soren came out of nowhere.

    I at least hope the new kids will be more like a semi-clone in smash than a flat-out clone.

  6. If it was so peaceful why isn't it unified? Instead it's got different tribes with their own issues and I'm sure internal conflict.

    What I was referring to when I said "peace" was that Hoshido is more than likely going to be portrayed as "innocent good guys taken advantage of" rather than a nation responsible for f'ing up. It isn't so peaceful that it's Mary Sue-like in the sense nothing can ever go wrong, but it definitely looks like IS is portraying it more positively than Nohr.

  7. Series 2 Cipher features FEif characters and is releasing in September. It was also officially mentioned that the set after that would contain Tellius characters, but we don't have any further details about that at this time.

    That's good news! I would love to see how Marcia, Mia, Sephiran, and the like would look like.

  8. Not really, though they are really trying to make Nohr appealing as well because it will be a tougher sell than Hoshido.

    The game is supposed to come out soon in Japan, right? In that case they really need to have Nohr exclusives catch up to Hoshido exclusives as Hoshido greatly outnumbers them atm.

    Yeah, I can't say I'm a big fan of the fact that Hoshido has way more exclusives than Nohr at the moment. Personally I hope Garon is an exclusive for Nohr, but that's just me :P

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