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Everything posted by Lance-a-lot

  1. Hey Arch so first of all I've enjoyed the update tremendously and appreciate your vision for the future of the Elibe universe, Im ecstatic that you're almost finished and I look forward to what's next man, keep it up! Second, I have to admit (now I respect your view of the characters greatly so I hope you dont misunderstand) that I am a little confused about Louise's class change to Sagittary (I think i got that right I apologize as I dont have the game infront of me right now). Louise's portrait and character artwork always matched her sniper animation very well but now that she's a sagittary I find that her animation and her portrait seem a bit mixed. Her animation has her wearing a feathered hat and a robin-hood style get up and it looks alot more woodsman/vagabond while shes presented as a gorgeous and regal looking figure. Its obviously not a huge issue whatsoever but just in my opinion I really liked her sniper class and a bit more than her new one. The new class is badass though don't get me wrong! It just doesn't feel very Louise to me. Just a simple input/feedback about the change is all. I really like having more characters use these new custom classes because they're great but if you updated Louise's portrait to make her look more robin hoody (ie. give her the hat and the more rugged clothes) or maybe give her a custom variant of the animation with no hat and a shoulder pauldron then I think it would flow alot better with the rest of the great detail and such in the game :) I figured it was worth mentioning considering we're in the open beta. Oh and on a side note I'm almost done compiling all of the changes so far and I am hoping to get alot of work done on the guide for this today.
  2. Hey Arch I was just playing Hector's tale and I noticed when Orun died there was no death quote. I dont know if this is intentional, incomplete, a bug, or simply something that was forgotten but I just thought I'd throw a quick heads up at you just in case. Ps, I dont know if this has been brought to your attention already or not but during Hectors tale I also noticed another prisoners freed dialogue bug. When I visited the southern most house right next to the drawbridge that Dawson retracts when you head north the prisoners dialogue played and then I exited the house. The house directly north with the whiskey has functioning dialogue but I saw you were planning to have a whiskey item and no whiskey item was given after the conversation (if that was the intended outcome).
  3. Hey Arch, I saw you mentioned balance. My only concern there is with the new Karel tale. The runeblade breaks the chapter pretty hard in its current form. Originally it was impossible to kill the ballistas on the very first map but the rune sword can absolutely slaughter them. Aaaand when you kill them you get a shit ton of XP like as in I was lvl 20 by the end of the first map. And because of this Barbaros was easy to kill (like legit kill with the devil sword and not just injure which is sort of a problem considering he doesn't have a death quote/event) and the rest of the chapters were relatively a breeze. So if you make the ballistas invincible or change the runesword to do str damage not mag damage then I think this chapter will be flawless. Once my weapons started breaking and my inventory was maxed I could see the amazing amount of skill and planning involved. I love what you did with Karel's tale but the killable ballista's might hurt it pretty bad considering it maxes your level so fast and such. Also increasing Barbaros hp since he wasnt intended to be killable might be a good decision. Thanks for the release man! :) I've absolutely loved it so far.
  4. Hey quick bug post, if you select "sound room" in the extras section the game crashes and the screen goes black and you have to reset the ROM. I assume you didn't mean for it to be accessible. One more quick one here, so in Karel's tale the Dracomaster with the short spear has no animation whenever he attacks. It simply plays the map animation.
  5. If you're talking about the "reboot" that took what? 9 years to make? Then yeah I'm with you lol that game was shit! But I'd say the majority of delayed games end up being better than those rushed out the door like Battlefield 4 and such. That's one of the things I respect about Fire Emblem the most, the game comes out when it's completed and I love that Arch is sticking to that strongsuit of the series and not intentionally pushing out an unfinished and buggy product because of a deadline.Maximum respect and I already know this is going to be absolutely amazing, I mean he's taking an already amazing hack and adding a fresh new coat of paint with an overabundance of fangasmic content. I think I'll be staying up again tonight waiting for this update in an hour or so.
  6. It's all good Arch! Shit happens but historically some of the greatest games were delayed so I consider your game has been blessed by the delay gods of perfection. I wouldn't want it any other way if it's incomplete. I'll be waiting with much anticipation for your update but until then I'll be busy checking out the bit you have provided for us. After all I'm going to be busy applying any and all changes to my guide (as well as finish it...damn was it alot more extensive than I thought it would be!) Thanks for the hard work and the sleepless nights for the sole purpose of meeting your very ambitious deadline. I wish you the best of luck. Three cheers for Arch the bug exterminator and co. Lol
  7. So does anyone know how this stands as of the current time? I've been gone all day so I'm not exactly in the know how.
  8. That sounds pretty awesome! So is Elbert ever going to be playable then?
  9. Merry Christmas Arch! I'll be up with you my friend lol the end is in sight, you gotta sprint that last few feet, you can do it!
  10. lol Well yeah I just meant to ask incase I had missed the update, it was cancelled, I misunderstood, etc.
  11. No way! Really? I always neglected using her due to her horrendous starting condition so i never got to realize her full potential :\
  12. Agreed, I've always wished Fire emblem would buff up the characters you get later on in the game, considering they come at such high levels, so they can be somewhat useful. I mean Nino though...really? C'mon now, they didn't even sort of try with her.
  13. Hey Arch I've noticed that alot of people playing this hack don't seem to know alot of the secrets hidden within. Would you mind if I whipped up a guide topic on here containing (sorted by tale/chapter) all unlockable characters, easter eggs to fe6 and fe7, hidden secrets like weapons, and achievements, etc? During my time playing I had a lot of difficulty with secrets, achievements, characters etc and there was no guide to be found to my knowledge. I would keep it up to date with the next release after it is uploaded of course, I just enjoy writing guides and such and I would love to help you out as I noticed you said a while ago you wanted to create a guide but didn't have the time. It could be my christmas gift to you if a guide doesn't already exist that i'm somehow missing.
  14. So wasn't there an update to this game coming out sometime soon? I thought it was being expected around november and would let you get to chapter 12, did it get delayed?
  15. Ahhh it sounds perfect Arch, I love seeing all of these tales evolve into such awesome realities thanks to your work. I look forward to playing this more every time you comment on here. I always thought an item that activated the summoner's phantom would be really cool and fun to play around with, especially a weapon of some sort. Glad to hear you at least enjoyed the idea. @MasterGabe: I am pretty confident he already said something about releasing a couple more updates after the full release.
  16. It is very helpful but I thought it wouldn't hurt to point you to the scadacore link which is just a simple plug in number convertor which can save some time if you don't quite understand what the link you provided is explaining. Either way your tutorial was very easy to follow and a complete miracle for me. I appreciate the time you took to make this for all of us without the know how. Happy holidays friend!
  17. http://www.scadacore.com/field-applications/miscellaneous/online-hex-converter.html Hey you might want to add this link to your tutorial as it helps a TON with little endian for anyone who isn't savvy at this :) It's an easy hex to little endian convertor. Thanks for this btw I just finished and it works gorgeously! This is exactly what I needed skitty!
  18. Edit: For some reason my notepad program defaulted itself to only running .txt files and so I reverted it back to all files and I have opened the .nmm with no troubles and now see everything as I should.
  19. Well dagum, that's beautiful! Happy holidays indeed friend. I'll give it a thorough read and see if any questions arise. I just made a new topic about class arrays in particular I'll edit it to be more specific seeing as how this answers many questions brought up there.
  20. Very true, yeah there really aren't any ways to add tactics wothout more units and its a solo tale.Maybe he could get a sword that summons phantoms after killing the summoner and you have to use them strategically for a certain map? Thats the best I could think of. Either way it's hands down my favorite tale and I love the boss bananza feel of it, but maybe a few of the enemies could use stat boosts so the fight feels a bit closer.
  21. So my question boils down to what am I repointing? And where can I find it? None of these tutorials explain anything about class arrays and so they dont explain where to find them. But besides that I think I get it
  22. Hmmm I can't tell, it wouldnt let me get past 0x62 in class editor but in the class list .txt I changed it to goto 0xff and I assigned 0xff to Eliwood as his class in character editor as I was testing things out. My rom loads up still so Ill just say it's fine! Thanks friend. I've been working on self solving this for 5 hours and you have saved me alot of trial and error and frustration!
  23. Hmmm thanks I think that's do able I appreciate the help very much. Sooo is my rom most likely garbaged if I have tried changing the .txt file to go past 0x62? I read that anything beyond 0x62 is other data packed close to the class array and anything beyond will erase data.
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