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Everything posted by GoonFrog

  1. ..... Lux? Please respond. I better know the answer to this...
  2. I'm quoted on your profile... I feel honored.

    1. Kinumi


      the honour is mine (ღ˘ ⌣ ˘ღ)

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sZuN0xXWLc
  4. Sing, ride/walk around town, have a coffee. (Doesn't work too bad for me!)
  5. Recently... Maybe a month or so... But the size thing seems to make a lot of sense! It's true that I bought the one I have now just to see how it was like and if I liked it. It was a cheap entry tablet. Thanks 4 da tips!
  6. Sometimes thought my tablet was the problem, prob'ly just don't practice enough -w- small tablet too, though...
  7. You re-drawn some of your characters!? That's pretty cool to see, their transformation and all :3 And you mean to tell me you don't use a pen display!?
  8. Kinumi didn't choose the goon life. The goon life chose Kinumi.
  9. I think it is finally time to ask this question : Kitty, how are you so good with computer drawing!? I can't do **** with a pen tablet... Well, maybe that's an overstatement, but anyways...
  10. Should probably at least say Hey back. Frogs, especially the Canadian kind, are very polite after all.
  11. Can't help but read it with this voice... http://youtu.be/0PtWbFALvcI?t=53s
  12. Night, Celice (or Shock?). Watch out for Stasi spies...
  13. I prefer 'FRAGOON' personally. Best online shooter user name.
  14. Thank you! Hello, Hi and Hey to you too! I have to say, I like Goon the Frog and Froon... Froon is a nice nickname...
  15. Out of context, but couldn't hold on to this...
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