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Status Updates posted by B.Leu

  1. One feed for the awesome avatar ! Took my brain three seconds of loading before understanding who it was.

  2. I finally get it ! Fateborn => Fateburn.

    1. Fateborn
    2. B.Leu


      It took me a while. A big freaking while, But I finally get it ! I mean geez, that was freaking obvious.

      Are you proud of me ? :D

  3. What is that that character on your Avatar ? Just curious. It does look like an older Kamui :o

    1. Taka-kun


      That was definitely my intention :) However, to unveil the mystery, that is actually Saber of Black, AKA Siegfried of the Nibelungs, from Fate/Apocrypha.

    2. B.Leu


      Thank you very much for answering ! :D

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