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Everything posted by Superfan959

  1. Wow... this topic is extremely depressing. To be fair, I didn't see the old hack, so I don't have much place commenting on it. But there were certain "critiques" that just weren't necessary. I used to think that this was an awesome community. Yes, one topic really changed my entire view on that. The way I see it, any ROM hacking community needs as much support as it can get. I don't know when it was that FE hacking became big enough for some members to become stuck up assholes and start rejecting aspiring co-workers. I'd also be willing to bet that not a single one of you would dare act like this in public, because you'd have your asses handed to you immediately. Nobody has the right to act like this, especially a forum full of nerds. And I do believe everyone here is a nerd, including myself. So seriously, everyone get off of your high horses and offer some advice that doesn't make anybody upset. Really, computer skillz elitism? Let's put things in perspective please. Now, on the hack. A few things I'd originally come to mention: Your graphical skills have apparently come quite far, but the script needs some work. First off, use some damn contractions! It's dialogue, remember, not an essay. Secondly, I've missed quite a bit of text in instance where you have the text set to auto-scroll at the beginning of a new piece of dialogue. Both of these I'm guessing would be easy fixes. Now just a bit on your maps. I've only played up to chapter 2, but I'm seeing a trend you seem to like where the player has to essentially weave back and forth to get to the end of a map. Most FE maps give the player options as to which route which characters take. I know it's early on, so I could be dead wrong, but regardless, watch out. On the topic of maps, it seems like you have most enemies set to charge the player immediately. While this can create some interesting pandemonium, after the dust settles there's always like 2 or 3 units set to not move that are left behind, making some of the map a long and boring trek through empty map space. That's all I have for now. Despite some obvious faults in the hack, I personally think it looks promising. Keep up the good work.
  2. Thank you Nintenlord! This looks even better than I'd anticipated!
  3. Wow, awesome then. Hopefully it opens up Map editing for another audience. And I didn't know that! Thank you!
  4. Ok, so I decided to go the Virtual Machine route; everything else was just getting too complicated. But I must say that Mappy SUCKS compared to Tiled. I really wish there were some way to export Tiled maps as even just .png's, so I could just import them into Mappy as a tileset and Copy/Pasta the whole thing (...I think? Because the Tiled map will already be in 16x16 format? I don't really know...) So Nintenlord, I'm not trying to ask for some sort of commitment or anything; I'm sure you're a busy dude, but what are the chances of that Tiled inserter happening? I'm just wondering if I should just get used to Mappy or if I can go back to Tiled.
  5. Ok thanks, that's good to know. Those are pretty good, thanks! Are there any tutorials like that for spriting? Though I guess I should look first Well, I asked for some help mapping too. And thank you for making those tuts! The Mappy website says PC+Mac, but none of the downloads seem to back up the latter claim... or work at all for that matter... That's really reassuring to know that there are vets out there using this then. And an inserter would be nice. Thanks. Like a virtual machine? That's a good suggestion, but I felt it was too big even with one small windows emulator. I had tried it at one point, and once I deleted it, there was a noticeable improvement. And, IIRC, I tried running Nightmare in Wine, and that didn't end up working either. EDIT: Oh, I forgot to ask: is it possible to simply load up a .png of a FE chapter, and use those tiles to help me figure out the arrangement of things? Or will the "tileset" be messed up? EDIT 2: I realized that one single column of Feaw's tilesets are "pushed over" for me. How can I fix this? See? On the far right there? Any idea on how to fix this? Not completely hindering, but extremely annoying to a novice.
  6. So I've been interested in FE hacking for awhile now, but my Mac has always limited me. I recently got the urge to look into it again though. I figured that I could at least make maps. So I found a tilemapping program for Mac (Tiled) and tried to get into it. But... 1) Will I be able to ever "use" these maps? Like, can they be inserted if they aren't made in Mappy? 2) Despite being relatively organized, the tiles are still confusing the hell out of me. I literally can't make a solid path. I have a little bit of experience using tiles from Zelda Classic, but I cannot for the life of me seem to figure these out. I don't see any way to make a decent structure without placing tiles down on offsets, but that would mess everything up, so I'm assuming that's not the solution. Any tips here? 3) Also, on a side note, is this the most active FE hacking community? I'm seriously out of the loop... I used to go to Tactics Universe, which seemed to have everything. But that site is changed, and doesn't look nearly as active.
  7. ... just topic, pretty much. I don't really know why it even matters to me, but do any sort of modifications exist?
  8. Has nobody hear Reggie Fils-Aimee's comment about DS games? The one saying that the DS isn't dying with the release of the 3DS because they'll still be working on untranslated titles? And I believe that in terms of sales, Shadow Dragon did almost the same here as it did in Japan (but a little bit less).
  9. 1st- I use whoever I like, which is determined basically by class and appearance. I just drop people if they don't do well enough. I don't use guides either, so I kinda just hope there are other units coming in the future that I'll want. 2nd- I try to use a mix of characters I haven't used before and characters that I know are bad due thanks to the internet. Or, I do a specialized play-through. OR a harder difficulty with the same people I used in the easier one, with a few changes.
  10. Too boring Too boring/risky I don't even see why someone wouldn't use them religiously. PoR set my expectations even higher. I'm too stupid to find them, and too lazy to go looking. Even if I do know where one is, I usually don't realize it until I finish the chapter.
  11. The earliest I can remember was Lyn on Ch 10. I didn't understand what MT meant (my best guess was mountain), so I sent her to fight her uncle in an awesomely epic battle. He proceeded to OHKO her. I bet people died beforehand if I couldn't understand the pre-battle numbers, though.
  12. I really like this idea. We need something new, especially a new problem in the story. The old "get attacked, travel the continent just to loop all the way around into the invading country" scenario is getting really old. I completely agree on this. I believe that how a character performs, is a part of who he/she is, and class certainly effects performance *cough*meg*cough
  13. I do hope they hurry and do this, I'm holding back on playing the classic 4 and 5 so that I can just enjoy an updated version, but IS doesn't make their intentions on games very clear
  14. That doesn't explain things...how can a huge and heavy book like Fenrir(FE7, 8) has 20 uses, the same goes for many other sacred tomes... The way I see it, the "heavier" tomes have larger pages, taking more effort and time to read. The book's weight isn't actually a factor. (This is just a guess) My question, how is it that animals weigh SO MUCH MORE than humans?
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