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    Is currently watching the FE 14 teaser for the 2089th time

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  • Interests
    Fire Emblem (obviously), art, writing, and a bunch of other things.
  • Location
    Texas, United States of America

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. It might, or not. I'm not 100% technical when it comes to this stuff. As for VA's and voice acting, I'm sure there will be more if not just as much of it in awakening. Laura Bailey as Kazahana or I riot.
  2. So it's pretty apparent that the West and East factions in FE14 have fairly large differences in terms of design, weapons, and what have you, but after rewatching the teaser for only god knows how many times, I got to thinking how these differences could effect the gameplay. It honestly makes sense considering the west and east in real life had many differences in how warfare went for them and what they used to fight with with each side having different training and the like, so I do have to wonder if a similar type of differences could apply to the FE14 factions. For example, let's say the west side gets regular thieves and assassins with normal thief abilities while the east gets something akin to ninjas which more varied weapons, different innate skills or differing stats. So I must ask, would exclusive benefits for the two factions sound like an interesting idea, or make the game unbalanced for one side?
  3. I personally didn't mind lockpicks as you could easily steal them from enemy thieves, but the exclusion of them in PoR was a nice little convenience. Removing stealing on the other hand was what made thieves in Awakening rather uninteresting to me as they had basically lost one of their defining features. I just saw them as walking lockpicks that learn maybe two or three skills worth using. Stealing should return because its what makes thieves...well, thieves. Plus, it'll encourage the player to strategize to get good items from enemies ala Radiant Dawn, which is also nice.
  4. Fog of War was good and clever at best, and completely evil at worst. It's a very mixed taste for me as I really have no FoW horror stories to make me spite it like some people do. I still see why people call it fake difficulty as some of the FoW maps are just trollishly designed sometimes, but I'd still like to see it, especially in a mass scale war setting like FE14.
  5. Third tiers would honestly benefit the game more in my opinion. What made them so good in Radiant Dawn was how they conveyed a sence of progression in comparison to something like Awakening where all you had to show for all your hard work were big stat numbers and broken skill sets. I think it'd make things a lot more interesting if they kept third tier but didn't hand out the third promotion items like candy. I also may or may not be imagining Kazahana as a Trueblade being an adorable machine lf death.
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