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Posts posted by Whitewolf8

  1. Here~



    IFEF 0x01 0x3F (If statement, IFEF in particular checks to see if an event WASN'T triggered. replace 0x3F with whatever event ID, likely best to have it as a separate ID)

    LOU1 Desmond

    ENUT 0x3F (Switches 0x3F ID on, which shoooould stop this from playing again)
    MUEN 4    (Also likely not necessary but hey!)
    ENIF 0x01 (End if)

    ENIF 0x02 (Can't recall what this secondary end if is for but it's probably necessary.)



    Again, may or may not work, I just pulled some event stuff from something I was working on.

  2. Combat's mostly the same, yeah, biggest differences I can think of currently are magic costing HP instead of needing tomes (Aside from Nosferatu, that drains HP as it should), 1-3/1-5 range archers, terrain bonuses being a very big factor and...

    Nope, wasn't in the original game, and it isn't here.

    ...No idea on weapon skills, only what I recall from the original.

  3. Hmm... In relation to co-op things, maybe like, for battle preparations both players choose a team equal to half of the map's deployment spots (16 spots in main-game, 8 for each player in co-op), chosen from their own game file or something. ...i dunno it'd be interesting playing through the game with a second person. but this is probably just a dumb idea that'd never work.

  4. Alm, Kliff, Zeke, and Deen for guys.
    Mathilda, Celica and Delthea for girls.

    I dunno why, but the first three lords of the series are my absolute favourites.

    Kliff because he's so adorable. Zeke because... well, Zeke. and I love his attire. a lot. Deen because I love his hair, and Swordfighter bias, that too.

    Mathilda for being the best Cavalier type character, aside from Zeke, and she looks really cool in this game too. Delthea for also being adorable.

  5. That one's easily possible via romhacking and Nightmare use, haha. Although, a few of the DLC characters in particular keep their default outfit through different classes, like, Chrom keeps his Lord costume as Sniper, or Frederick looking like his Great Knight outfit in General class.

    Currently not, but that's being looked into.

    I can't remember properly, but I think it's been dealt with? At least Chrom was, anyway...

  6. Kaze: "I'll make this quick!" "Your battle has ended!" "Fare thee well."

    Azura: My heart is singing." "Time for your final bow!"

    Felicia: "You're just a stain!" "All taken care of!"

    Jakob: "You are about to be served!"

    Silas: "To the rescue!" "Fall, so that others may live!" "Stand down!"

    Shura: ...All of his critical quotes, hah.

    Izana: Everything

    Fuga: "Prepare for oblivion." "Any regrets?" "To dust, you return."

    Marth: "Fate has brought us here!" "My prayers are with you!" "I am truly sorry." "Our cause is just." "I cannot afford to fail." "En garde!"

    Ryoma: All of his critical quotes.

    Hinoka: "Clear the way!"

    Hinata: "Don't die, alright" "Showtime!" "Let's get wild!"

    Setsuna: "Oh, are we fighting?" "Seeee ya!" "Victory, victory." "I'm happy!"

    Kaden: EVERYTHING.

    Reina: "Cry out in pain!" "How thrilling!" "The light fades."

    Yukimura: "What was your exit strategy?"

    Xander: "You're right where I want you!" "No mercy!" "For the glory of Nohr!"

    Elise: "You're going down, scumbag!"

    Laslow: "Shall we dance?" "You're not going to like this."

    Peri: "Can I have the wishbone?"

    Selena: "Loser!"

    ODIN DARK: "I am Odin Dark!" "So excited!" "Eldritch smackdown!" "Power... Overflowing!" "My darkness was darker than yours!"

    Niles: "Oooooh yes!"

    Arthur: Everything

    Benny: "You don't scare me!"

    Keaton: "If you die on me, I'll kill you!"

    Gunter: "It's not your time yet!" "War and I go way back."

    Squishbubble: Any time his voice cracks.

    Shigure: " My heart is singing." "Haha... Sorry." "It's showtime!" "An encore? If you insist!"

    Dwyer: "I hate you" "I just wanna go home" "Get out of my way" "Hurray..."

    Mighty Midori: "Mighty Midori!"

    Shiro: "Aaand... go!" "Next"

    Kiragi: His dorky laugh.

    Selkie: "Hear me roar!" "My bite is worse than my bite!" "Watch out, I play rough!" "Yay!"

    Rhajat: "I want your skull as a trophy!"

    Siegbert: "Out of my sight!"

    Forrest: "I'm stunning. You're dead."

    Velouria: "A hunting I will go."

    Soleil: "Smile! You're dead."

    welp, sorry for big list.

  7. Oh, it's you, hiya.

    Changing values from save hacking to allow use of the personal weapons will probably shadowban you though, so if they are using those things, it's via rom hacking.

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