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Posts posted by Whitewolf8

  1. Ah, why didn't I think of that? Amatsu sounds like a good thing to use for that. I think that Dread Fighter as Alm's promo sounds like a good idea as long as you can give the Mercs a good replacement Tier 3 class {if any at all}

    He could probably make Hero/Vanguard as Merc tier 3. Hero being Alm's promotion in the original Gaiden.
  2. Just try to keep backups of the thing.

    For example, I'm paranoid enough to make backups of things after every major change... And sometimes just minor ones, too.

  3. Alright then.

    Name: Eve

    Description (for the lulz): The tactician of a mercenary group. Partially insane and cynical.

    Class: Myrmidon/Mage ...Whichever you prefer, but my preference is Myrmidon.

    Item: Zanbato(or Longsword, whateverthehellitscalled)/Thunder, Pure Water

    Mug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ef0wxcw0t2vikjo/Eve.png?dl=0

    Other: Stats somewhere around Marisa in Sacred Stones should suffice. (If you're looking for stats?)

    I think that's about it? If there's anything else you need to know then just ask.

  4. Oh my! My goldfish memory strikes again!

    I'll get to that.

    For now, though. A FE7 compatible version of the Necromancer, if anyone cares for that.


    Don't exactly feel like doing a preview for this. But I'll do so if anyone asks.



    Third time's a charm, right?

    Shows off that fixed Necromancer as well.

    Dropbox link up there's been updated again.

  5. Apologies for the double post, but update.


    Suddenly animation loops! Also, some random frame changes and script changes I've already forgotten... Also shows off the staff and staff dodge...

    I think that's about it?

    Updated the link up there, but for convenience~


    If anyone has any suggestions before I consider it complete, please do suggest.

  6. Hiyas! I'm a person and I do stuff. Except not, because I am extremely lazy. Weeeeeell, not exactly laziness, but almost always unmotivated.... Nope, that's not it... Energy conservationist! That's it!

    Probably not going to be too active, but I'll lurk as I've always done. I'll at least try to post once in a blue moon.

    I'm kind of boring when it comes to introductions, but whatever.

    now to steal all of your shoes. they're all mine.

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