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About Restricted

  • Birthday October 11


  • Member Title
    My mouse is fuzzy

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Tennis, track, gaming, etc.
  • Location
    Someplace cold...

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

Restricted's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Bappy Hirthday alleged idiot! Don't be so hard on yourself! :[

  4. What makes you think you're an idiot?

    btw Happy Birthday!

    I only put one ! because I don't know how old you're becoming.

  5. youre not an idoit ...

  6. Hmm... Isn't this supposed to be about Roger and Draug? I personally just kill off Roger and use Draug for some mysterious purpose... By the way-I have never used Wolf nor Sedgar in a file. Ever.
  7. Name:Restricted FC (American vers.):4984-3716-6386 Meh. Just posting this here. Can't battle right now because my old teams sucked (as did my old files), so I'm working on building teams. If you want to do a battle using people entirely under lvl 10 (and have not used a Master Seal), I could do that. Meh.
  8. You seem to be an interesting person. Hope to see you around. ^^ You know... There are some things I don't want pointed out to me. Just saying EDIT: Thanks, Fearless. Sarcasm is awesome, I know. You beat me :P
  9. You haven't seen me use Umbra... Amubsh style play, every time :D Anyways, that's a valid point. Meh. I suppose I was just mad because I got destroyed by a team of all generals earlier and my mage/healer was the only one who could do any damage. Frigging maxed out defence... Totally destroyed ambush. Of course, I took off Umbra for Generosity on that one :/
  10. Duuuhhh. But I got a Wii, so I can't play 4 :( Heya all who replied. I'ma male (sexism strikes again!), for those of you who may be wondering. Meh. I can't think perfect at 2 am, now can I?
  11. Okay, I am a fairly new FE gamer (have beaten all of the FE games I've played, but I don't consider myself an expert), so this may sound nooby or even dumb to some who are more experienced. Most cheap things have been considered. The only thing I'd consider cheap would be a team of sages with fored Thorons,RNG abuse and Umbra (my personal favorite card, as it promotes ambush over attack, something I pracatice maybe a little too willingly...). The main reasons I consider this team cheap is because the only way you can get an effective mage killer is either by RNG abuse yourself, or hacking (effective mage killers having high movement range, strength, and resistance). Umbra also adds another element, virtually eliminating ranged play. While that may seem bad for the sages, on my relatively nooby main online team, my sage (Lena, due to convienience) has scored 42+ on most enemies. That's a one turn or even one hit kill for most. Now imagine there where 5 of them that could do that... A modification to that would be a Falco or Draco with Iotes Shield and RNG abuse for high def. as a scout. This is just a personal opinion due to some very annoying matches I've played where Lena literally was my only ace in the hole, allowing me to win, as how this game skimps on resistance for non Curates/Bishops (Lena start as Bishop to max resistance, then Sage to max mag works well for me).
  12. thinks he's an idiot :

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