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Everything posted by timehopper

  1. where all the hector/farina shippers at man where are my people that aside, I don't have too many serious ships from 6 or 7 and i tend to be all right with most of them? there is one specifically i can't stand at all for a number of reasons, but as stated before that is not the point of this thread, so I will keep my mouth shut on that front. As for what I do like, for the most part... FE6: Roy/Wolt Shin/Wolt Clarine/Klein Shin/Sue Percival/Roy Percival/Klein Sue/Sophia (idek) Wolt/Lilina Roy/Sophia Lilina/Roy/Wolt OT3 And most of these are casual at best... it's really only the first two i actively ship lol FE7: Hector/Farina Rath/Wil Matthew/Legault Matthew/Leila Wil/Rebecca Lyn/Kent Eliwood/Ninian Lloyd/Legault Linus/Legault Serra/Oswin Hector/Serra Serra/Florina Hector/Matthew Lyn/Florina Jaffar/Nino Rebecca/Nino Kent/Sain Hector/Eliwood and Serra/Lucius as BFFS? yessss pls And again most of those are super casual but I am literally always happy to discuss these ships with people because they are great. (So can you all see my character biases yet or not?)
  2. You DARE to imply that the mighty Crimean Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran is ONE-DIMENSIONAL? Why, surely you jest, as one who could single-handedly take down the Giant Whippoorwill of Southern Crimea MUST have multiple dimensions! Surely more than that squinty coward, Oscar! (I'm joking, of course. I just happen to really like Kieran even though he is one of the flatter characters in the game. I totally agree with you that hes entertaining, and other more one dimensional characters are as well -- I really liked Ulki and Marcia as well even though there isn't all that much to them.)
  3. Going from personal experience, don't discredit the units most people way would be better off benched in favour of someone else. Wil and Rebecca have almost always been on par with each other in my runs, and often Wil proves to be more useful because of his strength, but most people I've encountered seem to think Rebecca is always the better unit. Same with Serra vs. Priscilla. Serra is nigh-untouchable when she promotes and her crit rate is surprisingly good (light tomes!!), but Priscilla has the edge with movement. Generally the prepromotes in this game are good. Not always stellar, but they work to fill your gaps. I personally tend to use them. Always use Hector. And always train Florina, even if you plan to bench her later on when you get new flying units. Her movement early game is so, so useful.
  4. I didn't forge much in PoR/RD but the silliest one I can remember was a pink bow I gave to rolf and called "Ribbon." I did a couple good ones in Awakening though, colours aside. Most of them were Leif's Blades so I gave them a lot of money pun names. Like "Gold Digger" for Severa, "Sweet Loot" for Gaius and "Treasure Trail" for Yarne (well, actually I had to clip that a little since it wouldn't fit). There were others but they were the top three. I think Inigo also got "Money Maker"
  5. I imagine it would take quite some time for stability to return, what with Crimea still recovering from a civil war, Daein crowning a new Queen, and, y'know, a goddess being killed after nearly wiping out humanity. Not to mention the political stress in Begnion...
  6. I don't think the possibility of him settling down with Lethe has much to do with what comes between PoR and RD. I think rather that the supports and Ike's general relationship with Lethe (the respectful relationship they have, I mean, not necessarily -- or even likely -- a romantic one at this point) suggest that he could have settled down with Lethe and moved to Gallia. I'm pretty sure Ike says at one point he likes Gallia, and he did live there for a time. It's not impossible he'd want to go back when it was time for him to finally settle. Hell he could have gone and lived there a few years before leaving Tellius. Perhaps had a kid in that time. I think his ending implied that he left soon after the whole Ashera deal but it was never explicitly stated.
  7. I agree that this topic probably should come to an end, but before it does I remembered something interesting I read from a while ago. It was actually from an Ike/Soren defense (for lack of a better term) but it did mention Lethe as a romantic option for Ike. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's read this since I know it was making the rounds a while back but I'll link it anyway for those of you who haven't. (For reference, I'm just copy-pasting from one section: you can go ahead and ctrl+f Lethe and you'll find it no problem) There's more there that says Ike/Lethe probably didn't happen, and I'm inclined to agree, but from reading this and forming my own personal opinions I actually believe Lethe probably is the most likely woman for Ike to hook up with, assuming he did hook up with someone in Tellius. Which I state again I don't think is the case. There's also a section on Priam but it doesn't really say anything about female romantic options for Ike in it, thus it isn't really relevant to this thread. So do with this what you will.
  8. I think this is less a flaw in Ike's design than a flaw in Awakening's character designs overall, since he's wearing the Hero class armour and not a unique outfit. Same with, among others, Micaiah. I mean jesus, what were they thinking with her???? I could go on forever about the awful character designs in awakening, my god.. I agree with Ana about liking his RD design. I'm really glad that's what they went with for sm4sh. I'm not so much into the muscles but I think it was a good change in design, and for the most part it was logical. Who wouldn't gain muscles like that after swinging a sword around for 3 years? He's a professional, after all. Um. Design stuff aside. I kind of always assumed AU Ike was a thing, but not so much that it's a different Ike, if that makes sense? I had it in my head that he had a kid after entering the Outrealms, not before, and thus I'm on board with the village maiden deal. If it isn't Mist/Boyd's kid, which... I'm going to cling on to as a possibility, even though it's heavily implied that's not the case... Actually, did we discuss that here? I seem to remember talking about the wording being Priam is a 'scion' of Ike or something, but was that the same wording used in the Japanese version, or just the translation? Also tacking on here: @Kon: Thank you for the compliment!! I'm glad you thought my analyses were interesting ;w;
  9. This was from a few pages back but I agree with everything you've said here. I've written a little bit on the topic of characterization for Ike/Elincia and how it just doesn't work for either of them (which you can read here if interested). And honestly for me the characterization is everything when it comes to shipping. So going back to the fanfic example, I'm sorry Ana but I just can't take any of the things you use as evidence coming from your headcanons or fanfics as good reasons to like Ike/Elincia. Although I do like some of your thoughts on the pairing; for instance: I do think that has some merit! I think Ike would return if his feelings were strong enough and he had the opportunity. And he wouldn't reject her for her rank, that's for sure. And I think if Elincia wanted to, she would marry Ike -- but the thing is that, by the time of Radiant Dawn, she's over him. Perhaps things could rekindle, but it's unlikely given Ike's personality, his dislike of the court, and how he prefers the mercenary life. There are a lot of obstacles to their being paired up, but if there was more canon evidence and they really loved each other that deeply... who knows? I'm going to stand by what I said in the post I linked though: with canon the way it is, putting Elincia with Ike is just a bad decision for character development purposes.
  10. I think Ike not denying not denying being in love with Elincia has more to do with the idea that he probably thinks Shinon's blatant racism is a more pressing issue than a crush he may or may not have.
  11. Yeah but from what I recall Joshua stated he left to get to know his people and he always intended to return. It just happened too late. It's a little different for Ike who gives up his nobility just because he doesn't feel like he's fit for it. But that is also different from Ike giving up his family because of whatever reason he might have had...
  12. I can't say I agree with all of your list, Ana, but I do agree that there should have been more ending options. I would have liked some good buddy endings too, not necessarily romantic ones... after all not all A-support endings in FE are romantic ones (Amelia/Duessel, Tana/Cormag, Heath/Vaida, for example), and many could be read either as platonic or romantic. I personally would have liked Oscar/Kieran and Shinon/Rolf endings just because they had some of my favourite interactions in the games. But since this is a thread about Ike and his potential wife... an Ike/Lethe ending would make the most sense to me, but I could see Ike/Mia too. I don't think I'd be happy with any possible Ike/Elincia ending that resulted in their marriage (I think it would be more IC for both of them if it were platonic, or a 'parted ways but always kept each other in their hearts' kind of deal, a la Vaida/Harken), but I do think it could work. Actually you know what would have been interesting to see? Ike/Micaiah. They really should have had some more interaction considering they were the main characters.
  13. Supports, endings, and the fact that it's explicitly stated that Geoffrey is and has always been in love with Elincia. I've given it some thought (and have written some meta about this in the past) but Ike/Elincia makes sense as a pairing if PoR was a standalone game. But because RD exists, and characters require development... I actually quite like the script changes in PoR trying to hint at Ike/Elincia, if only because it makes her development in Radiant Dawn a little better in hindsight. Growing out of an old crush can really help a girl move forward, yanno. Speaking from experience here, of course.
  14. Perhaps Ike as a take on the Black Knight? A man clad only in armour, and nobody knows who hides underneath it? Or perhaps he left on a mission, and just ended up dying without anyone realizing... Unlikely, but an option nonetheless.
  15. Hah! Chrom, competent. Hoooo that's a good one. Going back a bit I liked the discussion about Elincia having Ike's child without him knowing about it. I don't think it could possibly happen either without a huge falling out and possibly another revolt, because politics blah blah, but if she could keep it totally under wraps, and maybe claim the kid is Geoffrey's... It still probably wouldn't work (for long, anyway) but hey it's a thought.
  16. I'm pretty sure most of the other 2-range swords were magic swords and used magic attacks. Like the Sonic Sword and the Light Brand/Runesword/Etc. The Sonic Sword used the wielder's MAG stat, iirc, and the Light Brand/etc calculated damage based on the enemy's RES, not DEF.
  17. Not exclusively. As a Cleric in RD she isn't on horseback, so she's got some ground combat skills. I still don't know if I'd trust her to teach a kid Aether though, unless she really developed those skills...
  18. Oh dear lord. Now THAT is a painful mental image.
  19. IS, hulking-out animations for tiny girls wielding massive swords please.
  20. Because Ike is The Hero. He has an exclusive class. As was also stated other important characters (Micaiah, Lehran, Lekain) can SS more than one weapon. I'd say this was because of their role in the story more than anything. Also I don't remember being able to S rank more than one weapon being a thing for other classes in previous FE games, even for a lord character? Correct me if I'm wrong though. Let's put it this way using an unrelated character: Oscar, when he gets to Silver Knight, can SS in lances but not bows. This is likely because he has been training with lances for years and not bows (we can assume, anyway). So it makes sense that Titania is the same, as a Gold Knight: she was an Axe Pal. To keep my post on the actual topic: I think of all the available females in RD, Titania is among the least likely for Ike to hook up with/marry regardless of whether she can wield Alondite or not. She was kind of a mother figure to the mercs, not to mention her love for Greil. Talk about awkward...
  21. Vika's wind-tousled hair gets me every time. Nephenee comes in a close second, with Calill right behind. And I always thought Laura was pretty cute, even though I'm kind of meh about her as a character. Also Tanith.
  22. Are we talking in purely aesthetic terms here or can we award personality points as well? Because if so, then definitely Shinon and Naesala. If not, Geoffrey for most handsome, and Sothe for misc. attractive qualities. It's the belly shirt.
  23. I've always personally had better luck with Serra. She's completely untouchable in my current run -- in fact I don't think she's been hit since level 14 (she's promoted and lv 10 now). Priscilla has always lagged a lot for me, so I tend to favour Serra now. But the lack of mobility is a little saddening...
  24. I always liked the idea of Haar marrying Jill as a way to honour Shiharam, or to ensure Jill was always protected... I never really shipped them as lovers, per se, but I liked their almost familial bond.
  25. Oh no no no, sorry! It looks like phrased that badly; what I meant was if there was a situation in which Elincia had to choose Geoffrey or Crimea, she'd still pick Crimea. I didn't necessarily mean marriage, so that's my bad there. Wow this thread got crazy fast.
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