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Everything posted by GigaBreaker88

  1. Haha, man... Still on chapter 3... I took a bit of a break, sure, but man. Didn't think I'd be this bad. Got a 100% counter spawn once, or something close to it. That was... A fun attempt.
  2. Hero is generally best: Better skills and better caps for Donnel. Warrior works, of course, and gets bow access, but in general Hero works better.
  3. That's more or less what I figured. Oh well. EDIT: 3500th post on the thread apparently. So that's cool.
  4. I must really just be bad/have awful luck with Luna+/Counter spawns. My issue is that my Avatar really does just get molested by anything with Luna+ or Counter... Just can barely not quite 1 shot them, so takes full counter damage and hit... I must need more HP/Defense. That brings me to a thought I had a little while back, is HP+ Avatar vital for Lunatic+? Seems like it would be good for dealing with the counter early on. I mean, if I can make it to Chapter 3 with a Speed+...
  5. That would be much appreciated. Well, the ever important Avatar is +Speed -Skill because of the Chapter 2 strats, and it did go quite easily... Sits at level 13 with Str of 11, Mag of 13 (And C rank in tomes) a skill of 10, which is enough to ensure hits, speed of 19, luck of 12, defense of 11 (this is where I'm a bit screwed) and a resistance of 9, which doesn't matter for this chapter. Frederick is just level 2, he did get str spd and def up though. Chrom is still level 1 because both times I tried to give him experience, he got screwed and Frederick had to take it. Sully got 2 and Vaike got 3. I use Interceptor's strat to beat the left wave, which I can do consistently. Right is... Doable if they don't have too many Luna+ or Counter spawns, as is standard.
  6. Whelp, still working on Ch. 3... I just generally seem to have bad luck, and also seem to be bad. Can't seem to get past the bottom group all of the sudden, when I do the top still wrecks me. I wish I could just... Skip Ch. 3. I know I can beat Ch. 4, and from there I'm essentially home free...
  7. Alright, thanks. Now I just need a little luck to get a good bottom group and I should be able to do it if I haven't forgotten how to kite. I'm only half kidding, the last time I actually had to kite was playing SS back in 2012 and a myrmidon crit killed Ross and Franz.
  8. I had to restart due to the avatar getting RNG screwed with levels, but Kuroi's turn by turn got me through Prologue/1 and Interceptor's strat got me through Ch.2, which is great because that's where I got stuck every other time. But now Ch.3 is here. Those I've spoken to tell me it tends to be a bit more consistent, but the RNG hate is real. I will say this, it's not half as frustrating as Ch.2 was. Interceptor's left side bum rush gets me through the first part, but the avatar doesn't have enough defense to take more than one Luna+ enemy. Now, I'm not that concerned because all that takes is some reset mashing. But I can't seem to make chokepointing the top work out well enough. The hammer enemy kills Frederick about half the time I get there (since I can't chokepoint with the Avatar as the lead, due to low defense) and the other half is me being an idiot and forgetting to un-equip Fred and he dies to everyone's favorite skill, counter. Very rarely too many top enemies have Luna+ so I can't just tank with Fred and snipe with the Avatar, but I'm hoping a few more rounds and I'll get lucky enough to move on to Ch.4, which I honestly expect to not be too bad. Was definitely the easiest on regular old Lunatic. If the chokepoint strat fails enough, any tips on kiting the top group well?
  9. Whelp, I now know Anna hates me with a burning passion. I had to reset in Ch. 2 on Lunatic+ thanks to my Avatar getting so RNG screwed there was literally no possible way to win the chapter. Now, going back and doing the Prologue... It's been utter and true hell. I've spent upwards of 3 hours just on the Prologue. Enemies keep moving where they shouldn't be going, the top mage keeps getting Vantage+ Luna+, Chrom keeps getting crit by the one enemy who can possibly crit him, Frederick misses on the 2 barbarians at the start... I just don't get it. The first time around it barely took me an hour. Whelp, beat Prologue... Took ~4 hours... Chapter 1 is gonna be so much fun, I can tell... Avatar has 12 base defense and 23 health, any tips to make this take less than the rest of my days? Well shucks, Chapter 1 wasn't half bad at all. The Avatar was RNG blessed in defense this time, so it hardly took me a half an hour, just a few resets because Hawkeye Luna+ hammer guy.
  10. Woo beat Prologue on Lunatic+. Only took me 2 hours. God I can't WAIT to see how hellish Ch. 1 is.
  11. Took me forever, but at long last, Lunatic classic is defeated. Some fantastic luck with merchants that got me a few early master/second seals made things a lot easier, and once I could grind cash efficiently, I got the Avatar from my completed Hard mode run, and as he was fully capped with Limit Breaker, I was able to use him to solo most of the lategame. Literally solo. The final chapter was true hell, I will have nightmares about those physic staves for the rest of my life... But, after much hell, a few lucky Mjolnir crits landed me the win. Now, onto Lunatic+.
  12. Virion is consistently worthless to my team, and a sub-par father in most cases. Miriel and Ricken feel pretty crappy too, but my vote definitely goes to Virion. What does it matter if you can hit a foe, if you can literally do zero damage?
  13. Thanks, it worked, I'm just stupid I guess.
  14. Made it to Ch.9 since a few days ago... Ground all my units to level 20, used the master seal on Chrom, only Ricken is RNG screwed (I barely got 3 magic growths on him over what, 15 levels?) but I still can't beat 9 because either Libra or Kellam dies... And It's hard to pick the 3DS back up after the reset because of the sand... I've found true hell, this time.
  15. Just began Lunatic tonight... Classic, of course. Just gonna try and, well, beat it so I can get Lunatic+, where the real challenge and E-Peen growth lies... Beat Premonition and Prologue fairly easily (Boss did crit me once which felt kinda bad but otherwise alright...). Working on Chapter 1 now. EDIT: Ch. 1 finally down... But Ch.2 is giving me true hell... Frederick keeps managing to get crit by a soldier... Life isn't fair sometimes. EDIT2: Ch.2 down, yay... Ch.3 though is true hell. I always get to the last few foes, and Frederick gets crit again. Gods I hate this.
  16. Lore wise? I doubt there's any reason to it. Makes zero sense from a physical standpoint, really. It's probably a balance thing, though I can't say I agree with it, since it can tend to screw over their users a bit in FE7, which is kind of unnecessary considering they only get to use them for a single chapter. The only valid reason I can think of is to keep Eliwood/Hector/Athos dominating in the Link Arena thanks to having the only stat increasing weapons, make them have some sort of a tradeoff. Makes sense for Durandal and Armads at least, but feels a bit... Cruel for Forblaze/Aureola. That also would explain why Lyn's Sol Katti gets to be so absurdly heavy, they didn't want her to molest every magic user in the arena.
  17. Hey, forum-goers. I'm GigaBreaker88, and I've been into Fire Emblem for about a year now, so I guess that still makes me kind of a newfag? But, I try not to be annoying, and I generally lurk far more than I post, so... I hope I don't bother you all too much. I'll just fill out the prompt here. Online name: GigaBreaker88 Real name: Charles DoB: August 29th Favourite FE Game: Blazing Sword Favourite Game (other than FE): Bravely Default/Earthbound Favourite FE Character: Canas/Lyn/Lute/Joshua Least Favourite game: Fire Emblem? PoR. Outside of that, Superman 64 is atrocious, and hilarious. Sports: Badminton Online friends: None here, yet. Favourite music: Disco/Jazz in general are neat... Favourite artist/band: I don't listen to much music... Favourite song: Above. Country: U.S.A. MSN/Yahoo/AIM: This dates the prompt a bit, haha. I remember those days... But, none anymore. Hobbies: Science... Uh... I don't do much. Good Point: Intelligence Bad Point: Kind of a dick Anything else? I hope it's not too... Weird or weeby or whatever to use this Lyn avatar, I usually use a different one, but it didn't feel appropriate for this forum...
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