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Everything posted by CobyTheGoober

  1. The neck is too long, I think that's what is off.
  2. Rolo thought about Alphonse's question a little bit. He didn't necessarily want to go back home, and while traveling would be a lot more fun than staying home, he knew that it could be dangerous. "Well I just want to do something that'll keep me interested, and have a lower chance of death. So I guess I'll probably wanna end up someplace that's safe, and interesting."
  3. Those splices are pretty good! They're quite clean, and I like their design and palettes as well. The first and second one are my favourites.
  4. Rolo looked over at Alphonse. He was not expecting any sort of conversation to brew between Alphonse and him. "Uh... fine I guess? How about you?" Rolo expected that Alphonse was just trying to make small chat, so he kept his response brief.
  5. I can do mugs, check out my sprite gallery if I qualify lol.
  6. You make it scripted Kappa. In all seriousness, maybe a good way to make it good is to make it so it takes 1 round for both units to kill each other? And have the map have specific terrain you have to manipulate to get the jump on the enemy? Like you're far apart, and going on a certain tile creates tiles near your enemy to block off their path, or change the tiles around your enemy to damaging tiles, or maybe poison tiles activate?
  7. Rolo was pretty tense, and tried to stay unnoticed for a bit. He felt really out of place around the group of people he accidentally gotten involved with. But now that everything seemed to be calm, and that the discussion about Rolo and whether he should return home, and the Wrathites simmered down, he was able to calm himself (though he still felt awkward with what happened so far). With what was happening now he didn't bother to say anything, as he felt it unnecessary, so he just stood back and tried to not look uneasy.
  8. While I work on updating the portrait request, here is a W.I.P of the Naginata goddess.
  9. Thanks a lot, I've been spending most of my free time spriting hoping that I would get better. As for the personal taste thing, I would have made it differently, but since it was a request, I stuck to what the requester's design for the character. As for the gold colour shoulder piece, it's actually supposed to be her arm lol. As for the green strip of hair under the flower, guessing that it should curve upwards??
  10. I have nothing else to say, other than keep practicing and experimenting. You're off to a pretty good start.
  11. I think the original edited ash mug fits Ash's character more, but I don't think the edit you made is bad. But I still prefer the Yoshi edit.
  12. The ghost's critical animation sounds like the based chef Gordan ramsay. RAW! RAW!
  13. These videos on the submission have been a joy to watch so far, since the in the game, there is so much going on, and it's all pretty funny.
  14. Woooaaahhh, the quality jump from the beginning of the submission to the actual start of the submission is is huuuugge. I can't wait to see what happens next!
  15. Holy shit, Alfred came to this thread. Yeah I made all the custom portraits, but a lot of the portraits need to be updated. As for the gameplay, I'm gonna try and open it up for testing after I get chapter 2 done.
  16. He looks likes he's wearing future styled fire emblem armor.
  17. I love the sort of stutter walk back to the starting point after Weiss's critical hit XD
  18. This man was retired as a hero. Eternally retired Original
  19. Geitz "I've got nothing to lose!" Or "I hate my life"
  20. So uh remember this portrait?? Well.. I updated it? This portrait is for a buddy of mine.
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