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Everything posted by ReformBlade

  1. Nodding at what Morgana said since that's probably something they could both agree on, Mushirah couldn't help but notice Shadrak's word choice but decided not to worry about it while they were talking to someone else. Hopefully he's just saying that for appearance's sake right now... If nothing else, she had some tact, and perhaps some hopes. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Mushirah said, holding her hand out for a handshake as well. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
  2. Holding the bag of chocolate caramel goodness in her hands, Aneda forked over the amount of gold necessary for the exchange, not wanting to wait or forget or do anything foolish regarding this dangerous and tense moment in her life. Chocolate was at stake, there was no alternative. "Thank you very much, sir." she said politely and quietly, including a formal bow and everything. Joining her two new friends, she was all smiles as she glanced at one and then the other. Holding it right below her face and resting her chin on the bag, "think I should get more? Do you two kids want some choc-oh-lot?" So it's just going to be a reactionary evening all around, I guess? Though really it was going to be that way for us anyway, at least we're not going to be the only ones in the same boat though, not... entirely anyway. Mushirah thought, smiling at the guests that they had interrupted. This Athena person seems pretty willful, or perhaps just a bit of a control freak? Either way, I'm sure we'll be fine. "Sounds like it's going to be a pretty interesting night then." Mushirah decided to try and comment on it. Unfortunately her comment was pretty unoriginal and didn't further the conversation any.
  3. The screening process was certainly a new thing to Mushirah, ultimately having to accept it if she wanted to get through.Though it made her feel a bit exposed, she was all smiles during it, and when it was finally done and she could go in, she was ready for a good time. I wasn't expecting that, but I guess it works. she thought to herself before asking Shadrak in a fairly quiet voice, "Is that.. normal?"
  4. "Well lets not focus on if there'll be a fight or not, okay? If you want, you can bounce ideas or thoughts off of me, I'll try to keep as best a log for you as I can." Mushirah said whilst accepting dat arm. "I know I'm gonna be focusing on what the place is gonna look like, I can't wait to start drawing them when I get back, I just know it'll be gorgeous!" all smiles while talking about her future drawing escapades, she frowned at Shadrak's negative outlook. "Yeah, we'll be without our most used methods for a bit, but so will everyone else assuredly. If something breaks out, I'm sure we're both resourceful enough to make a break for it or to avoid drowning dying." clinging closer to his arm, "And besides, I'm sure you'll be there for me if something does happen."
  5. Well yeah... I guess that would be true. It's a big event so of course the wouldn't celebrate it in some cramped fashion. Mushirah surmised, accepting Shadrak's hand with a big smile. "We will, thanks for bringing us here sir!" she quickly responded to the driver, but then she turned her attention elsewhere as she stepped out, taking a rather deep breath. "You ready for this?" she asked in a lighthearted fashion, hoping to lighten the already not dire mood.
  6. Hoping to strike up a conversation about something they were both interested in, or at least one person was interested in and one was acquainted with, Mushirah began asking questions about dark magic, unfortunately she never really got much out of it as she was feeling some violent undertones from it. First half of the ride was all talking, the latter half was spent looking out the window and wondering what was going to happen at the party. When they finally arrived, Mushirah couldn't help but feel a bit giddy, "Oh gosh, we're here, we're here!" and then the nerves set in, which left her in a bit of a bind in her mind... how kind. So instead of fretting, she decided to alert the almost asleep man next to her, "Shadrak, come on, we're here! Oh wow, look at the line, this is gonna be so packed, isn't it?" Please don't make me go and be social to an extreme, no no no
  7. "I know you do, and I'm pretty grateful for that, I just can't really think of anything to really do since I kind of suspect things will be planned out... sort of." Mushirah started, already dreading anything involving moving around a lot. "I think we'll be fine if we just have an open mind." Relaxing against the seat, she let out a sigh. "We'll have to wait and see, unfortunately, hopefully i'm wrong and we do have a bit of free rein on this."
  8. "Fresh... caramel, and chocolate..." Aneda said in a daze, quickly taking them, eyeing them closely with an inquisitive stare, making sure to probe every milometer of its surface with her discerning gaze. Without warning, she popped one of them in her mouth, eyes lighting up as she was enveloped in a sweet taste sensation. "Good... good! No, it's great, fantastic, uuugh, they're amazing!" Popping the rest in her mouth and chewing like crazy, her words became a bit slurred but if you listened hard enough, there was a human in there. "Hokay sho, how mushch, er, how lonshg do theshe thinshg lasht? And how musch you got?" chewing followed by a powerful gulping swallow that was clearly a practiced maneuver get your mind out of the gutter, and then, "And what price ya looking for?" "I'm... not too sure what we should do when we get there." Mushirah admitted in not really a defeated tone so much as a matter of fact tone. "I'm honestly just assuming things are more or less planned from the start, but I don't know much about these sort of get-togethers, living in a port town and all." Which got her thinking, "Now that I'm on that subject, I'm wondering if I'm gonna stick out like a soar thumb... I don't have any expectations here, I don't know what to expect, I only got a brief introduction before any of this. If you're truly asking me, I'd probably just like to sort of... keep to ourselves I guess? I'm not one for crowd mingling, so maybe we can just sort of eat, talk about... stuff. I mean, if you wanted to do something else, please tell me, I'd gladly join you."
  9. "Don't worry about it, things happen, and really I won't hold it against you for too long~" Mushirah responded with an uncharacteristic teasing tone in her voice. Perhaps this group was a bad influence on her, which is totally true, but really she was feeling nervous and it was the first thought that came to her mind, try and joke with him. "But yeah, it is kind of dark in here..." she mused with a little bit of awkward shuffling of feet on her part, still not very used to the new shoes she had but that's neither here nor there. "I'm ok with that though, if I have to be stuck in the dark with someone, you're up on the list." Thankfully he couldn't see her blush, but the embarassment showing on her face was fairly plain and almost adorable in that 'did she really say that' sort of way.
  10. Accepting the darkest bear made of chocolate goodness, the bittersweet taste took over and Aneda made a weird squeaking noise to accompany the taste bud explosion in her mouth. "Oh my God, I haven't had a piece of chocolate in forever I forgot how good it was! Well, didn't forget so much as my mouth was craving it and never got it and now it's just screaming at me 'Congratulations, you finally friggin got the message'!" Her inner child was rearing its head again, probably in a desperate attempt to not feel depressed over past events but hey, everyone's got their foibles. "Do you got anything sweeter? Like something with a caramel you'll let me try? and before you get concerned, I promise you I'll buy something here, I ain't no damn freeloader when it comes to chocolate!" she spoke with the seriousness of a person who wanted to seem genuine. Weird. Taking a seat while she still could, Mushirah smiled at the man. While it certainly was more of a show than complete genuine manners, she would certainly enjoy being doted upon for however long this would last. If reality had its grimy hands on teh conversation, it wouldn't be a very long time but screw reality, she had other plans. Not really plans so much as... hmm... yeah, plans. "I knew you could be a gentleman." she said to the man, waiting for him to take a seat with her.
  11. "Well he seems like he's waiting for us." Mushirah pointed out the very same third carriage. He seemed like a nice fellow enough, not to mention that getting a seat quicker would be better than later and having to scramble around. "Come on, let's go!" she urged him to make the first move because come on bro, standards.
  12. Chocolate! her mind screamed like a little kid. "Ummmm um um... You sure I can sample some things?" Aneda asked, rather unsure this gentlemen knew who he was dealing with, "I mean, once I get goin I probably won't stop, haha." Of course as she was admitting to being a pig she was scoping out the local chocolate delicacies, bars of chocolate, chocolate pastries, she even swore she saw jars of what appeared to be chocolate syrup. Chocolate on the go... is this heaven? Is this real life? Is this seriously happening to me? Meanwhile, Mushirah smiled and nodded, replying simply with a, "Yes, lets." Making herself more comfortable on his arm, she was anticipating a wonderful night ahead of them. Good heavens she needs a reality check, am I right? Guys? Anyone...? Ok...
  13. Taking his arm, Mushirah could really start to feel how real it all was He wasn't just her imagination!, the idea that she'd ever be going to a noble's ball, let alone a princesses never really crossed her mind in terms of things she'd ever accomplish in her life. That being said she refrained from getting all excited, well... any more excited than she already was. To do that, she simply thought of perhaps taking time to really look at the place when they get there and try and draw it, for some reason she didn't quite have mapped out yet but it sounded like a project she'd like and boy it certainly beat thinking of how much she didn't know, like what kind of atmosphere it'd be or what exact kinds of foods there'd be or how people acted and all of that. She tried to control her breathing to mete out the anxiety, and it seemed to work for her. "Hey, don't worry I was just teasing you, Shadrak. I'm sure you'll think of something, and if you don't there's no pressure, in all honesty. I think that just getting the chance to go is more than enough a gesture for me."
  14. "Well we don't have to have dessert first, I'm just saying I really want some junky snack foods..." Aneda grumbled but realized she may have sounded way too complainy there after she said it out loud. I mean I'm getting my way anyway, so why complain? Ugh I'm never satisfied, hehehe. "Um... anyway, where is this guy located?" she quickly just sort of went with it but probably not quick enough for her own tastes. Fidgeting with her newly purchased coat, rather enjoying the slightly snug fit on it, she began exploring the pockets and giggling to herself mentally about it. Oh, the things I'll hide in these bad boys. Smiling again at the potentially good news, "That's good to hear." Mushirah admitted up front. Well, not so much admitted as was genuinely glad to hear but yeah. She vaguely knew what was going on regarding that but she'd simply ask about it later, hopefully after the celebration. He really is focused on the Emblem and people around it, isn't he? she noted mentally before trying to think of something, anything else to say. Instead she decided to reiterate a previous statement, "Then lets just enjoy the night then, alright? You promised you'd make it good and memorable for me, don't forget!" she decided to throw in the last part for emphasis, trying to let loose though she already felt awkward saying it out loud like that. I should've just kept that to myself, hopefully he won't take it the wrong way or something... Ugh i'm too nervous, I need to stop thinking about how big this is, just focus on the guy in front of me I suppose. That'd be a start. Looking Shadrak in the eye, she smiled at him, noticing just how handsome he looked in a suit.
  15. "Food is good, yes. I'm up for whatever, though we should probably just keep it cheaper since we're all spending enough here, heh." Aneda chimed in. "Maybe we wanna pick up something to fill us up then go grab some sweet snacks? I could go for some chocolate. Or maybe some marshmallows with chocolate... or just chocolate. I want chocolate." she reiterated for emphasis because she wanted to eat something bittersweet because screw you it's chocolate. Shadrak being his dorky self helped Mushirah calm herself down a bit, still overwhelmed at the whole thing. Still so weird, I've never been to anything like this... So exciting! "I'm sure we'll both be remembering this, so don't worry. We should just try to enjoy it, yes? I mean, it's not really a party for us so much as a celebration, but..." She was going somewhere with that but forgot where since she was so nervous. Not quite used to such a fancy outfit, she was admittedly a bit embarrassed about it on the whole but she kept telling herself that she didn't look as silly or as weird as she felt. "I've never done something like this before, have you?" Still holding his hand, it reflexively clenched when she realized that he said she was beautiful. Umm... Hopefully he didn't take her silence on it as a misstep on his part.
  16. "Eh, not much really. They don't got much else I really need right now. I think normally I'd go looking for some dyes but I kinda wanna ween myself off that, though I guess it's not so much weening as it is a hard stop." Aneda admitted before shrugging and repeating her earlier statement. "Nah, I didn't find anything else but this balling coat." Seeing Shadrak all dressed up and holding his hand out for her made Mushirah blush, the smile on her face being a pretty big tell that she was gonna try and enjoy this. Eagerly accepting his hand in hers, she took in a deep breath and smiled some more. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." was the first thing she said, but really there wasn't much more to talk about aside from the thoughts racing in her head about how i was all going to pan out at the ball. Maybe we can actually hit it off, who knows? He wouldn't have asked me to go with him if he didn't like me, right...?
  17. "Well fine, yeesh, I didn't know you felt so strongly about it!" aneda responded, dialing back her enthusiasm a bit for the moment. She was quite content with her soon-to-be purchased coat, and really that's all that mattered to her. Until she realized that hey maybe they've got some fancier things here and she started looking around. Mmmeh. Meanwhile, Mushirah was still in a small amount of shock at the fact that she was going to a super duper fancy ball. Circumstances weren't a thing she wanted to dwell on about it but it'd certainly be a story to tell her parents about, later of course. Why'd he ask me to go though? I thought he had other... friends. Ooooh am I even going to enjoy this? I don't know what I'm doing here, I feel out of place but... I guess I won't be alone exactly. Among strangers for the most part but not alone... Who knows? Maybe something super special will happen to me there? Hee hee. Oh, no, I shouldn't get too excited, lest I let myself down. But I want to enjoy this, so I will. Hopefully I won't embarrass anyone. With all that in her mind she barely payed attention to much else around her, only feeling a bit awkward in her dress as she walked down the staircase.
  18. "Hey, if you can afford it, maybe you should get some really badass suit for flying?" Aneda chipped in earnestly. "I mean if you're gonna replace the two biggest parts of your ensemble, I'd say go all the way, and don't worry, I'm sure we'd both love to help you find something absolutely delectable!" If he was just looking for a few pieces, boy did she miss that memo!
  19. "D'aaaw, I think it looks fine on you!" Aneda said with a nudge at the kid, staring at him in the mirror, standing by him and nodding with that approving grin that just screams of sarcasm. "Though I don't think white's your color. Maybe a red, or a yellow, anything bright!"
  20. Listening in on their small conversation at the moment, this silly gal was looking at jackets. Hmm... something... 'good'. Something comfortable looking, some pockets, something greeeeeeen maybe? Sifting through all these jackets, she wasn't dissatisfied as a whole at what she was finding, some were fairly cool and worthy to be worn by a lady such as Aneda, a lady with a REBELLIOUS STREAK. However... she wasn't finding one that ju- "Ooooo!| Never mind folks, she found one. Pulling it out (giggity) and wouldn't you know it, it's just her size! "Well it works for me, don't really care about the price~" she said, holding it out to show off to her NEW FRIENDS.
  21. "Aww, I'd love a jacket, but I don't think I'd get to wear it proper all the time. Armor and whatnot... Still, something for those cold lonely nights would be most welcome!" Imagining a jacket with just about a million pockets, Aneda smiled at the two. All the things it could hold.. In that convenient package! "After that, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a good place to chill out."
  22. "Ha, me drunk isn't really a grand sight, I just get less inhibited." Aneda quipped before anyone got any misconceptions. "And really, I'd be up for either option, or a third one or a fourth one. I'm joining you two, so you figure it out since you've already got my vote."
  23. "Mmmmeeeeeh I dunno, I go flying every day. I dunno about you two but I'd prefer something more grounded, and yes, every single pun intended in that." Aneda rolled her eyes at teh expected responses to her joke, but in reality it was the best joke ever made, and it'd be the last joke she'd ever tell or something ominous like that. "Sure, we don't have to go drinking... Lord knows I'd prefer it, but we don't gotta. Maybe we can go check out a few odds and ends shops, see what kind of cool gadgets are lying around... if places are even open. Hell, are they with this big event goin on?"
  24. "Meh, I don't particularly see a need to inform someone of me not going to an event unless I was specifically asked to be there. Now, if someone good looking wanted to take me, that'd be a different story altogether!" She said with all the truthiness she could spare, deciding to let Lumi's comment on brother and sister alone and for the guy to chime in on at his leisure. "Anyway, I don't see a problem with you coming, mister. All things considered it probably won't be the riproaringest most awesome time you've ever had, but I alone can guarantee it wont be... well, uneventful, at the least~."
  25. Touching Lumi's hair like she was trying to show it off, "Admit it, she'd look gorgeous with it!" she stated triumphantly, as if she stumbled upon a one step process of hotifying someone. "Well I think she'd look good with red, not that blue doesn't fit her at all, it's a good color and it's thematic with her skillset, but... I'd say red is by far a more welcoming and passionate color, don't you think?"
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