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Everything posted by ReformBlade

  1. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this. You're calling me the insane when you two are the ones grasping at the tiniest of straws, making some pretty ridiculous claims (Oh, they didunt marree owt ov luv, duh!)... What both of you are extremely failing to recognize is that FE isn't exactly a series that ignores cliches. It thrives on cliches. You are conveniently throwing out any and all things that are pretty damn certain to happen given the genre. She married Geoffrey, she knew him since she was a child, he is INSANELY devoted to her, He's a very handsome man with the highest of moral standards, what the hell is there NOT to love about the guy from her perspective?! What, he's not roid'd up like Ike?
  2. Great, you can find more pics of it. It's almost like people saw it coming from PoR and then they didn't get it in RD, which isn't even helping your view at all. What's the point of this random fact? Popularity has absolutely no effect on what is and isn't canon.
  3. Or take it at face value and realize that is how it was meant to be? I doubt they'd completely forget to put an ending with 2 MCs or just go "Meh, I'm too tired"...
  4. Wasn't that basically already Ashera's goal? Why wouldn't they strive for it?
  5. I see Deghinsea deciding to sit back and watch everything, despite the fact that war was still going on (The whole reason he took everyone into seclusion was to prevent war) as a very dumb move. If he had gone in and helped, bringing all of his drgaons, no more war!
  6. I find your theories extremely questionable if half of them are based on, "They didn't say they didn't do [something]..." Just sayin...
  7. You haven't changed my mind, you've just put my thoughts down on paper correctly. I agree with your sentiments Cresneta
  8. In name only, though... I guess that IS 'technically'.
  9. Nolan isn't the leader of the DB. He USED to be, but Micaiah Mary Sued her way into getting what she wanted.
  10. Good. God... I... What? Elincia married Geoffrey. The end. I'm sure she likes Ike, but she LOVES Geoffrey, it's made quite clear due to the fact that she married him. She's not a weak little bitch like she was in PoR, this was clearly done on her part as well. If she really wanted to go with Ike, why didn't she? If Renning is so damn capable, why didn't she just frickin go? Your assumptions have no grounds to them!
  11. My opinion. To a lesser, but still destructive degree, my Netbook.
  12. In all honesty, it'd be a pretty awful pairing. Kieran is crazy for Geoffrey, and Marcia spouts retarded food swearing. You know what, I do wanna see it now, if only to see just how dysfunctional it really would be.
  13. Obviously she governed for X amount of years and THEN left for Ike, duh...
  14. You're reading waaay too into these things... Why can't people just take things at face value, something this game does clearly?
  15. I have Sleep Apnea, so I have to sleep on my back...
  16. Er... In these games/premises (Medieval fantasy settings), and given FE's track record, YES, it does almost automatically mean they are in love. If they don't hate eachother, and they marry, yeah... And Renning may be stubborn, but I highly doubt he'd arrange a marriage after Elincia did so much for Crimea. He's not a douchebag who just went semi power hungry and decided to dick around with Elincia. And Elincia of PoR might've not backed down (If Renning decided to break character), but RD Elincia + Spine? Hell no. You are making such weird assumptions about the weirdest of things.
  17. I'd just like to say a few thing about this whole 'secretly in love' business. Is Ike really a guy to hold a secret crush like that? In almost every scene, he's blunter than a frickin sledgehammer. I mean hell, he yelled right at Sanaki's face despite the obviously bad repercussions. This alone (His bluntness) pretty much negates any secret feelings he has. I would also like to say this: I do believe Ike would care more for his best friend than a Princess who might have had a schoolgirl crush on him. Bros before hos and all of that Jazz (Sorry Elincia, great unit but the phrase fits).
  18. The odds of Geoffrey, Commander of the Royal Knights and Brother to Lucia, a spy, not knowing of Elincia becoming smitten? Pardon my French, but that's fucking unlikely. Again, he's boring, but not retarded as you seem to keep imagining. And you hit a nail on the head with a comment you made, by accident. We don't KNOW what Ike is thinking. He gives no implication that he is romantic with Elincia. Everything he does for her is anything he'd do for anybody else who would be in that situation. Geoffrey I'm sure is a similar case, and yet... he CLEARLY shows extra special attention to the Queen, which is totally understandable. But I'm getting off-topic here. You are making far too many assumptions and fantasies about this whole deal. Yes, there WAS something between Ike and Elincia in the first one, however, as is evident by RD, it died off, and yet Elincia is still happy and going strong, and so is Ike.
  19. You're very right. However, FE isn't known for thinking way out of the box in the games. One needs only to look at the various Archetypes they constantly reuse in every game. Is it such a stretch to think they'd go for the typical medieval Knight in Shining Armor getting the Princess? Marriage between 2 people in such a setting is pretty much, well... They're both in love. Do you honestly believe for a second that Elincia would've married the man if she didn't love him? If nothing else, look at it this way: Would Geoffrey have married Elincia if he knew it wouldn't have made her happy? He always wanted what was best for her, and I don't believe for a millisecond that he would have married her if he knew it would cause a rift between her and someone else she really liked. He may be boring, but he's not retarded.
  20. What. Elincia shouting his name 3 frickin times upon his arrival in 2-E, caring about him and his honor... SHE MARRIED HIM, FOR GOD'S SAKE! He's a rank and file soldier (granted he has perks, but still), and yet she MARRIED him. Nope, no love there, only 'pity' because he likes her, rite?
  21. It's a shame for me that I have to choose between him and Geitz. Why couldn't it be Wallace and Karel I have to choose from? Because then it'd be Geitz and Harken and then it'd be me complaining again... SIGH... Still, Wallace kicks ass, if only for his Lyn support. BADASS.
  22. We don't know that! There was no description! For all I care, they're fun, smart, caring, and have 3 dimensional personalities! Ah, right, how could I forget our past encounters. You know... I was abducted once...
  23. Really? Eh.... seems a bit low to me, but oh well.
  24. At chapter 19 (HNM and HHM), what sounds like a reasonable level for Marcus, Sain, Kent, and Lowen if no favoritude has been shown to any of them? Also, I'm going to assume Lyn Hard mode was done as well.
  25. I'm still wondering why there'd be any refusal/question about going if you realized life on earth was a waste of time...
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