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Posts posted by boboliontamer

  1. Really I'm fine with supports staying the way they were in Awakening, as far as support building goes. However, I'd like to see the return of support affinities, and I think this could be integrated really easily into the system Awakening already has in place. For example: the bonuses of pair up could be based on support affinity, rather than stats. When paired up, the unit would receive a large boost to that specific attribute that is boosted by the affinities of the units paired up. They will receive no boosts to their stats other than those boosted by affinities.

    Or they could simply make it so that the boosts are influenced by the units that are close by. Either way works, and I feel like with a few alterations this would work really well with what Awakening did.

  2. Hi, this is my first post so bear with me. I was wondering what you all think about what the new shapeshifter or laguz characters. Like what they will be and if they will add any new mechanics to them.

    Personally, I'd appreciate it if shapeshifter units were somehow altered. In Awakening and other fe games previous to the Tellius games, Manaketes simply felt like another ordinary unit, who just happened to be really freaking good but locked into one item. You just send them in and they automatically transform, with no real weakness whatsoever. I know that seeing a return of a laguz-style system is unlikely, but it really helped these units seem special and stand out a bit. It added a lot to the strategy needed in each map, and I appreciate it for that. However, while I'd prefer a system similar to this to be used, it's very likely that the developers will just stick with the automatically transforming units. In this case, I'd like there to be some new stones or weapons the shapeshifters use, to give the player a greater ability to decide how they want to employ their units. Like a stone that has good power but reduced range, or a stone that runs on magic, or a stone with a greater hit/crit chance. Just some sort of variety so that they have some versatility.

    Also, i'm assuming that the character standing above Kazahana on that first piece of gameplay in the trailer is the shapeshifter. I'm not entirely sure of what she'll be if this is true, but maybe a bear laguz or something like that will make sense.

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