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tali is back

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Everything posted by tali is back

  1. If given the chance to kill any of my characters, who would you choose and why?
  2. Hawke: I wasn't around for most of Tali's life, so there are others that know her better, but she is as strong-willed as I was when I was her age. Tali: I only just met him for the first time a few months ago, so I guess not. He is still important to me, though.
  3. Adelina: It's funny that you ask the second question, Lupus has always been protective of me even though I'm the older one. Now that Lupus has someone else to protect, I'm a lot happier.
  4. Tali_thedarkmage. Be warned, I change my username and profile pic frequently.
  5. Hawke: Please don't menton Karris... Every day, I wish that I had never left... Adelina: I'm married to Seiko, Chigai's adoptive son.
  6. Keaton: Um... Do I have to answer that? I like him for other reasons...
  7. Listen, only the characters listed are ones you can ask, alright?
  8. I'm not going to include Karris because she's kinda dead.
  9. This is a chance for anyone to ask any of my characters any question that they want. Here are my characters: Tali - Dark Mage, kind of rule 63 Henry, Plegian Sue Adelina - Tali's daughter, Sage, delicate frail moe girl Lupus - Tali's son (long story), Dark Prince, kind of Zero but also not Keaton - Lupus's boyfriend, Myrmidon, really shy but fiercely loyal Hawke - Tali's father, Swordmaster, kind of a rogue but also kind of not ~~~~I'm not including Keaton's siblings because that's way too many characters~~~~ Ask away!
  10. Um, well, I like nerdy guys. I need someone that's organized to compliment how scatterbrained I am.
  11. 1. That's true for most, but I'm different. Sometimes, I'm not even sure that I'm fully human... 2. Do I need a reason?
  12. Henry, because I'm really similar to him personality-wise. also maybe Sully because she's really similar to Kumatora
  13. 1. Yes I am 2. Do you mean in Awakening, or in any FE game?
  14. I don't know Integrity well enough to answer that question. also mods scare me to death and I'm scared of getting a warn if I answer wrong
  15. If Dozla was in danger and the only way to save him was to steal one of my husbandos, who would you steal and why?
  16. I'm pretty sure that Brutus would definitely survive, because he's a bit more dodgetanky than most Warriors. Um, I don't know about the other one. Maybe it would be Silas because Cavalier stats?
  17. I don't know yet, but I hope to discover that secret sometime in my life.
  18. Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, FE12, and Awakening.
  19. Currently, I am wearing a nightgown over skinny jeans and bunny slippers.
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