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Everything posted by KingStaragna

  1. How's that? The growths add up to 240, I have my Res, and Ice affinity's there.
  2. Name: Rekia Class: Archer Physical description: Slight build with short, unkempt, black hair. While not overly tall, one would hesitate to call him short either. His red eyes have a gleam of mischief to them at all times, as if he's waiting for the right time to point out a flaw or error. He wears a constant smirk along with a traditional tunic of the Palmyrian plainsmen. He tries to maintain his facial hair but there always seems to be some stubble that sneaks up on him. Character description: Rekia is clever to a fault. In battle, he is always thinking tactically, in terms of how he can do the most damage without getting hurt himself, with the latter being most important. Outside of battle he is much the same way, always trying to maneuver around the person he's talking to and find their weak point. He enjoys challenging himself and is always striving to be better; when he fails in anything he takes it personally and his whole being is dragged down for a time. His self-worth is measured by how he compares himself to others; if he is stronger, smarter, or quicker than the other person, he is better. If not, then that person is the next goalpost for Rekia to overcome in whatever way he can. Background: Rekia was born to a Palmyrian plainswoman and a Stedgardian soldier. He never met his father, as he was run out by the tribe leader when he was found in bed with Syrah, his mother and the leader's daughter. His whole life he was told that he was the product of rape, but when his mother told him that his parents loved each other, he set off in search of his father with bow in hand, knowing only two things; he was a soldier of Stedgard, and his name was Allister. After searching across the continent, Rekia realized he would most likely never see his father, and began hiring out his skill in tactics and archery. However, he still holds out hope that he will one day come across his father and be able to ask why he abandoned him and his mother all those years ago. Starting level: Level 1 Base stats: HP: 18+4=22 (80%) Str: 4 (60%) Skl: 4+2=6 (40%) Spd: 3+2=5 (30%) Def: 4+2=6 (30%) Luck: 0 (40%) Res: 0 (20%) Mov: 5 Con: 6 Weapon ranks: Bow D Inventory: Iron Bow, Vulnerary
  3. Hey, guys! The name's King Staragna, and I am your new lord and master. Cool? Cool! Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about me! Everyone's favorite subject. I'm a senior in high school, about to head off to college to major in music education and eventually get my masters in vocal performance. I want to sing opera, y'see. As such, I'm drawn to the operatic storytelling of Fire Emblem. I've played through about half of 6, 7, 9, and Shadow Dragon, and I've beaten 8 and 10. Sadly, I have no 3DS, but as soon as I can get one, I'll be buying Awakening and playing the hell out of it. Anyway, I probably won't be on here as much as I'd like to be, what with all the responsibilities and everything, but when I am, you'll probably find me either on the chat or in the RP forums. Hope to catch you around!
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