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Everything posted by rubysp

  1. When I posted the topic I was unaware that nintendo sells collectors items separately from the game. I think I'll follow your suggestion. Cheers Now hoping for an undub for Echoes *cross fingers
  2. Ah, I meant getting Echoes in Japanese and patch it with English subtitles. I can understand basic Japanese but Kanji & Keigo trips me up
  3. thanks heaps for the link! I signed up for serenesforest but am not active. Just popped here today because of Echoes
  4. Oh wait there is?? I can only find that & the normal version on amiami. Would you have a link for the set you're talking about?
  5. It looks like there's an extra special edition now lol. But the version we get in the west is just the game itself. No dvds. No artbooks. No sountracks & No Cipher card...
  6. Thanks for the reply. I keep coming back to this page so it's very tempting ._.
  7. Yes the Undub works in EU version. I'm currently using it. You can refer to this guide and follow the steps. It's pretty easy. And uncart means copying the game from your physical game cart and dumping into files so you can re-inject it into your DS as a virtual copy (or mod it). Think copying file from a USB to computer then copying that file into a new USB (hope that makes sense. I'm pretty new to the homebrew scene as well ._.)
  8. Someone on reddit kindly shared the files with me. I'm halfway through Nhor now. Thanks! :)
  9. Since the Special Edition will unlikely to come out in English (and no Japanese dub?) I'm thinking of buying the original game in Japanese & get all the goodies. My DS is homebrewed so I can play out of region games but I was wondering if there will possibly be a translation patched released down the line? And I'm just curious about the process. Is it a lot of hassle to patch the subtitles or is it simply copy/paste the files?
  10. Hiya, Thanks for writing up this guide for European players. If you don't mind, I'm a little stumped on step 9 below: The current version I downloaded is PackEnglishv5.7 and the folder only comes with CleanTool, HackingToolkit3DS & SetupUS (which I already installed). What is the missing .bin files that you speak of? Your help is much appreciated!
  11. Hi Everyone. First of all thank you for your hard work! I've just received my EUR Fates Special edition and now am agonizing if I want to patch/undub everything or not. If you don't mind I have a few questions: 1: It says that a fresh save is recommended for any patch but if I decide to play English version for save file #1 can I patch it then play the japanese version on save file #2? And if so, am I still able to access data from #1? 2: In case I missed it in the comments, the patch is currently not applicable to DLCs? 3: Someone told me that if I use HANS I can't HOME button the game and Fire Emblem Fates won't show up in my Activity Log as a game. Is this true? 4: I just finished Plailect's tutorial, installed arm9loaderhax and am currently on 11.0.0. From where in the tutorial should I start with? Thank you for your patience. I'm very new to the homebrew scene and it's been an exciting but arduous experience so far. Edit: I have a physical copy of Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition and from comments CFW is the better option for a permanent patch. Since I have followed the tutorial do I need to downgrade to 9.2 again?
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