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Posts posted by yuriyume

  1. Ordered very late on the Nintendo store on the 18th. Still waiting on it. Hoping to get it soon so I'm not too paranoid about the order not getting through. Had been debating whether or not to get the limited edition, but seeing it be restocked at the last minute encouraged me. Also is a shame about the poster, I had no idea about it until these last few days, but I would have ordered it sooner if I had known about that. The box just looks amazing to put up somewhere. Can't wait to display it and play the game.

  2. Birthright - Hinata. Instant favourite. It was a no brainer. I love his character and his interactions with Corrin.

    Conquest - Leo/Xander. Latter on my current (second) playthrough. Had a phase of loving Leo but was disappointed with the S-Support and beyond that, but Xander swept me off my feet so I went running to him on my new save.

    Revelation - Jakob/Silas. Same for Conquest. Made two files for marrying both. I couldn't choose between them... I'm getting progressively greedy.

  3. Am a big fan of VNs, and my backlog is huge. There's just too many hours that are necessary to play so many of them, which is nice but is why I haven't gotten to playing so many.

    My favourites are Saya no Uta and Sweet Pool (both NSFW, the latter is a BL ((Boys Love)). SP is surprisingly charming and emotional for the rather weird storyline it has. I wasn't expecting it to be as brilliant as it was, having played other Nitro Chiral games. It may be my favourite VN company, but I've always been disappointed due to hype when playing through their games. SnU is also from another branch of the Nitro company, and it's such a thrilling ride. The music, art and story from both VNs are top tier stuff.

    On handhelds, I've gotten into Ace Attorney, and almost finished 999. I'm so in love with the latter. The characters are surprisingly well done and have their own depth of characteristics and well-being unlike most other games I've experienced. It really makes you care about them. I feel the need to get the other Zero Escape games now.

    I've just recently started Ever 17, Amnesia and Lamento. Really enjoying the atmosphere of Ever because it reminds me of the frantic dread I felt during 999. Amnesia on the other hand is disappointing me. It's probably due to the same reason why I ended up not caring about Dramatical Murder: expectations. Lamento was high on my hype list with the English translation having been in works for a good while and only recently being finished. I got straight to it, but it's such a long game, it'll be a good while until I get to the end. I'm so excited, and from where I've got to, I love it. Exactly what I had hoped for and got.

  4. Reeeeeeeeally hoping it'll arrive before it's too late in the day. I was hoping to sneak it upstairs before my parents can see it since it's supposed to be a birthday present... I just can't help myself, I've been looking forward to it way to much now. The anticipation is too much. I'm out for the whole day though... *prays hard*

  5. Just got a confirmation email from Nintendo that my game has finally dispatched and I am hyped! I want to add some of you if you guys don't mind and hopefully have some friendly matches.

    Here is my Friend Code: 5172-0343-7796

    3 days left! (Honestly, I don't think I can wait any longer...)

    My friend code is 5344-2032-6413, if anybody wants to add me (and let me add them)!

    Hold out guys! 3 days is close and I know we can make it.

    It's awesome seeing all the hype in this topic and I couldn't ask for more so I'm joining the hype train.

    My friend code is 4613-9468-1289 for you guys that wants to add me. I'll look forward to visit and battle you all.

    Almost there, almost there...

    Time to kick some Hoshidan asses *gets brutally destroyed*

    Too bad I couldn't grab a Special Edition in the end, but whatever, the important thing is being able to finally play the game.

    I may actually be able to grab it tomorrow or thursday if I'm lucky.

    Anyway my FC is 1779-2242-3343. Feel free to add me if you want.

    Added both of you.

    FC is in signature.

    OKKKKK! So my friend told me yesterday that when you transfer your 3DS information, you transfer your friend code as well! Please start adding me. :) I'll update my banner(s) later on tonight.


    Also please send me a PM if you add me just to let me know.

    EDIT: Anyone that adds me, could you please include your 3DS FC name in your reply. Also, I won't be able to add anyone till Saturday, as I don't want to update my old 3DS for hacking purposes. :)

    Added you all. My FC is: 1650-3923-5337.

    Mox, if you'd prefer a PM, I can do that too.

    I have no idea whether or not my mum has received any other confirmation email recently. I'm just holding out these couple more days.

  6. What are you guys planning to do with the DLC? I see you save a decent amount by buying the bulk pack, it looks like most of the DLC is decent so might be worth it if you plan on getting most of it.

    I'm probably going to get as much as I can. I have no ones I specifically want, but I'll do some researching before I decise which order I want to get them in.

  7. Can I send you and anyone else a message about adding you now and then, when my new 3DS arrives, I'll add you all then?

    sorry about that cant find my charger for my 3ds so i will add you whenever i find it

    Since you're the only other member I've already added and haven't heard from, Game&Anime, and sure thing, Mox, here's my FC for the two of you:


  8. So, with almost two weeks left, the Europeans can finally jump on the Fates bandwagon. Has anybody been deterred from the game after all the negativity it has received in these forums?

    That's actually something I've been thinking about a lot now that its release has come so very close. From watching a few chapters worth of gameplay to seeing discussion/comments left on them about characters and stats, I'm even more anxious experiencing it myself to see what the criticism (and sometimes preferences) is all about. But other than that slight curiosity, I'm still super excited for it, even more so than when it was first announced. I also know I'll still get enjoyment out of it, and definitely replay value. I'm actually more interested in Conquest's story with all the comments up in the air about it, and I'm getting so fond of the characters the more I keep coming back to checking things out, even if it's negative. I think I'm way too excited to finally get to play it myself that nothing else is getting through to me!

  9. Also, I saw that you all were exchanging friend codes, if someone is interested in adding me, this is mine: 2063-0367-4665.

    I've added you. Here's my fc again in case you want to add back: 1650-3923-5337

    Have all of you decided in which order you'll play the games?

    Even though I prefer the characters and style of Conquest more, I'll be starting with Birthright since Conquest is the more challenging of the two, then it'll be Revelation after finishing Birthright.

  10. Definitely will choose +Spd, and probably -Mag. Want to do +Def for Conquest but... no idea on what to do for the negative at this point.

    I'll be starting easier and working my way up, so Normal/Classic for Conquest as my first, then Hard/Classic Birthright, and Hard/Classic Revelations. Then I'll move up to Hard for Conquest and then to Lunatic for all 3. Should be fun! :D

    ^ Had the same idea for my play-through! Now it`s just the final hurdle of the last month waiting. ;;

  11. Do any of you have already planned who to pair up with who in the game?

    I wish I did fully. Awakening was hard enough just going in head first and matching everyone up, and with an even bigger roster this time around, just pairing up who I think look good together is tricky (or usually not even an option at first XD). The few I'm pretty sure I'm going to do, Hoshido wise, are MU x Hinata, Aqua x Ryouma (probably will do Aqua x Marx on Nohr and Aqua x M!MU on Revelations), Sakura x Saizo, Hana x Suzukaze, Takumi x Oboro and Joker x Setsuna (May have gotten names mixed up, I'll get used to everyone once I start the game ><). I haven't even made up my mind on any in Nohr really. I want to pair up everyone beforehand though, even if I'm not completely happy with it because I know for sure most of them I've set my mind on I'll probably change after getting to the support logs, which is really the only reason why I'll pair couples up depending on their discussion's charm. I'm rather content with my kid pair ups though, which has been the easiest ships (for the moment!).
  12. I've added everyone's code posted since my last post.

    Has everyone been having a spoiler-free time so far? I actually almost got spoiled watching a DLC map - I made the mistake of looking at the comments section.

    Wondered why nothing happened in my friends list, then realized I mistyped your friend code. ^^;;

    I've actually managed to steer clear of looking up anything spoiler-y for once. I'm usually really bad when it came to a release I've been looking forward to and needing to read everything I must know about it, but the only things I've checked out is the new classes, pairings, character profiles, OST and reviews. Luckily reading comments can be a good thing when warning about spoilers in certain video reviews!

  13. One Piece is the only currently airing one I'm watching, even with such a lengthy list to get to with constant updates thanks to all these good looking new series. I'm also re-watching Reborn! (my favourite Shounen show) with my partner while watching both together. Plus reading through Berserk and Claymore from where the animes left them off.

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