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Victor Fang

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Everything posted by Victor Fang

  1. kill them all and recruit Stefan. I want that occult scroll and white gem thank you very much.
  2. Marth, IIRC, was considered Upper Mid, as are Roy and Leif. (Lyn too, before the "tier list debaters" and efficiency whores started massively underrating her.) And yet, they're liked. So I wouldn't necessarily say that "the lower X FE character is on tier lists, the less they are liked". its not that. I'm saying the higher they are on the tier list the less likely they are to be disliked. Those in high/god tier will hardly ever get any hate whatsoever and may achieve memetic badass status, while those under criticsm for thier gameplay will often also get hit with any personality disagreements to pour salt into the wound. There are exceptions to the rule but generally it holds true, especialy in this game.
  3. The better a character is gameplaywise means that there personalities get a bit of an easy ride. Sure Haar has the peersonality of a lazy piece of cardboard but he can solo 2-E etc.
  4. we probably wouldn't be having this discusion if she was a game breaker story wise instead of just upper-mid tier.
  5. Right, so Yune, by coincidence, possessed a bird named Yune who was the pet of someone who had the potential to become a vessel for a dark god. Let me get my head around that for a sec. The name thing can happen. The old name of what was considered the Dark God may not have survived with the conitation as Satan would in this world, yet the name itself becomes one of those old-ish names that someone may call a pet. And she's not a dark God just the embodiment of chaos.
  6. I thought the talk to animals thing (just the bird, she can generally guess the feelings of Volug while having no idea of what he's actually saying) was more of a pet thing, Yune was a fairly well trained bird before it became the godesses' vessel.
  7. and Mickey with Nosfeatau on a cover tile is pretty much invincible on 4-E-3 while Elincia is noticably frail.
  8. yet Neph is still awesome, Wishblade more than makes up for the Silver Greatlance's fail
  9. I dunno, in PoR my Ike got badly STR screwed (14 at lvl 20? That's not right) and I still like him
  10. Mickey, even if she's doomed offensivley she can still heal better than anyone else.
  11. what program did you use to create these, and is it possible for a free (preferably legal) download?
  12. ever since Roy its mandated that the main lead has to be a bisexual pimp.
  13. mkay... just checking, I'll need some people to help overthrow the ruling classes after all.
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