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Dark Holy Elf

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Posts posted by Dark Holy Elf

  1. Just because some people in this thread are used to the gacha model doesn't mean it isn't worth complaining about. It certainly has some obnoxious, exploitative elements.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game for sure, and I understand that I'm allowed to play this enjoyable game for free thanks to the sacrifices of folks who lay down hundreds of dollars in order to gamble for the chance to get their character(s) of choice. But it's fine to feel uneasy about the model the game uses; I certainly do.

  2. 16 hours ago, Gustavos said:

    I'm sure they'll make a new rotation once there's a large scale expansion of characters to release. But in the mean time, I would like it if those 1 and 2 star characters could be gotten again once they return. These characters are extremely cheap and quick to raise, not to mention a fun way to kill some time in the game. Getting more copies lets me scope out boon/bane combos that seem useful. Or, by sending those heroes home, it's a way to make an additional 15 feathers per day. Sure that 15 would take just a minute to make each day with auto battling, but I don't think its so many feathers that it's game-breaking.


    My understanding is that the units gained from these maps do not have boons/banes. Someone may want to confirm this though.

  3. Hector is too easily kited and has too many counters for 4 of them to be a threat. I'm pretty sure my 4* Adult Tiki could sweep a team of Hectors, let alone 5* child Tiki. Almost any red melee unit backed up by a healer can take such a team out.

    4 Takumis yeah not so much, every method my team has of dealing with one involves taking notable damage. I could build specific teams to counter 4 Takumis absolutely but I'd need some positioning/AI help with my default team for sure.

  4. I don't really mind either way. Just tell a good story. Nobles are logical candidates for commanders of armies in settings which have them (which to date FE always has) but not the only possibilities.

    If we do have another lord who isn't a noble, please don't make him a kid who inherits his authority directly from his deceased dad, because that misses the entire point of making someone not a noble.

  5. Oh, my apologies; I misread and thought you were arguing that Jakob was worse in this path (and thus that he is too high?). I agree that he's too low if anything; I would agree that at he should be above the ninjas... and the arguments which put him above Silas in Conquest probably hold here too, although Silas' better weapon ranks in Birthright make that much less clearcut.

    I really can't see him being above Ryoma, no amount of hype for availability and shelter + flight can make up for how dominant Ryoma is in combat to me. In a LTC tier list I could certainly buy it but that's not what this is.

  6. Jakob may be less impressive on this route but he's already in Mid Tier (whereas he's higher in most Conquest lists I've seen) so I feel like that's already addressed.

    Why do you feel C8-10 are the best maps for ninjas, out of interest?

  7. Against the death penalty, but not strongly. I don't consider the arguments against the death penalty to be super-compelling in a vacuum, it's just that the arguments for the death penalty are either non-existent or false. It does not discourage crime compared to life imprisonment.

    Pro-abortion because I'm very socially libertarian. Nobody has the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. I would only be against abortion if it were to kill a fetus which could be viable, but this basically never happens since the very rare time an abortion is performed on a viable fetus it is done for the safety of the mother. (Also, as has already been brought up, most abortions are done much earlier when the fetus has significantly less brain function than the calf already mentioned. If you have less brain function than a calf, I'm not gonna feel worse about killing you than killing a cow, and I do eat beef.)


    On 2017-02-23 at 10:10 AM, Rex Glacies said:

    the baby was conceived yesterday

    If the baby was conceived yesterday it is about as "alive" as one of bacteria currently living in your gut. It's common, incidentally, for a baby (though I'd prefer the term zygote at this stage) to be conceived, then fail to implant in the uterus, and thus die. We don't hold funerals for this.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    I normally near completely switch them to swords in the GBA games since they don't have the CON for anything else.

    Unless you can get them up to a C rank, this isn't really true. Only once they get access to the Killing Edge do swords offer a meaningful advantage over lances even to someone with 5-6 Con (until then, the iron sword is similar to the slim lance, and the steel sword to the iron lance). Granted, if you do switch them over near-exclusively you're more likely to get there (although you still want to pull out javelins often, of course).

    I voted lances because using a sword from a flying mount seems rather difficult to me, although it is rather cool aesthetically and we're talking about pretty white horses with giant wings that's what really matters.

  9. Well, you did say this, which was on my mind when I made my own comment:


    4 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

    if you really believe in free speech you should believe that all opinions shold be allowed to be listened to. Which is one of the biggest reasons I like Milo, unpopular speech should still be allowed to be heard


    Eclipse's comment is also entirely correct: you have the right to free speech, but you still need to have the social awareness to not be obnoxious with your right.

  10. Freedom of speech does not mean there are not social consequences for your speech (which includes the right of your employer to fire you, your friends to no longer like you, for you to be banned from an internet forum, etc.) It pretty much just means there are no legal consequences for speech.

    Nobody is proposing arresting Milo, even those of us who find his words vile. His right to freedom of speech is not being violated.

  11. I acknowledged Mozu has higher Atk, yeah.

    The hit gap... goes from +6.5 for Setsuna to +9.5 for Mozu in the levels prior to Certain Blow so that one's really a wash, though you're right that there is a window around promotion time where Mozu's lead is notable.

    On the other hand, it's simply untrue that most things one-shot Setsuna. Loading up Garon's map to check (which has quite powerful enemies) and assuming a 20/15 Setsuna, only Berserkers, two Brave Lance Generals, Garon, and Garon's Tomefaire Sorcerer can one-shot her. Of those, only Garon/Sorcerer/Tomahawks can counter her, and none of the berserkers start with their Tomahawks out (and some don't have one to start with). Setsuna can take at least one hit from all the highest-attack enemies otherwise, including Generals, Wyvern Lords, and Great Knights. She can also survive everything except Garon with tonics (and a Dual Yumi in the sorcerer's case).

    Still, no argument that Mozu ends up better. It's just not by enough to really impress me considering her worse start (requiring a Heart Seal, lower str/spd by 2/3, E rank in bows). I'm fine with arguments putting Mozu above Setsuna but the gap is not large and I do feel they belong in the same tier.

  12. I don't know if I agree that Mozu is a "lot" better than Setsuna. Mozu has a bit more power, a bit less speed, and if we're talking about archers I barely care about their other stats. I guess Mozu can afford Kinshi's str hit + lack of +40 hit skill a little better if that's your plan for her.


    On a related note: Hana's tough to rank and I don't precisely object to her being in Bottom, but I do tend to think she's somewhat better. Her start is shaky for sure but once she gets rolling her offence is pretty insane. She really really wants you to draw a random avo-boosting katana (since this makes her enemy phase much more viable) but even with just the basics + dual katana she can often see 0 hit on player phase, which basically makes her at worst another sniper: let her annihilate one enemy then wall her in. Although she can usually take one hit on the enemy phase which is a major edge she has over snipers. I'd argue this looks better than Orochi, for instance.

  13. Scarlet seems surprisingly low to me. She has higher base def than many Hoshidans ever reach, gives str/def pairup to a party which likely doesn't have much, can use the Guard Naginata to tank further if needed, 8 move flight blah blah blah.

    I'd probably bump Silas and Oboro down a tier. In particular, Oboro shouldn't be above Hinoka; they two are easily comparable and Hinoka comes out ahead in pretty much every way (Rallying Cry > Nohr Enmity, Sky Knight > Apothecary, higher base spd/res > Oboro not actually winning any base stats by more than 1 point despite being 2 levels higher).

    In their place I'd move up Corrin and probably Scarlet/Reina, since they join powerful/promoted and fly, and have other advantages besides.

  14. I do appreciate that while he notes that Awakening lacks mission objectives, that this alone isn't really a reason to say a game has bad map design, since it's true of quite a few other FEs (Shadow Dragon and Binding Blade come to mind as even more egregious about it). I do wish he'd acknowledged that Awakening (and indeed all other recent FEs) are often more clever about enemy placements than many of the older games were (e.g. having groups of enemies who all "wake up" together), though obviously Conquest is the best at this.

    The Roy > Lyn arguments are incredibly weak though.

  15. I'm not "still playing it" at the very moment because I only have so much time for games and I do like to play new games too. But it's certainly a game I'll be returning to often, by my standards.


    A year later, Conquest stands pretty clearly as if not the absolute best gameplay the series has had, then damn close (I tend to put it in the #1 spot). And gameplay is what FE is all about. This series has never had a great story; at best you get passable ones like Sacred Stones and the Tellius saga. For what it's worth I think Fates does a decent job with writing engaging characters, which is more than I can say for the DS games.

    Revelation I've kinda soured on with time but Birthright is fine and Conquest is terrific, and I now consider it and Radiant Dawn to be a close-run fight for best Fire Emblem. Are there things about Fates I'd like them to drop? Sure. (Protagonist worship especially as it concerns S rank supports, shoehorned second gen, etc.) But overall I'm very happy with the game and consider it a success on pretty much every front, outside story where I agree it is disappointment but disagree on the scope of the disappointment, I guess (partly because it's FE and the series, as much as I love it, is kind of a byword for "good gameplay, bad plot" in the circles I run in).

  16. Armour units in general are weak when controlled by the arena AI because they lag behind and thus you can take them out at your leisure at the end. (In story fights the game tries to get around this by placing them at the front but the arena does no such thing.)

    They're better in player hands for sure as a counter to certain things (plus arena AI being stupid), and they're useful due to how arena scoring works. They feel situational to me at best in story maps, though, and should not be used on your arena defence team.

  17. Obviously it is "okay" in the sense that it's a game. If you're okay with killing civilians in vidja games then incest is small potatoes by comparison.

    That said, no no NO to CorrinxElise. The other siblings make for varying degrees of weird pairings I think but Elise is pretty much a child and idolizes her big brother/sister; for the older to turn that into a sexual/romantic relationship strikes me as massively abusive and is pretty much a textbook case of why incest is so often squicky in real life.

    And while a lot of people don't seem to understand this until they think about it, I have to make the usual reminder here that the issue with incest is not in-breeding. Consider that incest is not suddenly okay if:

    a) It is a same-sex relationship
    b) One of the participants is sterile
    c) Birth control is religiously used and/or the the only sexual acts aren't ones which can lead to pregnancy

    Incest is problematic because usually one member holds power over the other due to being a parent, older sibling, etc., which tends to make the whole relationship rather rapey.

    (Incidentally the other CorrinxSibling possibilities are less problematic because I'm more able to buy that both would consent. Although there's something problematic about the fact that freaking everyone in the game is ready to consent to a relationship with Corrin as long as s/he has the "right" body parts, but that's a whole other rant.)

  18. I'm hyped for the twins; they look great!


    8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Not anymore. Sharena, dude. :P

    I hope Tellius isn't the last world to be added. I mean, I know there's the whole "save the best for last" thing, I guess, but that's quite a long wait for who's probably the most popular character period (Ike) and some more of the cast. :(

    Be patient; these games string content along; they're not going to release all the popular characters at once! Just be thankful that your favourite character is a 100%, absolute lock to be in the game, and a 99% guarantee to be extremely powerful too, given the obvious correlation between popularity and power so far. Not all of us are so lucky!

  19. I haven't, despite wanting to support the game.

    But I find the idea of spending money for a chance of something extremely unappealing (gambling is not something I enjoy). Like if they just said "pay $X, get Y character" I'd be all over that. There are lots of characters I'd love to have on my team that I don't have yet: Lucina, Chrom, Camilla, Leo, Lyn just to name a few. But my mindset is clearly not the target audience of these games.

  20. I've done one in Sacred Stones, which is a relatively well-suited game for it because you get a full balanced team in reasonably short order. You don't get a thief (though Marisa can use lockpicks as an assassin) and you don't get to use Seth but otherwise you're good.

    Fates should absolutely be reasonable to do on any route. Path of Radiance as well, since Titania can carry the team until you get others (barring a couple turns of C2 where you'll need to turtle with the boys).

    I think a lot of the others would require some bending of the rules. In FE7 you have a segment with just Rebecca which is likely not possible. In FE6, with Shanna/Ellen (ignoring Chapter 1), which isn't much better. In Radiant Dawn, similar problems with powerful enemies against squishy Micaiah early, and that time limit in Chapter 1 + running out of Light is a concern. etc.

  21. The cost of basic lances is negligible compared to the highly limited number of Speedwings the army has available.

    Kyza's a good choice for a Speedwing if you plan to use him, sure, but a team that doesn't plan to use him will give the Speedwing to someone else and be better off for it. Thus if you're going to consider Kyza with a Speedwing, you should be comparing him to other units with a Speedwing or resource of comparable value, and most of them are still better than him then.

    Speedwing Kyza (having used him) still hits a wall in endgame when 30 speed stops being good enough to double. I feel like if you're going to show a unit significant favouritism they should at least turn into a decent endgame candidate for your trouble...

  22. On 2017-02-02 at 8:27 PM, Samias said:

    Oh right, I completely forgot. I tend to never pick him because he can't damage Ashnard...

    He absolutely can. He does 4x2, just 2 damage less than Tibarn. I agree that he's not an optimum choice because he does do the least damage, and also has the lowest durability, but you can pick him if you want. And on Hard Mode you're likely going to defeat Ashnard before the royal becomes relevant anyway, provided you saved Resolve for one of your Ashnard-fighters.

  23. 51 minutes ago, Comrade said:

    Serious question, Raven.


    Can you not say "well shit, these people are acting in terrible faith, we need to cut out this cancer from our movement"? Or is it more important to respond every time with "BUT THE RIGHT!!!"?


    This is a cancer in your movement. Are you going to admit it or not? Because it sounds like you are apologizing for them.


    Do remind me about all the times you called out such "cancer" in the (alt-)right. Hell, I haven't even seen you decrying the Quebec City shooting, let alone admitting that maybe the racist and Islamophobic rhetoric being spewed by Trump and his supporters may be a contributing factor to the incident.

    I'm not even saying I expect you to do so; every movement has some awful people in it, some of them even violent. Evil knows no political affiliation. But to act like only your political opponents have a monopoly on violent behaviour is pathetic. It should go without saying that nobody in this is advocating violent behaviour, so please don't craft a giant strawman by implying otherwise.

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