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Everything posted by Soanevalcke~

  1. You've improved a lot since the first sig' you posted; nice work! :). May I suggest a border? Just a simple one, like a 1px *insert a color here* line: it will make the signature look way better. Greetings, dear. I hope you keep posting your work <3.
  2. Ditto: Link's Awakening is an awesome game. I'm not a hardcore Zelda fan, but that game is one of my favorites :D. OoT is great, but for some reason I can't explain I don't like it that much [even when I know it was an amazing concept as a game]. Phantom Hourglass & The Wind waker would be my next on the line [yet they were kinda easy :/]. Honorable mention to ALttP <3.
  3. K, I've just added you :).

  4. Thank you very much for your kind replies :). As soon as I can, I will! I'm trying to make time to start FE5! [the only one I haven't played :(]. Hahaha, i know! But I'm an enemy of P.D., so i always use "post scriptum", sorry :(. Oh yeah . Lol, actually i was joking :) Sup', sobrino? :D
  5. K'... if there's something I'm REALLY bad at is introducing myself :(. My name is Rocío [yes, I'm a girl]. I'm 21 years old and a HUGE fan of FE series, being my favorite Radiant Dawn ♥. I've been playing FE for almost 10 years, but in my third world country [>_>...] nobody really know this game [those who says "OMGBBQ MARTHY FROM SSBM/SSBB" do NOT count >:U]... so I came here hoping to learn more about it and-- obviously-- I hope to have a great time =). My overall hobbies are gaming, cooking, drawing, web designing, listening/ singing/ playing music and hang out' with my friends <3. God, I LOVE my friends. As you might guess, my fav' videogame saga is Fire Emblem; but I really like videogames as I said earlier [i also play Pokémon a lot <3]. The sad part is I'm also a industrial engineering student, so I don't have the time I want to be a gamer, but it doesn't matter; right?. Anyway: if I can do something for you guys, just let me know =) *hugs*. See you~~~ :> P.S.: I know i have a TERRIBLE english, but i'm really trying my best ;-; *is a native spanish speaker*. P.S.2: Awww, right; the copy/paste part! Yippeh! Online name: Soanevalcke, Soaney. Real name: Rocío DoB: March 14th/ 1988 *is old* Favourite FE Game: FE 10! =) Favourite Game (other than FE): Pokémon [G/S; R/B/G...] maybe, but FE is by far my fav' game <3. Hnourable mention to MGS4, Super Mario World, etc... Favourite FE Character: Might be Ike, Elincia, Stefan, Sheeda, Leanne. Nepheenee... Least Favourite game: Robotron 64 D: oh my, that game was pretty lame. Sports: i used to practice Artistic roller skating, yet not anymore =(. Sometimes i ride on my bike, but i'm not into sports anymore :/ my schedule do not let me. Online friends: Nobody here ._. *all alone* ;-; Favourite music: I LOVE music, but it has to be rock =) Favourite artist/band: Snow Patrol, The Killers, Saybia, Maroon 5, Cire... Favourite song: *can't choose* Country: Chile [<- if that doesn't explain my painful-to-read english, nothing will] MSN/Yahoo/AIM: I really don't think someone would want my MSN, but if is the case, a PM would be perfect =). Good Point: I'm sexy as hell (?). Bad Point: A lot of things :/. Anything else?: *hugs* <3
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