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Everything posted by Nym

  1. I'm 17 so I didn't get a 64 because I think they were out but anyway I got my gamecube when I was 6 and the game I got with it is Pokemon XD. However I was so bad at this game that my dad had to help me out. (It's funny how I always start to play a franchise with a game less popular or with a spin off).
  2. Well at least your chikorita can be a good support pokemon.
  3. Wish I could. The least I can do is to wish you good luck and having fun in your playthrough and hope you can honor Iwata's memory with all your heart!
  4. Well, I'm happy to see that Mozume is not too hard to train. Donnel was kinda a pain in the... Although, I like this kind of unit.
  5. Hey! Bienvenue sur le forum! Ne t'inquiète pas pour ton anglais, ils sont assez indulgents pour ceux qui ce n'est pas la langue maternelle (la preuve je fais parfois des fautes xD).
  6. I think I'm the only one who likes everything about her. Yes, even her voice... Don't mind me guys, I'll sit in the corner. (But if her English VA is worse than her Japenese VA, I may consider switching after the first playthrough).
  7. Its depends of everybody. You find that excessive but some (like me) could listen her for hours. Overhall, differents opinions (and if you don't like her voice, wait for the English release).
  8. I really start to think they made some female designs just for trolling America.
  9. Welp, I wish I could get one of the older games. But at least I watched a lot of contents of these games. Does that make me a ''good'' newcomer?
  10. I can ask you anything? Anything? ANYTHING? ............................... :D :D :D ............................... I'm out of question................. Oh wait I have a good one: What do you think of noobs ..... euhh I mean, newcomers like me in the franchise?
  11. 1. Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD are not spin off 2. The motion controls in Skyward Sword are useful 3. The Kirby's games are hard to play 4. Kindom Hearts 358/2 days has the best design boss and skills and items management 5. Pokémon X and Y has a good story 6. Sakurai had the best idea by adding the tripping mechanic in Brawl 7. Kid Icarus is a popular franchise 8. MOBA are overrated 9. Blizzard is the best video compagny ever. 10. COD games are not a waste of money
  12. You too? Bot is kinda my home now, I can play both roles. Let's get to gold XD How did you discover SF? What dish do you like?
  13. Joyeuse fête d'anniversaire! (Happy Birthday!) So you play lol, what league are you (silver 3 over here). Any language you can speak beside english?
  14. Read what I said earlier. If she cannot marry others womens it's maybe because they don't love her? You know, this is very obvious but you are so angry you kinda missed the logic right there (no offence tho). The only thing I don't undertand is why she didn't become a marriage option for FKamui.
  15. Or on the other hands, they will laugh so hard on their lines.
  16. Umm you know there maybe a reason why Soleil can't marry others girls: the others girls are not bi or lesbians. For example: If another guy ask me to go out with him, I will say no because I'm not gay.
  17. She don't mind men... In the exact same supp, after Kamui told her about the drugs, she ran away because she want to see this new cute girls instead of... Look like a writer mess up at some point while writing supports convo.
  18. ..... It was mine xD. I edited the post
  19. I believe you about Mass effect because I never played that game. But that also explain why the 3 children think the Lucina amiibo is not the same who fought at their side in Awakening.
  20. But it's kinda ironic because Robin is litteraly a character now not just a custom character anymore. He's in super smash bros and everyone call him ''Robin'' but it's not always the case. It's kinda how you can change the name of ''Link'' in a lot of LOZ but everyone call him Link anyway.
  21. I don't think so because I read the battle quotes when they fight amiibo Robin and they do not recognize him. They just said: ''You are like someone I know'' or something like that.
  22. Maybe how they manage to be in this world? With some battles against Risens just for old times sake.
  23. Don't worry guys, localization team to the rescue! (I hope...)
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